Laid Bare Page 53

Todd laughed. “You, honey.”

“Good answer.” She added the swivel he loved so much, circling her hips on each down thrust. He felt her clit, hot, swollen and wet, as she ground it against his pubic bone.

“That’s it, take your pleasure.” He slid a fingertip against her, letting her provide the friction and level of pressure. He was close, really close, but he wanted her to go off again at least once more before he came. “Give me one more.”

She nodded and undulated, moving her hips in a slow forward-and-backward motion more than up and down. It felt so fabulous he dug the fingers he held her hip with deep into the muscle, and her breath caught, in a good way.

“You’re so f**king hot,” Ben whispered against the skin of her neck. “Gorgeous. Sexy. Come for us again.”

Her internal muscles tightened and loosened in rolling waves, her eyes blurred, her lip caught between her teeth and she came all over Todd in a hot rush. Her nails dug into the skin of his belly just above his hips where she’d been holding on for purchase as she f**ked him.

Freed now that she’d come, Todd surged up, as deep as he could, meeting her movements. Her tits bounced, delighting both Todd and Ben, and at last, with a gnash of teeth and a rush of pleasure, he shot, coming deep inside her for so long he sweated and it nearly hurt.

When he got up, she fell laughing to the mattress in a tangle with Ben.


Erin woke up early, as she had done for years. She snuggled back into bed for a moment, aware two men bracketed her body. They’d all had a very good time the night before and she hoped things would be okay in the light of day.

Quietly, she made her way into the bathroom and started the shower. It was Saturday for the guys, a lazier day than a weekday, but she still had the café to get to.

Her muscles ached, but in a good way. Together they’d made her come a grand total of six times. Each time she came she was sure she would not be able to again, but they’d kept at her, coaxing her body to new heights.

When she finished dressing and went into the hall, she smelled coffee and saw Ben sitting at the table. He was truly beautiful with the sun streaming in, casting him in a golden light. He wore little more than his jeans and her mouth watered just a tad.

“Morning, gorgeous. Gotta go to work?” He smiled easily.

“Yeah. Duty calls. Um, I don’t know what the next-day etiquette calls for after a three-way, but thank you. It wasn’t just hot, it was, I don’t know . . . I feel closer to you now on a totally different level, and I don’t just mean that sexually.”

He got up and hugged her. “Good. I feel that too. I want you to know I respect what you and Todd have. I’d never do anything to harm that. I care about you both.”

“Thank you for saying that. And I know you wouldn’t. I trust you, and not just because Todd trusts you. I’d love to stay for coffee, but Ella—she’s one of my part-timers—has had a rash of trouble with her ex this summer and I don’t want to stress her out by being late.”

He took her arm, looking very serious. “You’re safe? Do you want me to come with you?”

She smiled. “It looks like he’s obeying the order. She has a protection order, fat lot of good it does really, but so far, he seems to be heeding it. Probably because he knows Brody would kick his miserable ass if he didn’t.”

He relaxed a bit but eyed her through narrowed lids. “Okay then. Please let one of us know if you need anything, all right? I’m your friend too, right?”

Nodding, she hugged him. “You are, truly. I don’t have a lot of friends. Trust doesn’t come easy for me, but I know I can trust you and I want you to know I appreciate that.”

“I’ll see you soon, I’m sure.” He walked her to her car and she drove off wearing a satisfied smile.

When she arrived, she noted the stress on Ella’s face but waited until after the rush to talk to her about it.

“What’s got you so upset?”

“I had to call the cops last night. He tried to break in.”

Erin turned to face Ella. “Are you all right?”

Ella nodded. “I am now. They came quickly and arrested him. I just hate that he won’t let go. I hope that because I called he’ll get it into his thick head that I’m not interested anymore and leave me alone.”

Erin had her doubts about that, but she was relieved Ella had stuck to her guns and called the cops on the protection order violation.

“Would you like to stay with me for a while? My building is really safe. He can’t get inside.”

Ella burst into tears and hugged her. “I am so glad you’re my friend. But I’m good. I won’t let him chase me away. My apartment manager replaced the locks on the outer doors. I called that place you told me about, the domestic violence advocacy place. They were so nice, Erin. I’m going to go to a support group they have.”

“Good for you! I hope you can meet some friends there. It seems like a good organization.”

She smiled for the rest of the afternoon, thrilled Ella had taken so many really positive steps in her life. If only the ass**le would finally leave her alone.

A week later, Todd strolled in at closing time looking better than any man had a right to. She smiled as she took a slow tour from head to toe and back again. “My, you’re very pretty.”

He laughed and gave her a kiss.

“You should have woken me before you left.”

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