Making Chase Page 58

“I’m not playing this game.” He leaned in and called to her. Surprised, she looked up and came toward him, the stress on her face smoothing as she got closer.

“Hi, whatcha all doing out here?” She joined them on the porch.


Her back straightened and one brow rose. “Want to enlighten me or is this a guessing game?”

“What’s going on with your money situation, Tate?”

She took a step back and looked to her brothers who tried to keep stoic and tough but it didn’t last long.

“My money situation? What do you mean exactly?”

“You know, I go out of my way to be honest with you, Tate. I know you’re having money problems and so do Nathan and Tim. Tell us what’s happening so we can help.”

“Oh, you mean like how you told me Melanie came onto you at The Sands before the Grange dance when you were having lunch with Justin and some guys from work? Or about how you nearly got into a fight two weeks ago at the post office when you got lip from someone about me? Honest like that?”

Hell. How did she do that? Did Tim just chuckle? He glanced over and saw nothing but he suspected the line of Tim’s lips might have curved up ever so slightly.

“That’s different.” He folded his arms over his chest.

“Is it now? How so?”

“Oh for f**k’s sake! Knock it off. You’re trying to muddy the waters, Tate. Give him a break. What is going on?” Nathan interrupted.

Damn, she had been. She was good, almost as good as Polly Chase. He’d let her push the argument away from the subject.

“Traitor. My money problems are no one’s business. I just had a lot of stuff come down at once and I got a little overextended. It’s not a big deal. In a few weeks everything will be fine.”

“What’s Dad’s role in this?”

Matt had almost believed her story about a temporary problem until he saw her reaction. Her eyes darted away from Tim quickly and he saw her fists clench for a moment and then she smoothed them down the front of her pants.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Bullshit. Don’t lie to me on this, Tate. He’s working you for money, isn’t he?” Nathan stood closer to her, grabbing her shoulders and Matt wanted to intercede but he saw it was necessary, saw Tate would protect them all unless she was made to reveal the whole story.

“It’s none of your business!”

Her raised voice brought Anne out onto the porch and when she saw the scene she intervened. “Nate! Get your hands off her.”

“Dad is working her for money. Has been for a while. Long enough that she’s having trouble paying her bills on time.” Nathan said it without taking his eyes from Tate’s and Matt’s simmering rage began to bubble.

Anne closed the door behind her and approached Tate, moving Nathan aside. “Honey, is that true?”

Tate’s bottom lip trembled a bit but she didn’t say anything.

“This is stupid.” Matt grabbed her hand and spun her, putting her up on the porch rail so they’d be eye to eye. “You’re going to share this with me, Tate Murphy because I love you and we cannot have this between us. That’s what he wants. I won’t let anyone hurt you, you have to know that.”

“None of us is going to let you off this porch until you tell us what’s going on,” Anne added from behind them.

A tear broke lose from her eye and rolled down her cheek and he hated making her so upset. “It’s nothing,” she whispered.

“It’s everything, Tate. Tell me. Share your burden with us. We love you.”

She took a deep breath and told them. Told them everything from the first night until the last demand for payment of a thousand dollars.

“I couldn’t have him harming you or the kids. Everyone was finally living normal, happy lives and I wasn’t going to let him upset that. I’m not sorry!” Her chin jutted out and he shook his head, kissing it.

“You’ve had this weighing on you for five months now. Oh Venus, honey, no one should have to bear that alone. I’ve asked you if something was wrong and you told me no. Didn’t you trust me?”

“It’s not about that.”

But in a way it was. She hadn’t trusted him not to run off when faced with her father and that hurt.

He helped her down and kissed her. “I thought we’d worked through that. I thought you’d trust me to stand by you, to protect you.”

“I do trust you, Matt. I just…the thought of him showing up at one of your mother’s Sunday dinners, of what he is touching that just…I didn’t want that to ruin what we have.”

Her voice was quiet, but hurt that she didn’t come to him still seeped into his gut. She’d been terrorized by this jerk and she hadn’t thought enough of him to seek his help. Hadn’t trusted their love and his commitment to her that he’d protect her.

“I have to go for a while. I’m hurt, Tate. I’m hurt you didn’t trust me to stand by you.”

“You’re leaving?” Her voice sounded small.

“Not forever. I need to think. I’ll be back.” He went to his truck and as he pulled from the driveway he tried not to be affected by her face as she stood there, watching him drive away.

Matt sat at a table in The Pumphouse when Nathan stalked in. He picked up the beer and tossed it in Matt’s face.

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