Taking Chase Page 38

He sat again and nodded. “Good. Is it helping?”

It felt slightly odd to talk to him about it but at the same time, good.

“I think so. Sometimes I have all this stuff in my head and I can’t say it to anyone. But I can to her. She doesn’t know me or my family, she doesn’t judge me. It’s very freeing.”

“I imagine so. You can always talk to me you know. I’m not going to judge you.”

“No, but you get mad about stuff. And sometimes, having to deal with other people’s emotions over it is more than I want to. Sometimes I want it to be about me just saying it and being rid of it.”

He bit his lip against what he wanted to say. He did get mad at some of the things she told him. When he’d seen the damage to her fingers and she’d revealed it was her ex’s doing, a wave of rage so deep and dark swallowed him for a moment he was quite sure he could have killed the man over it.

Instead he nodded. “I understand. I’d still like you to stay over. We can get up early and I’ll run you home. You can shower here with me.” He waggled his eyebrows at her lasciviously, making her laugh.

“All of my stuff is at home. I’m very particular about my hair products. I know it’s terribly shallow of me. And I don’t have any night clothes.”

“Sleep naked. Or, I can loan you a T-shirt if you like. I’m sorry if I’m pressuring you. I just want to wake up with you in my arms tomorrow. But I do understand if you’d like to go home.”

She still had dreams, she had the scars. The weight of the hiding she’d have to do lay on her heavily. It warred with her yearning to be held in Shane’s arms all night.

“I can’t. I’m sorry. There’s…it’s…” She shrugged her shoulders, not able to find words, not knowing if she could trust him or herself to reveal more. “It isn’t you. I know that sounds like a cliché. But I can’t. Not yet. And I really do have to get up early tomorrow. Please don’t be angry.”

He pulled her against his body and kissed her temple. “Darlin’, I am not angry. I won’t say I understand because I don’t know all of it and I couldn’t possibly be in your place. But I do understand your wanting to go home and I’m not hurt or upset. I keep telling you we have time. And we do.” He moved to look into her face. “We do don’t we? I suppose I’ve just assumed that we’re in a relationship but I haven’t really asked you.”

“I told you, I’m not a casual person. But I don’t know what I have to give anyone just now. If you’re asking if I’d like to continue seeing you and that I have no interest in anyone else, yes. What I have to offer above that right now? I don’t know.”

He stood and helped her up. “That’s all I need for now. We can work through the rest as we go.”

The drive back to her place was quiet but comfortable. His hand lay gently on her thigh as he drove. When they got to her place he walked her to the door.

“Good night, darlin’. Would you like to come to dinner at my parents’ house on Sunday night? My momma’s been bugging me to bring you. I won’t lie to you, I think she’s got a bigger crush on you than I do. There’s a running competition to see who can talk about you more. She also tells me you’ve promised to come to dinner sometime soon. And I’d love for you to get to know them all better. Maggie will be there too.”

She smiled. “I did promise her. It wasn’t like I could do anything else. She’s called me twice about it. And I do like her, even if she’s the world’s worst driver and a total menace behind the wheel.”

“Yeah? And what about me?”

Coyly, she cocked her head. “You? Hmm. Well, it appears that your driving is decent. Safe enough. Clearly you didn’t learn to drive from your mother.”

He laughed, the sound echoing through the quiet of the post midnight evening. “My dad taught me. And you know that’s not what I was asking.”

“I know, I just wanted to tease you. I happen to like you too, Shane Chase. More than is probably wise.”

“Good. Wisdom is overrated. Now, let me come in just to be sure everything is okay.” Her back went rigid and he sucked in his breath, making an agitated sound. “Okay, so I didn’t really phrase that like a request. And I know I’m pushy and I know you don’t want to hear that I just want to protect you. I’m trying you know. Would it be all right with you if I came in just to check the place out?”

Her posture relaxed and she put a hand to his cheek. “Thank you for that. It means a lot to me. And I’d appreciate that.”

He did a quick check of the apartment and all was well. After kissing her good night, he told her he’d pick her up on Sunday and waited on her doorstep until he heard her locking all her locks.

Whistling softly, he jogged down the steps and to his car, entirely sure he’d not been that happy in a very long time.

Chapter Nine

When they pulled up to the curb in front of the Chase’s beautiful home, nervousness clawed Cassie’s insides. Sure, she knew Polly casually and she saw Matt pretty much every day, but this was like a meet the parents date. What if they didn’t like her for their son?

Shane grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss across her knuckles. “Darlin’, don’t be nervous. They already know you except for my daddy and he’s going to love you. Trust me. Now come on.” He jerked his head and she laughed.

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