Making Chase Page 2

“Come on, get that hangdog look off your face. I’m sure there’s enough for five of us.” Matt put the containers on the table and pulled out plates and utensils as Shane popped the lids off and made sounds of approval.

“Smothered pork chops, mashed potatoes, dang, she even sent over cornbread. Cassie’s gonna kill me for spoiling dinner but I can’t resist.”

Matt snorted as he filled his plate. “Yeah, ‘cause Cassie’s such a fine cook and all.”

Shane couldn’t stifle a laugh but shook his head. “You’re a bad influence on me. She may not be able to cook worth a damn but she makes up for it in other areas. Speaking of hot sexy women, how’re things going with Melanie?”

Matt shrugged. “Eh. She’s…” he paused before sighing, “…vacant. Yeah, she’s pretty and has a great body. She’s good in bed and all, but she doesn’t make me laugh. We don’t talk about anything real. She doesn’t seem to care about anything. Honestly, I want to have what you guys have. But the right woman hasn’t come along yet.”

“I used to think being married was being tied down and trapped. But Cassie, being with her changed me, changed my life. Even after being married a year and knowing her two, I haven’t found myself bored yet. The woman is a roller coaster.” Shane chuckled.

“Well, I’m a lucky man. My sisters-in-law are all firecrackers. I want that too. I’m wondering if I’ll find her. I’m thirty-two, I’ve dated a lot of women within a thirty mile radius of Petal. Maybe she’s not out there. Maybe I f**ked up with Liv and I’ll never get another chance.”

“You didn’t want Liv. You still don’t. She’s meant for Marc. All I can say is your woman is out there. I know it for a fact. I think you’re looking in the wrong places. If you want a deep woman you can laugh with, stop going out with women like Melanie. Break the pattern, Matt.”

Matt sighed as he ate. “Women like Melanie are familiar territory, you know?”

“I do know. I was you, Matt. Okay, better looking, but still, look at the women I kept ending up with. Except for Maggie, and we all know that was doomed. It wasn’t until I clapped eyes on Cassie that I knew what I wanted. Her. Forever. It took Kyle a few months and Marc a few years of knowing their women. You? I think you’re more like me. You’ll see her and you’ll know and it’ll be right.”

“You know, everyone in this town thinks you’re such a hardass. If they only knew what a sensitive person you were deep inside. I’m not being snide, I mean it. Thanks. Thanks for checking in on me and for the food and for caring.”

“You’re my brother, Matt. And my best friend. Although if you told Kyle or Marc, I’d have to say I love you all equally and crap because I’m the oldest and all.”

Matt snorted and popped his brother one on the arm.

Chapter Two

“What brings you into my bookstore today, young man?” Cassie moved from behind the counter to kiss Matt’s cheek and give him a hug.

“I just had lunch at The Sands and was on my way back to work so I thought I’d stop in to say hey.” He turned at the sound of his name as his other sister-in-law came in. “I’m surrounded by Chase women. How are you feeling, darlin’?”

Liv accepted his kiss and gave one to Cassie, who rubbed Liv’s stomach.

“I’m fine. That damned brother of yours and his super sperm. Who’da thought he’d have knocked me up so fast.” Liv patted the barely perceptible swell of her belly.

“You said you wanted a husband and a family. Well, there you go. No April Fool’s for your ovaries.” Cassie winked.

“And all within four months. Marc moves fast.” Matt was thrilled for his brother and Liv. Another grandchild for his parents and another niece or nephew to join Nicholas.

“Yeah, like honeymoon fast. Cassie got a tan on her honeymoon, I got a fetus!”

Suddenly, the screech of tires and screams sounded from outside. Matt turned and saw a car accident through the windows of the store. “Call 911!” he yelled as he headed toward the door.

He saw a woman lying in the street and his heart sped as his professional side took over.

“Everyone needs to back up. An ambulance is on the way.” He knelt next to the woman, who groaned and put her hand up to her face. A trickle of blood oozed from a cut on her forehead. “Miss, how are you feeling?”

Her eyes fluttered open, bright blue eyes, and widened for a moment before she tried to sit up.

“No, stay still. I don’t want you to move until I know more.” Quickly and efficiently, he skimmed his hands over her. She’d received some abrasions on the backs of her arms where the pavement had ripped her shirtsleeves.

“I’m all right. Really. He wasn’t even going that fast.”

“What happened?” Shane jogged up as the ambulance arrived.

An elderly woman who’d apparently seen the accident came forward to explain as Matt and Shane helped the paramedics. “Charlie pulled away from the curb and Tate here got jostled. Bunch of boys from the high school on skateboards. Rushing to get back to school I’d wager. Anyway, looked to me like they rushed past and she got pushed out into traffic. He couldn’t have been going too fast.”

“Those boys need to be put in jail!” one of the gathered people called out.

“No, no, they didn’t mean to hurt me. Honestly. They’re just silly kids doing silly kid stuff. I’m just a bit scuffed up,” the woman, the witness had called her Tate, said from the gurney.

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