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He groaned. “Goddamn. Look at you. My filthiest girl-next-door fantasy come to life, complete with a badass sense of humor and a lot of talent.”

He’d already gotten rid of the jacket, shirt, tie, and shoes, but she was glad to be paying attention when he pulled his pants and boxers down and his cock sprang free. So hard it tapped his belly.

“I have excellent recovery time when my hot blonde thrusts her ass out at me and tells me to fuck her.” He shoved her panties to the side and she closed her eyes a moment at the urgency in his touch.

He pushed in agonizingly slow. She squirmed and tried to move, but he held her in place with his forearm at the center of her back.

“Don’t rush me. You feel so good I plan to enjoy every single second. You’re so hot and wet. Fucking you this way tugs on my piercing.” He shuddered and she swallowed hard.

He wasn’t lying. Having him in her naked that way felt a million times better, and it had already been amazing.

Once he finally got all the way in he reached around her body, cupping her breasts as he pulled out slowly, only to reverse course just as he was nearly all the way out.

She’d expected hard and fast, the way he’d yanked her underpants aside. But instead he devastated her with hard and slow. He kept one hand on her nipple, playing with the bar, and the other slid down between her legs, where he made slow taps against her clit with the pad of his middle finger until she unraveled in the most delicious way.

He continued to fuck her at his own pace, touching her, kissing her wherever he could reach. Loving her and making everything all right again.

He came after making her come once more and grabbed some clean towels from the basket. “You don’t have to wash your hair this time either, but no condoms is messier. Plus I want to rub soap on your tits.”

She hugged him after he’d taken his pants off and they headed into the shower and then snuggled down into his bed.

“I’m sorry about your dad.”

She sighed, snuggling closer. “No more tonight.”

“All right. You’ve earned it. I love you.”

“Love you too.” She closed her eyes and only let herself think about the design she planned to do on a motorcycle that next day.

Chapter Twenty-seven

PJ took a deep breath as they walked up the front steps.

Asa put his arm around her. “Gonna be just fine. No matter what, I’m here.”

She knocked and it was Shawn who opened up. He smiled at his sister, pulling her into a hug. “Come on in.”

He shook Asa’s hand and they walked through what Asa had imagined would be a cold, sterile mansion but was really a lovely but comfortable house. Clearly Lenore kept it up to entertain in frequently. Her touch was evident everywhere.

He definitely hadn’t expected a fully set table on a wooden back deck with lit candles in hanging multicolored glass containers.


“I wasn’t exaggerating when I said everyone accepts an invite to dinner at Lenore’s.”

He was impressed but also wondered why Lenore put more energy into candles and flowers and table settings than reining in her jerk of a husband.

“This is beautiful, Mrs. Colman.”

She smiled at Asa, but hugged PJ first. “Thank you. I’m glad you’re both here. Julie just ran to the store to get some Parmesan. I can’t believe I forgot. Would either of you like a drink? We’ve got red and white wine, beer, soda, juice, those fizzy waters Jay likes so much…”

“I’ll get us both a beer.” PJ headed to one of the ice-filled buckets on a nearby table in the large open kitchen overlooking the deck and manicured back yard.

Jay came to join them, greeting PJ and Asa as he poured himself a glass of wine.

Lenore looked the deck over from her place near the stove. “It’s chilly tonight, but I have the heaters out so that should keep everyone comfortable.” Her mother moved around, adjusting, stirring, pouring. Occasionally she’d give an order for a child to do something, but mainly she knew what she wanted to do and everyone kept out of her way.

Julie returned with the cheese, which she then curled over the top of salads before taking them to the table.

But what Asa really wanted to know was where the hell Howard was. They’d been there about half an hour already and he hadn’t shown himself.

Finally, he came out from what appeared to be a home office.

Lenore looked up, smiling. “Oh, there you are. I was beginning to think I was going to have to send an expedition into your office to find you. Dinner is ready.”

The look on PJ’s face broke Asa’s heart. She wanted her dad to be proud of her. To see her as different, and wonderful for it.

Howard looked at Asa and for a moment, he attempted to pull some posturing, dick measuring bullshit. But the lion didn’t give any thought to the concerns of the sheep, as his sister liked to say. Asa was an alpha dog, and soon enough Howard turned away.


She nodded. “Dad. You remember Asa, don’t you?”

Howard jerked his head and mumbled a yes. He didn’t offer his hand to shake, which was fine with Asa, though he felt bad for everyone else who was clearly embarrassed.

“Let’s all sit down.” Lenore cut between Howard and PJ, taking her daughter’s arm and heading outside. Julie hung back with Asa.

“Is she okay?” Julie asked him.

“She’s been quiet. But she had a lot of work yesterday and today, so I’m hoping she hasn’t had a lot of time to think about it.”

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