Taking Chase Page 18

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. But you’ve won this round, Shane. Lunch Friday would be nice.”

“Don’t think I don’t know you’re changing the subject. But as it got me what I wanted I’ll let it go. For now.” He winked and she snorted.

The rest of their lunch was quiet and comfortable as they finished dessert. Standing after he’d tossed the trash into a nearby can, he reached down and offered her a hand up.

This time, instead of avoiding his grasp, she took it and let him help her. But he didn’t let go and she didn’t insist so they walked the few short blocks back to the bookstore hand-in-hand.

“Thank you very much for lunch, Shane. Why don’t I deal with lunch Friday? I’ll bring us something.”

He grinned. “Nope. I got it. Friday is peach pie day at The Sands. We’ll go there if you don’t mind, sit in the air conditioned cool and have the special of the day while I pretend not to look at you a lot.”

Her hand went to her throat. “I don’t know what to say when you lay stuff like that on me. You’re really good.”

“Do I offend you?”

“No. It’s flattering.”

Quickly, he brushed a kiss across her forehead and stepped back. “Then my work here is done. For now. Go on back inside. I’ll see you Friday.” With that, he turned and headed down the sidewalk and she had to grab the door to keep from melting into a puddle.

“How was the sandwich?” Penny’s mouth twitched as she hid a smile. “Pretty good if you’re having trouble staying on the ground, I’d say.” A single eyebrow rose as Cassie floated back into the bookstore.

“I don’t know what to think about it. About him. He’s so…big. He takes up so much space. He’s overwhelming and charming and he knocks all good sense right out of my head every time he looks at me.”

“Well, Cassie, I think you need to ask yourself why it’s so necessary to think about it at all? I’ve grown up with Shane, he’s a good man. Up to this point he’s not always been so careful with women. He’s been the kind of man who flits from flower to flower if you know what I mean. But with you? He’s different. Not cautious so much as gentle. It’s clear he’s interested in you and he’s being patient and letting you set the pace. And if you’re going to dip a toe back in to the dating life, why not with a man like Shane? Let’s be honest here, he’s so hard and hot you just want to take a big bite.”

Cassie froze for a moment in surprise at Penny's—for her—racy comment, and then laughed. “No kidding. But I don’t know. He’s so…big and in charge. I don’t know if I need any of that.”

Penny shrugged. “No doubt the man is one of those take charge kind of guys. Being in a relationship with Shane would take a lot of work. I think he’d want to protect his woman all the time.”

“Well, I already had a man who thought he knew what was best and that didn’t end very well at all.”

Penny reached out and squeezed Cassie’s shoulder. “I want you to know you can tell me how much you want whenever you’re ready. I get the sense it was very, very bad. But despite being a big, bossy man, Shane is not like that. He’s not the type to hurt a woman. I like seeing you with a carefree smile. Let him make you happy why don’t you? If it turns in a direction you’re uncomfortable with, you can always take a step back. You’re young, Cassie. Let yourself live.” With a final squeeze of Cassie’s shoulder, Penny went into the office again and Cassie went to finish putting the new releases out on the shelves.

Chapter Five

Penny smiled and waved as Maggie and Polly walked into the Honey Bear and joined her.

“The tea and brownies are on the way.”

Polly tossed her gargantuan bag on the floor and sat with a happy sigh. “Good. How are you, sugar?”

“I’m doing well, Mrs. Chase. Hey, Maggie, looking great as always. Thanks so much for meeting me here.”

“An offer of blonde brownies and planning for Cassie? What’s not to like about that?” Maggie grinned and took out a pad of paper and a pen.

“I was thinking of something like a welcome barbecue. We can invite folks to come and spend the day mixing. She could get to know people and feel like a part of something.” Penny sipped her tea.

“That’s a great idea. We can do it over Labor Day weekend. We were going to do something for my birthday but we can make it a combination thing. That way she’d have to come or risk insulting me.” Polly raised a smug eyebrow and the other two women laughed.

“It’s a good thing your powers are harnessed for good, Mom. She’s so shy sometimes that I agree she might turn down something that was just for her but if we link it to your birthday she’d come. Plus, Shane can have her for the whole day then.” Maggie bit into the just delivered brownie and groaned in delight.

“He’s shown up twice to bring her lunch this week. Just this afternoon he brought her flowers and escorted her like she was some precious object. She’s bowled over. He’s putting on the full court press with her. It’s impressive to watch,” Penny told them.

“I haven’t seen him this interested in a woman since before Sandra. He talks about Cassie all the time. I like her a lot. She’s a sweet girl and smart. I think she’s good for him because it makes him think about someone else. Not that he’s selfish but he’s never really put a woman first before. Whatever it is she’s hiding, it’s not anything she’s at fault for, I can tell that just from dealing with her. I worry for him but if anyone can help her, it’s my Shane.”

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