Making Chase Page 63

Tate needed him so much right then she felt like she’d die from want. Needed to feel that reconnection with him, making them two as one again.

She knew he hadn’t broken off with her but it hurt that he’d beg her to reveal something and then leave. Still, hearing that he’d felt like a failure, knowing she’d hurt him when she’d only meant to protect him made her realize just how important it was that they communicate with each other.

He kissed down her neck to first one nipple and then the other. She grew wetter, felt her pu**y ready for him. The bristles of his beard abraded over the sensitive flesh of her br**sts and what started out gentle took on an edge as they both realized the intensity of their need.

“Matt, please, please,” she murmured and he kissed down her belly and settled between her thighs.

“Glad to oblige, Venus.” He pulled her open with his thumbs and looked at her for long moments. It should have weirded her out, the way he gazed at such an intimate part of her body but instead, it made her feel beautiful.

Even more when his thumbs slid inside her and his mouth finally brushed across her, tongue flicking quickly over her clit until she panted. He backed away, licking slowly, avoiding her clit until she arched her hips into his face like a floozy.

He rolled her over and pulled her hips up. He’d never taken her quite like that before and it thrilled her. She pushed back against him and he laughed. “All in due time. I haven’t finished what I started.”

With that, he spread her thighs wide and bent, his mouth finding her again, making her groan into the pillow. With his hands on her upper thighs, he held her wide and steady as he devoured her. All she could do was hold on and be glad she walked as much as she did so her legs were strong enough to hold her up despite her trembling muscles.

Edging into her, sharp and bright, the pleasure of her climax burst over her emotions as the depth of her love for Matt Chase rushed through her.

She wasn’t sure exactly what she said but whatever it was, the neighbors probably heard it, she said it so loud.

She didn’t have much time to wonder though because within moments, Matt’s c**k began to press into her pu**y, her body parting for him, accommodating him as it always did because she was made for him.

“So beautiful. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are right now, Tate? The curve of your back, creamy and pale, your hair like moonlight against your shoulders? Spread out before me like a banquet and I didn’t get nearly enough to eat.”

She squeaked at the rough eroticism of his words but there was no denying he turned her on.

“You’re mine, Tate. From the first moment I saw your face you worked your way into me. Mine. No one else’s. Even when I’m an ass, you’re mine. Even when you hide things you should tell me and your brother throws beer in my face. Even when you scrub the toilet with my toothbrush, minx. You’re mine as I’m yours and we’re getting married. You got me?”

Surprised but still realizing there was no way she’d say no, she nodded enthusiastically into the pillow.

“You realize I just asked you to marry me, right?”

“Yes,” she managed to gasp out and he reached around and toyed with her clit, idly, as he f**ked into her body.

“You’re not going to argue with me?” Amusement laced his voice and she tightened herself around him, bringing a grunt from him.

“Do you want me to? What, it’s just idle sex talk?” She smiled, pushing back against his thrusts.

“Seeing as how I’ve wanted to ask you for months, it’s not idle at all. Holy…damn Tate…that was…shit!”

Laughing, she tightened again and swiveled.

“Oh it’s gonna be that way, is it?” He leaned over her body and bit the flesh where shoulder met neck as his fingers on her clit sped. In that position he totally controlled everything, her movement, his depth and speed. It was beautiful and erotic. He was nearly a foot taller than she was, muscled and very strong but she knew he’d never hurt her.

And today had only underlined what she’d already come to learn—even emotional hurts would be something they could get past because, as improbable as it seemed, he was the one.

Unbelievably, another climax hit just as he pressed hard, fingers digging into her hip, the others still playing against her clit, teeth dug into her shoulder. A long groan came from him and she realized then he wasn’t wearing a condom. The third time in a few weeks. Moments later she realized she never wanted him to again either.

He fell back against the bed and pulled her against him. “I love you, Tate. With everything I am. Will you marry me?”

“I love you, Matt, with everything I am. So yeah.”

“You make me very happy. I’m sorry we didn’t make each other happier earlier today.”

“It’s gonna happen. I’ll try to keep my family from moving you out next time. I know my family, or my parents, are a mess. I’d understand if you were wary of that.”

“Tate Murphy, I love you and your crazy brothers and sisters. My family loves you all. Your father, after Shane speaks with him and you get yourself a protection order in place, won’t be an issue. My father would be happy to guide you through the process and Cassie too. She’s done the protection order thing before.”

“And it protected her really well.”

“Hey.” Reaching back, he turned on the lamp and looked at her closely. “That was a very different situation. In the first place, I know how much of a priority Petal’s law enforcement puts on protection orders and family violence prevention. Shane, even before Cassie, cared and now the department is even more committed. I’m here too. And my dad is the best attorney around and the judge who hears protection orders is really good. First thing you need to do is tell him he’s not getting a dime from you again. And then we’ll take the next steps.”

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