Lost in You Page 48

“I’m so bummed I’m not even hungry for pie.” She did smile at him though. May as well put on a show.

“That smile of yours makes me feel like a rabbit and you’re the wolf.”

She laughed then, relaxing. He’d make some woman a good match. He was cute and smart and he made her laugh. He was also too young and a lot like family.

“Wouldn’t do to go out with a new man and mope around. No. If he’s going to go home and hide without walking past, he’ll still hear we were here. And I want him to hear how much I smiled and laughed.”

“You’re diabolical.”

She tsked. “Of course I am. My goodness, Trey, is this a surprise?”

“I guess not. You always seem so nice and funny.”

“I am nice and funny. Which is why Joe Harris loves me. But if a girl isn’t willing to use all she’s got to fight for her man, what use is she as a partner in life? Hm? Nice is great. But I’m resourceful.”

He laughed, taking her hand and kissing it. “How’s that?”

“Nicely done. How about a beer? I can use one. My treat for spending your night with me.”

He got out first, holding an arm for her to grab. “Don’t tell Jacob, but it’s been fun. Anyway, it can’t hurt for the ladies of Petal to see me with a pretty woman on my arm. Raises my value.”

“Like a house with a pool.”

They laughed, walking arm in arm over to the Pumphouse. It was a Friday night so the place was full. The pool tables in the back were likely to already have a wait. The jukebox was humming, and it made Beth remember that there was a life outside her mopey little world.

Some folks got up and she saw the opening at the table. “Oh, look. A table just opened.”

“Grab it. I’ll be back in a second with beer. My treat, not yours. Jeez.”

She grinned, settling in as she looked around. Well, what do you know? She’d recognize that gorgeous head of hair and long, tall body anywhere. Joe was in the back with William and the Chase boys playing pool.

The night was looking up. She shimmied from her coat, adding some extra shimmy, just in case he looked over.

When Trey came back with a pitcher and two glasses, she smiled.

“Joe is here. In the back.” He said this in an undertone, getting close.

“I know. I just saw him. Okay, Trey, act like I make you tingly.”

He choked and she had to pat him on the back.

“The stuff you say. My God. You probably aged Joe five years.”

“But they were really good five years, Trey.” She winked.

Joe bent to take his shot, glad he’d decided to accept the invitation to play pool and drink beer. It had been way too long.

Something caught his attention near the front. It was the lush red of the sweater first. Then the tits. Holy crap. Immediately he felt guilty. He might be broken up with Beth, but he shouldn’t be oogling anyone else’s boobs. And then he tore his gaze away, past those tits and up. It was the hair. Thick dark caramel.

It was Beth, her head bent toward none other than Trey! Trey, who was also caught up in those magnificent boobs.

He held her hand. A hand Joe used to hold. And kissed her fingertips while she laughed prettily. God, probably saying something dirty and sexy.

“You gonna take that shot or just bend over the table for a while?” William asked this lazily, as he sipped his beer.

“Did you know about that?” He jerked his head in Beth’s direction before taking a shot he missed terribly.

He noted the surprise on his friend’s face. He hadn’t known.

“I didn’t. But I don’t know why you’re surprised. She’s been trying to get you back for over a month and you keep telling her to move on. I guess she finally decided to.”

“Sweet baby Jesus. No offense, William, but your sister is looking mighty fine tonight. And you?” Royal looked to Joe. “You’re a dumbass for letting that slip through your fingers.”

“Says the guy who chases after Anne.”

“Says the guy who has finally decided to take her no as a no and move on. Maybe I’ve been looking at the wrong sister all along.”

The thought of Beth in Royal Watson’s bed on a Saturday morning, naked and warm? No.

Joe scoffed. It was either that or punch his friend for even imagining such a thing. “Dream on. Beth would never get anywhere near you in a romantic sense. They have that sister code.”

Royal’s expression told Joe he knew exactly the response his claim would evoke. “She’s in love with you anyway. For now. That’s not going to last forever. I have no idea why you’re over here when she’s just over there looking like a shiny Christmas ornament.”

“I don’t have time for a relationship.”

“You already had a relationship with her.” William took his shot. “You’re messing up, Joe. Royal is right. She’s not going to wait around forever.”

He watched, sullen, as she talked and laughed with Trey until he leaned over, whispered in her ear, and she nodded, her eyes going half-mast.

She got up and he helped her into her coat. Near the door she looked back over her shoulder, straight at Joe.

She knew him, damn it. That shock of recognition zinged through him. But he didn’t move. She shrugged and let Trey pull her out the doors and onto the sidewalk where he slung an arm around her shoulder and they walked away.

He’d still been thinking when William shoved him.

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