Taking Chase Page 3

“You could have a concussion. You should go in just to be checked,” Shane said, his voice rumbling along her spine, eyes flicking over her body.

She wanted to scream and shove them all out the door. If any woman knew what a concussion felt like it was her. Terry had given them to her more than once.

“I said I’m fine. Honestly. Now, are we done? Because I’m dead on my feet. I need a shower and to sleep. I’ve been driving for three days.”

Shane looked the lush, raven-haired beauty over carefully. His mental alarm was blaring. There was something off about Cassie Gambol. He didn’t like it when people hid things from him. Petal was his town, it made him nervous to wonder what sort of secrets this woman was bringing in to it. And she was hiding something. He was sure of that much. Her hands shook and her voice trembled here and there.

There was also no denying she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Something about her drew him in. Made him feel protective as well as suspicious. He found himself gripping the insurance card to keep from touching her hair where it had fallen loose from the clip thing holding it away from her face.

Taking a step back and a deep breath, he handed her back the insurance card and license. He didn’t miss the half moon imprints on her palms from where her nails had dug in. “I’m done. Your account matches my mother’s. You’ll need to follow up with Art tomorrow about the car.” She took the business card with the mechanic’s information on it from him and put it in her wallet, nodding her thanks.

“He told me he’d get on it first thing. If you need a rental he can hook you up with that too. I can assure you my mom’s insurance will cover the repairs.” He sighed heavily, he was sure he’d end up having to take her license away if she didn’t stop driving like a maniac.

Officially done with the small talk, Cassie crossed the living room to the front door, holding it open. “Thank you for carrying my bags in. I appreciate that. And Maggie, thank you for the ride.”

“Any time. I’m in the book. Please give me a call when you get settled in. I know it’s got to be hard to be in a new place. I’d love to introduce you around. Folks around here are pretty friendly.” Maggie patted her arm as she left.

“Just pound on the wall if you need anything.” Matt grinned at her. “You’ll probably need a grocery run. I brought some milk, bread and eggs over from my place. They’re in your fridge. A few cans of soup are on the counter there.”

Something warm and long forgotten bloomed in her gut. She smiled past the lump in her throat and blinked back tears. “Thank you. That’s very thoughtful of you.”

“No problem. Neighbors help each other. The grocery is only two blocks west. But if you need a ride there or anywhere, just let me know. I have tomorrow and the next day off and I’d be happy to run you wherever you need to go.”

Shane pushed his brother out the door but kept his eyes on Cassie. Perceptive cop eyes. They both knew she was hiding something. “I think Miss Gambol wants us to go.” He nodded curtly in her direction.

“Thank you all again.” She refused to let herself even look at his ass in those uniform pants as he retreated. Refused. Okay, okay so one peek before closing the door. To help calm her nerves.

And she closed the door. Locking it. Alone. Alone and safe.

Methodically, she went into her bedroom and pulled the window alarms out of one of her suitcases, installing them one by one, checking the locks as she went. It was a warm night but the air conditioner seemed to do a good job keeping the place cool enough.

Pulling the blinds tight, she made a final pass through the place, making sure it was secure and then kicked off her shoes. She knew she should eat but the very thought made her nauseated. At that point, she was on auto pilot, finishing all her safety tasks would be her sole thought until she could assure herself she was locked in and safe. That if someone did break in, the safeguards would be enough to wake her up. She knew you couldn’t defend yourself if you were sleeping.

Getting a change of clothing, her toiletries and one last item, she headed into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. After putting the doorstop alarm down and in place, she hung her towels and put the washcloths in a drawer.

As always, Cassie avoided looking in the mirror as she undressed. The fear was enough, she didn’t need to see the scars. Anyway, the scars on the inside were just as bad and she couldn’t look away from those. She cursed Terry for making her this way. Creating a scared rabbit from a woman who’d been so confident and self-assured. And she’d let him.

The water heated quickly but she made sure the safety on her gun was off and that it was within reach before she stepped into the stall. Her breath came out in a long exhale. Alone at last. Safe to let the tears come.

“So how about my new neighbor, huh?” Matt winked at his brothers as they all sat in his living room.

Shane heard laughter from the kitchen. Maggie was in there with her best friend Liv, making up some nachos and he also suspected, gossiping about the evening.

“She’s something else, huh? It’s not like I haven’t seen pretty women before but this one is up there in the top five. Did you get a load of her legs?” Matt laughed. “Biggest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Pretty lips. And that voice. Holy shit that voice. Made me hard just hearing it.”

“She’s hiding something.” Shane wanted Matt to shut up about Cassie’s body.

Kyle and Matt looked at their oldest brother. “Yeah? What makes you say so?” Matt asked.

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