Laid Bare Page 56

“Before I go . . .” He licked his lips and she turned on the couch, putting her feet down and spreading her thighs after she got rid of her panties.

“Yes?” She carefully opened up enough so that he could see the piercing; she knew that’s what he was asking, because his breathing hitched and he went for the buttons on his jeans. Now he was going to kill her. “I love how you look when you have your c**k in your hand,” she murmured. “It’s very hard to keep my piercing dry when you do that.”

He played with one of his ni**les as he began the slow slide up and down of fist over cock. His gaze fastened on her pu**y the entire time, even after he came with a strangled groan.

She handed him her panties. “Use those.”

He hung his head. “You’re a f**king lethal weapon, Erin.”

She laughed and settled back on the couch.

A few days later she caught Ben walking into the café at closing time.

“Hey there, you busy?”

“I’m just about to close up and then I’m free for the day. Got something in mind?” She put the chairs back in place after sweeping and mopping and moved to the back, singing to herself as she did so. “I have to wipe everything down. Take a seat. Have a cookie if you like. I made snickerdoodles and they turned out awesome, if I do say so myself.”

“Oh, snickerdoodles!” He fell on them and grabbed two, blushed and then stopped. She laughed and waved him on.

“Eat them all if you like.”

“Score. I have two tickets to the Mariners game. Wanna be my second?”

She paused. The crowds entering and leaving the game would be hard to endure. But she loved baseball and she wanted to hang out with Ben. “I’d love that. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready.”

He smiled and relaxed a bit, leaning against the arched doorway. “Can I help?”

She loaded the dishes quickly. “Nah. I do this like breathing. It’s not a big place, we have a limited menu and I keep up as the day passes, so it’s not that much to handle.” She pulled the door down and turned the handle. “There you go. Let me mop up in here and I’ll be out in a sec.”

Ten minutes later she came out with her bag.

“I may come in here every day just to listen to you sing.” He kissed her quickly—nothing sexual. Not really. But it still made her warm.

“Do you like motorcycles?” He pointed to a gorgeous Harley at the curb out front. “I ordered it three months ago. It just arrived and I’m dying to take it out on the open road.”

“Oh, do I! I love them. But, um, I’m not sure I’m up to a long stretch on the open road right now.”

He looked concerned as she locked up. “Are you all right? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, I figured Todd would have told you. I got my clitoral hood pierced five days ago. It’s fine now, the initial soreness has passed, but all that vibration right on it might not be the best way to spend a few hours. Once I’m all healed up, I fully expect you to take me on a long drive though.”

He gulped hard; his pupils were large, swallowing the color in his eyes. “Your clit?”

She smiled. “Not the clit itself. Most people don’t do that, you can get nerve damage. But the hood. A short ride to Safeco Field would be fine, but a trip on the open road sounds like more than I’d want to experience just now.”

He laughed, still flushed. “How about I meet you at your condo in half an hour then? You can get changed for the game and then we’ll ride over. Just to the park. I’ll take it out tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in a few.”

The night was warm enough she knew she wouldn’t need the sweater she’d brought with her. His arm rested on the seat back behind her and it wasn’t predatory or creepy. Being with Ben was nice; he kept the panic away and he smelled good.

“I know this place has sushi and stuff, but it seems wrong to not eat a few hot dogs. I can’t help myself.” She wiped the catsup from the corner of her mouth.

He laughed. “Even if you do put catsup on yours. That’s a crime against nature you know.”

“Oh god, you’re a purist? I like catsup on my hot dogs and I put sugar on my tomatoes too.”

He squeezed her shoulders and kissed her temple. “On you? It totally works.”

She winced when the game ended and the people began to file out. He stood and she hesitated. Noticing, he sat down and took her chin in his fingers.

“Are you okay?”

“I . . .” She licked her lips and swallowed. “I don’t do well in crowds when I get bumped around a lot.”

He simply pulled her into a hug, tucking her head beneath his. “I’m sorry, gorgeous. I didn’t even think.”

“It’s okay. If we can just wait a few minutes I’ll be fine. It never used to bother me. Before.”

So they sat, his arm holding her close, and waited for the crowd to thin.

Finally, they left, holding hands until she wrapped her arms around him as they rode back to her condo.

“You want to come up? I’m not going to be able to sleep for a while.”

He looked her over and nodded.

He apologized once they entered her condo. “I’m really sorry about the game. I didn’t think.”

She kicked her shoes off and left her sweater and bag near the door.

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