Laid Bare Page 60

“No. She didn’t call either. I checked your voice mail when I saw no one was there. I just got in myself, that’s why I’m only calling now.”

“It’s not like her to just not show. Okay, I’ll be there in five minutes.”

Ben touched her arm when she hung up. “Is everything all right?”

“Ella didn’t show. Didn’t even leave a message, which is totally not her style. She’s very responsible. I’ve got to go.”

“Erin, let me come with you. Or at least wait for Todd to get out of the shower so he can.”

She clenched and then unclenched her jaw. “I’m fine. My brother is right next door. I don’t need a babysitter. I’ll see you later.” She was out the door before he could argue.

The darkened windows of her café filled her with dread. She’d called Ella’s house only to get her machine, called her cell and got a “voice mail full” message. Ella’s mom’s number was inside on the café’s phone book, but she knew Brody would cluck at her if she went into the café first, so she breezed into the shop, waving at the other artists.

Brody grinned at her, kissing her cheek. “I love it when you indulge me. Did you get hold of her?” He unlocked the connecting door into the café and went in first. She rolled her eyes at his back.

“I didn’t. Her voice mail on her cell is full. I left a message at her place. I’m going to call her mom now.”

He turned off the alarms as she bustled to get the place open.

Once she’d dealt with the three customers who’d jumped from foot to foot to get their caffeine fix, she dialed up Ella’s parents’ house and nearly fell over when she found out why Ella hadn’t been there that morning.

She grabbed the edge of the counter and Brody was next to her in moments. “What? Damn it, Erin, what?”

“Ella is in the hospital. Her ex tried to kill her last night.” She gathered her stuff. “I have to go. She’s at Overlake.” Erin scribbled a note saying they’d be closed for several days and taped it to the front door.

“I’m coming with you.” Brody reset the alarms and pulled her back through the door into his shop.

“Shut up. I saw the appointment book when I walked in a few minutes ago, I know you’re slammed. I’m fine. I mean, I feel awful for Ella, but I can visit her in the hospital. I promise,” she added when she saw the worry on his face.


“This isn’t me trying to be the spunky heroine who refuses help for no apparent reason, okay? I’m fine. It’s full daylight. I go over there all the time. As you may recall, my therapist is there and you made me start going back.” He rolled his eyes at her. “It’ll take me like twenty minutes tops to get there. I’ll be all right and she will too, thank god. I promise to call Adrian or you or Todd if I need someone.”

“That’s not necessary.” Todd stepped into the shop. “I’m right here and able to help with whatever has you looking so upset.”

She wanted to groan when she caught the look passing between Todd and Brody, but she didn’t have time.

“Fine.” She kissed Brody’s cheek. “I’ll call you later to fill you in.” She looked to Todd as she walked past. “You can drive if you like.”

Todd followed her, opening her door before she could do it herself.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re obviously in trouble and you left without getting me out of the shower? Ben had to do what you should have.”

“What? All I knew when I left your place was that an employee didn’t show up for work. I’m the boss, welcome to my world. That shit happens all the time. I don’t need you for that, for god’s sake. You want I should get you to walk me through when the toilet in the bathroom overflows too? How about when the water filters on the espresso machine need changing and no one seems to know what the f**k to do?

“Ben didn’t need to run and get you out of the shower for that. In fact, I told him not to. I am not some stupid, helpless person. I ran that café for three years before you came back to Seattle, thank youverymuch.”

“Where am I going?” He kept his eyes on the road.


“Who’s in the hospital and why?” He clenched his jaw, holding on to the steering wheel so tight his knuckles cracked.

“Ella. I spoke with her aunt a few minutes ago. Ella’s ex broke into her house last night and attacked her. Beat her badly. That f**ker tried to set her on fire! Luckily a neighbor heard and called the cops. She’s in stable condition. The burns are worst on one of her legs. Her aunt said Ella covered her face, so there’s one small light in the darkness.” She sighed and put her head against the back of the seat.

“Do the cops have him in custody?”

“Yes. I don’t know much more than that though.”

He pulled onto 520 and headed east across the lake to Bellevue.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Hurt pooled in his gut that she hadn’t turned to him.

“Because I’d just walked in! I went to work like I always do and then no one was here and I found out why. It’s been a grand total of about twenty minutes, so leave me the f**k alone. I don’t owe you a minute-by-minute account of my f**king day, all right? Just because I let you call the shots in bed does not mean you control me. You need to get that right now. Something bad happened to me four years ago, but that doesn’t mean I’m helpless.” She’d raised her voice, which she did so rarely it alarmed him a bit.

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