Taking Chase Page 52

Brian looked at his sister from under his lashes. “Don’t worry about the money. It’s not a problem. Carly…Cassie, I’m with Shane on this. Please put in the system. I can’t be here, you can’t come back to California and live with me at my place, it’s hard enough having you so far away. If you have this system, I’ll feel so much better.”

“Don’t think I don’t know you’re both working me,” Cassie said, eyes narrowed. “But I’d be stupid not to do it. Shane, if your friend can do it on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, let’s get him scheduled.”

“If he can’t, I can be here or Matt can or someone. I’d like to do it as soon as possible. If that’s okay with you of course.”

“Fine, fine. Thank you. And I’m not a crack shot. I just know my way around a gun. I’ve got a license for it.”

They finished up the coffee and cobbler as it got late. Brian stood up and stretched. “I’m going to go to bed. I’ve got a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon.”

They said their goodnights and Shane and Cassie went into her room and shut the door.

Cassie sure hoped Shane was right and the softness of her mattress drowned out the sounds of their reunion or they probably kept Matt and Brian up all night long.

Chapter Fourteen

Petal was filled with activity as Homecoming Week activities took over the town. Cassie loved the pretty banners that went up on Main Street with the school colors.

Nervously, Cassie tried to figure out what to wear to the picnic she’d been invited to attend with Shane and his family. Terry didn’t have any family and she’d rarely attended events like the picnic when growing up. She’d been to the Governor’s Ball a few times, swanky restaurants and parties but none of them had her as excited or nervous as the picnic did.

She wasn’t expected to bring anything. There’d be food at the picnic. Shane told her they had big tables of barbecue and peach pie with home made ice cream—and she was sure he smirked slightly as he said it—and all sorts of other goodies. That was a relief as she was a terrible cook. Anything more complicated than salad, grilled cheese and soup and she was lost.

She had an appointment with her therapist in the early part of the day so she told Shane she’d meet the Chases at the park after she got back to town.

After running home, she changed out of her jeans and into Capri pants and a T-shirt. Early fall was still warm but she tossed a sweater into her bag as she left.

The park was already filled up with people when she arrived. Shane had told her the Chases always sat beneath a big oak tree on a rolling hill just as the park sprawled toward the lake shore. There’d be fireworks after dark and he’d promised the view there was the best around.

She should have known she’d be able to find their patch of ground by the sheer population of women gathered nearby and clustered around the blanket.

She knew she really didn’t like the way one tall blonde was looking at Shane like he was a piece of pie with ice cream on it. What Cassie did like was the hostile look on Polly’s face and the way Shane kept moving away from blondie.

“Hey, Cassie.” Maggie waved and grinned as she approached them. “Come and sit, Shane’s been saving you a place.”

Cassie winked at Maggie.

Shane turned and when he saw her, the annoyed look on his face melted away. His features lightened and a smile tugged at the corners of the lips she loved to feel over every part of her body. He held his hand out to her and helped her sit down. Leaning in, he gave her a quick, but solid kiss. “Hi, darlin’. I’ve missed you today. You look beautiful.”

Cassie rested against him for a moment and waved at the whole Chase family, sprawled out on the series of blankets there under the tree. “Hi, Shane. Hey everyone.”

“I just brought back a whole bunch of food, Cassie. Eat up.” Edward indicated the pile of food in the middle of the blankets.

“And here, honey, iced tea.” Polly put a cup in Cassie’s hand before shooting another dirty look at blondie.

“You want to tell me who your fan club president is?” Cassie murmured into Shane’s ear.

He barked a startled laugh and kissed her again. “You taste good.” He winked. “I thought you were the president of my fan club.”

“Mmmm hmm. So?” But before he could answer, blondie moved in closer on his other side.

“Hello, I’m Kendra. And you are?”

“This is my girlfriend Cassie Gambol. Cassie, darlin’, this is Kendra.”

Cassie just tipped her chin and waited for blondie to move back.

“Your girlfriend?”

“Yes, that’s what he said. I take it you’re a friend of Shane’s?”

“You could call it that.” Blondie smirked.

“Oookay.” Cassie raised a brow at Shane and he moved closer to her. “Kendra, you really don’t need to be in our laps. We get it. Everyone within a mile gets it. You dated Shane before he met me. Oh, snap. Okay now, point is made.”

Shane tried not to smile but the corner of his mouth trembled a bit. He turned to blondie and said quietly, “Kendra, I’ve asked you to move back. You’re being disrespectful to Cassie and me and my family too. Come on now, don’t embarrass yourself.”

Maggie sighed and Cassie craned her neck to see her around blondie. “How are you today, Cassie? I really like your hair that way.”

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