One Dom to Love Page 34

Now, he took another sip of bourbon as his mind swarmed like a nest of angry bees. He mulled over the situation back home.

Had the fact that Raine had been swept out from under him played a part in his breakdown at Juliet’s grave? Of course. It had to, at least in part. The sultry siren always had him grasping for the threads of his control. But the loss of his friend weighed heavy on him, as well. The feeling of hopelessness was damn foreign to him. He didn’t fucking like it.

Liam had played him, manipulated him to steal Raine. It pissed him off. But after watching Liam verbally assault Marlie, Hammer had no doubt they were both hopelessly in love with the sweet girl. And he was amazed at how quickly Liam had brought out the stunning submissive inside her. The idea that Liam might be good for Raine burned his throat like a blistering fireball, all but making him choke.

After landing at LAX, he hailed a taxi and climbed in. His stomach swirled, wondering if Liam had kept his promise. He wasn’t prepared to face Shadows without Raine again. It would be a daunting task to live without her. He’d already had a taste of that, and he’d rather fly back to New York and relive the hell of his past than cope without her again.

Sighing heavily, he resigned himself to the fact if she were still at Shadows, he would somehow have to carry on, as he had for the past six years. But this time, he’d have to watch Liam with her, touching her, possessing her. It made him violent.

Son of a bitch, could this be any more fucked up?

When Hammer walked in the door of the club, people milled around everywhere. What the hell? It was far too early for this sort of crowd. Shadows wasn’t even open yet.

With a frown, he fell in behind a crowd heading downstairs, where an even larger group had gathered. His employees seemed to be smiling brighter than everyone else. He frowned. What the… If the club had opened for an impromptu event, why weren’t they working?

Excitement hung in the air. For a reason he couldn’t explain, the scene filled him with dread.

As he reached the bottom of the steps, he slipped into a dark corner and watched. At the center of everything stood Raine. He couldn’t miss her. Red was her color, and the corset hugged her beautifully. His cock, dead for days, suddenly flared with life. He remembered every moment of that night with her, replayed it in his head over and over—

Beck tapped the side of a glass, jerking him from his thoughts. A hush fell over the room. Suddenly, Liam wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the stage, in front of the watchful crowd. Then he urged her to kneel at his feet and face him. She was stunning in her submissive pose, beautifully poised and graceful.

Liam smiled, addressing everyone. “Thank you all for coming to share this joyous event with us.”

Hammer froze. This better not be what he feared…

Reaching down, Liam cupped Raine’s chin. “Look at me, love. With great pride, I offer you my collar. I promise to always be there for you, steady and strong. I give my protection and guidance, the shelter of my body, the care in my heart, and the joy in my soul. I promise to lead you down the path best suited for you, be it with praise or pain, and help you grow into the submissive that lives and breathes within you. I vow to honor our bond and nurture your submission. And to use you as I would see fit.” There were chuckles from the crowd. “I will treasure and cherish you, and embrace that which you give freely. In return, you will empower me with your emotional and physical well-being, communicate to me your every feeling, knowing I will show you compassion and understanding. Do you give me all this of your own free will and accept my collar without reservation?”

Hammer felt sick to his stomach. Training collar, my ass. Liam was making her his—utterly.

He wanted to kill the son of a bitch.

Was this what Raine truly wanted? Had she…fallen in love with Liam?

Instant denial and betrayal sliced his soul like a hatchet.

She stared up into Liam’s face. The glow of desire and excitement—of love—in the other man’s eyes nearly cut him at the knees. Their happiness seemed to spread to everyone else in the room, infectious and cloying.

Raine squeezed Liam’s hand and spoke solemnly. “I would be honored to wear your collar. I give you the softness of my body, the comfort from my soul, and the obedience in my heart, to grow into the submissive you desire. I will respect this bond. I will give myself to you without reservation. I will serve you, honor you, strive to be a good reflection of you, as I embrace all you grant me, Sir.”

Pride shined on Liam’s face as he bent to fasten the thick collar around her neck. He extended his hand and helped her to her feet. Together, they faced the crowd, arm in arm, all smiles.

Hammer’s stare fastened on the substantial collar. Nothing simple, of course. No, Liam had to make a big fucking statement, flaunt her in his face. Silver and gold entwined in knots with a filigree pattern before swirling down to embrace a heavy teardrop ruby, which winked under the light as it settled perfectly into the hollow of her throat.

“It’s beautiful.” She glowed with joy. “Thank you, Sir. I feel so honored.”

And Hammer felt like pounding Liam’s face as he kissed her again.

Everyone around them clapped. Jovial laughter and clinking glasses soon filled the air as Liam lifted his head and cupped her nape possessively. “I’ll look forward to testing you, love.”

That was it. That was fucking all he could stand.

Love? Hammer pounded his fist against the wall, then prowled out from the shadows with a roar. “What the hell is going on here?”

The crowd fell dead silent.

The stunned look on Raine’s face, followed by her guilty wince, struck him like a slap. Liam tightened his arm around her as Hammer marched toward them, his furious gaze pinning the other man where they stood.

If Hammer could rip the asshole’s heart from his chest, he would. How convenient that Liam had arranged this lavish ceremony while he was scheduled to be out of town. Hammer knew better than to believe it was coincidence. The calculating prick had planned every minute of this.

But Raine…poor Raine. She didn’t have a clue how this would most likely end. She thought she was living the fairy tale that he could never give her, and how could he fault her for wanting the dream? For being naïve? The glow he’d seen emanating from her as Liam sealed their bond with a kiss both churned Hammer’s stomach and took his breath away. Raine was so stunning.

“Macen…” An apology softened her eyes.

He lowered his lips to her cheek. “Congratulations, precious. You look...angelic.”

Though he’d spoken the truth, he’d had to force the bitter words out. Then he took another step, edging closer to Liam. His eyes narrowed as his lips curled into a sneer. “Don’t gloat just yet, motherfucker. This isn’t over.”

Then Hammer turned and stormed off the stage, striding into his office and slamming the door behind him.

Romance | Vampires | Fantasy | Billionaire | Werewolves | Zombies