Reluctant Page 13

“Oh great. That’s the way to start off as a son-in-law!”

“No, they’ll be mad at me. But we should take Tia over there too. I need to thank her for helping you to find me and for telling me off when I needed it.”

After they’d given up the hotel room to Shane and moved Sid’s stuff to her condo, they picked up Tia and headed out to Cade and Lex’s house for a family dinner Layla had hastily arranged.

As predicted, her family was angry she’d waited so long for the tri-bond but they all seemed to really like Sid, especially fourteen-year-old Tracy, who wouldn’t stop talking about tattoos and piercings.


Ten Years Later

Layla watched as her children played in a now-mated, twenty-four-year-old Tracy’s yard. Sid and her brothers and brothers-in-law ran around with the kids and a wildly barking three-legged dog.

“Isn’t it funny how this fate thing works?” Layla murmured.

“Yeah. We all lucked out in a big way, dontcha think?” Lex’s mate Nina watched him hungrily. Layla was sure she wore the same look whenever she watched Sid. The desire for him hadn’t waned one bit in ten years.

“And to think you didn’t want him at first!” Tracy laughed as Sid allowed the kids and dog to tackle him.

“I wanted him from the first time I laid eyes on him. My body knew exactly what needed to happen. My wolf knew. It was my brain that was .”

“Well, two kids, ten years and a minivan later, you’re the happiest werewolf soccer mom I know.”

Layla threw her head back and laughed. Sid heard it and turned. Heat flared between them as their gazes locked. Thank goodness all parts of her were now on the same page. She’d want Sid Rosario until the day she ceased to draw breath.

Romance | Vampires | Fantasy | Billionaire | Werewolves | Zombies