Laid Open Page 1

Chapter One

Ben paused just inside the front door, listening to the sound of his son’s laughter. He smiled, moving toward it, coming around a corner and catching sight of Erin snuggled up with Alexander as she read him a story.

His entire life was right there and it filled with him joy.

“Daddy!” Alexander looked up and clapped his hands before blowing Ben a kiss. “Daddy’s home,” he told Erin seriously. The kid had his mother stamped all over him. His mannerisms and the way he moved were totally a Brown thing. In fact, when Alexander was with her brothers, his uncles, it was startling to see the resemblance.

Two pairs of eyes looked up at Ben. Erin’s smile was deep, her dimples showing at each corner of that luscious mouth.

“He is, monkey. I think he needs some smooches and some hugs. Let’s go give him some.”

“Yes!” Alexander scooted down from the couch and ran over, straight up into Ben’s embrace, covering his face with slobbery kisses. “Hi, Daddy!”

“Hey there, baby.” Ben hugged his son as he picked him up. “Did you have a good day today?” He headed to the couch to sit next to Erin with Alexander in his lap.

Alexander began to tell him in a rushed, excited tone about his day. About half of it was intelligible, so Ben managed to piece together that he and Erin had gone to the grocery store and then to Green Lake where they played with Elise and Marti while Rennie was still in school.

“That sounds so much cooler than my day. Did you keep Momma safe?”

Alexander nodded solemnly as he turned to Erin. “Yes.”

Erin softened at that, taking his little fist and kissing it. “Thank you, monkey.”


“I’m so glad. Thank you.” With a grin, Ben turned his head a little and kissed her. “Hiya, gorgeous.”

And she was. Unbelievably so. Erin Brown was larger than life. Vivid in every way. And his.

“Hello, yourself. I’m glad you’re home. Todd called a few minutes ago. He’s on his way home. Alexander and I made spaghetti for dinner.”

“You did? You know it’s my favorite.” He kissed Alexander’s nose.

“Yes!” Alexander pushed down and headed to his Lego box in the corner of the room. He dumped it out and began building.

“You’ve been dismissed.” Erin winked.

“He made me dinner, that’s really all a guy can ask for.”

“He’s got a career as a drummer if he keeps it up. He kept me company with some pots and pans while I worked.” She shifted her attention to Alexander a moment, smiling. “I told him he should try the little guitar but he said he liked to hit things to make sound instead.”

Ben laughed then. “Oh the drama. Erin Brown’s baby a drummer. Woe!”

Erin socked his arm playfully. “At least Miles plays bass. Maybe Rennie or Marti will play guitar. Rennie is taking lessons from Adrian so who knows.” Rennie and Marti were their nieces.

“Maybe. It’s the family business after all. The family party jam sessions would be legendary.”

That’s when she noticed what he’d come in with and her eyes went wide with present lust. “What’s in the bag?” She peeked around him and he blocked her way.

“It’s a present. Back off.”


He laughed, standing and grabbing the bag. “I’m going to change. I’ll be back in a few.”

“Fine. Deny me the joys of presents. Mean.”

He snorted. “Clearly, gorgeous. It’s my role in life.” He waved at her as he headed toward their bedroom.

Once there he hid the box before he ditched his dress shirt and tie in favor of a well-worn T-shirt and jeans, feeling a thousand times better.

* * *

Erin padded around their living room and kitchen, talking to their son here and there, humming snippets from songs, and that’s when Ben noticed the new hair.

He could be forgiven. Erin changed her hair as often as other women changed their handbags.

Moving to her, he slid his fingers through it. “I like this.” It was short and shiny black with a fringe of bangs. She looked like an updated version of a twenties movie starlet.

“You do?”

He laughed then. “Did you doubt I would? I love you with pink hair, with purple and blue hair, surely I can love black hair too.”

“It’s been years since I’ve had it like this. It’s nice to have it off my neck in the back. I figured with all the wedding stuff and running around, something simple would be good.”

“Is this your original color?” He kissed her neck, loving how soft her skin was there.

“I think so.” She winked. “Yes. I had considered dreadlocks, but it’s a lot to handle, and when I want to change to something else, they’re a pain in the ass to get rid of.”

“I remember the dreads. Hot.” He waggled his brows.

“Thank you.” She tiptoed up to kiss him.

“For what? Objectifying you?”

She tipped her head back, laughing. “For always making me feel beautiful.”

He had to swallow hard against the rush of emotion. “That’s because you are beautiful. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Todd came in right as Ben was wishing he could nip her away into the pantry and make her come.

“Pop!” Alexander got up and rushed to Todd. “Daddy, Ma! Pop’s home!”

Romance | Vampires | Fantasy | Billionaire | Werewolves | Zombies