Giving Chase Page 9

“Oh, of course. It was nice to meet you, Maggie. Glad we cleared the air. See ya around.” With a wink and a grin, he put his hands in his pockets and strolled away whistling.

Was that disappointment she saw in his eyes or wishful thinking on her part? Probably just gas, she snorted to herself.

He certainly was something else. In truth, she’d never met someone with that kind of sheer masculinity and sex appeal before. It left her a bit breathless. Still, she couldn’t help but watch his ass in those snug jeans as he retreated back toward the stands. And she didn’t feel one bit guilty about it either.

When she got back she handed out the armful of goodies she’d purchased. “Were the lines long?” Alex put the blanket back over her lap once she’d sat back down.

“Oh, no, not really. I just saw someone I knew and started talking.” She blew on her hot chocolate.

Alex frowned. “Oh. Well, I was worried, Maggie.”

The sharpness of his tone brought her head around to look at him with surprise. Her mouth opened to issue an automatic apology but she clicked her teeth together to stop it. The more she was around him, the more proprietary and paternalistic he became. It troubled her and she doubted she’d be seeing him again after the night ended.

As they filed out after the game, Shane caught her eye and she waved, smiling as he waved back. Alex noticed and shot an angry glare at Shane.

In the car, on the way over to The Pumphouse, Alex started in on Maggie about it. “I saw you flirting with the sheriff.”

She winced at his tone. Definitely wouldn’t be seeing him again after the date ended. Red flags flew all over the place at his behavior.

“I wasn’t flirting. I waved at him. I ran into him briefly tonight and he apologized for something he did last week. I saw him as we were leaving the stadium and I waved. If you notice, I waved at his mother and father, too.”

“You’re with me. You don’t need to talk to other men.” Angrily, he parked the car and got out, leaving Maggie to process her shock and discomfort over how he’d just acted.

They walked into the bar and went to their table. But before they sat down, Maggie swallowed her insulted fury and stopped him with a hand on his arm. “I want you to know it makes me uncomfortable that you talked to me that way, Alex. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

The rigidity in his posture loosened as he shot her a sheepish smile. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Maggie. It’s just that you’re so beautiful and I really enjoy being with you. I got jealous. I apologize.”

Relieved that he wasn’t going to flip out, Maggie smiled back wanly, still uncomfortable with his behavior. “Apology accepted. Oh look, it’s everyone else.” Just wanting to get the rest of the evening finished, she waved at her friends.

The place was packed, more so than usual and Maggie didn’t fail to notice when the Chase brothers and their dates came in about half an hour later. Still, she wasn’t going to let Alex control her so when Shane nodded his head to her in greeting she smiled back and sent him a brief wave. She felt Alex tense up but he didn’t say anything.

But later when Shane got up to go to the men’s room, Alex excused himself and walked back there.

“Hey, Chase, you need to leave Maggie the hell alone.” His voice was an angry hiss and it echoed from the bathroom walls. Maggie was his damn it. His and no one else’s.

Shane turned around to stare at him, eyebrow raised. “Oh, is that so?”

“Yeah, that’s so. She’s mine, Shane. Back off.”

“Huh, well here’s the thing, Alex, I waved hello at her, twice. I didn’t kiss her or anything. Now, just between you and me, I like her. I think she’s a nice woman with a lot of spark. I‘m thinking of asking her to dinner sometime but I certainly wouldn’t do it when she was on a date with another man.”

“She’s too good for you. Maggie Wright is a lady and she needs a man to take care of her. You’re a dog. You’re slime and you don’t deserve a special woman like her. I’m telling you, she’s mine, Chase and you’re upsetting her with your unwanted attentions.”

“Um, I don’t think so. From what I understand, you’ve gone out with her a few times. Sorry but that does not a girlfriend make. I had a girlfriend who cheated, I certainly know the difference. In any case, if that’s how Maggie feels, I’ll certainly respect that. If I hear it from her. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a nice cold beer to get back to. Have a nice night.” Shane walked past Alex and out the door.

Alex stormed back to the table and put his arm around Maggie. “Alex, I need my arm to eat.” She shrugged him off. He glowered at her for a moment and he saw the fear in her eyes—just a flash—before she went back to eating her cheeseburger.

He knew he’d moved too fast as he took her home. She sat against the door and wouldn’t look at him, avoiding small talk. He had to win her back. Had to show her how well he’d take care of her.

“You don’t need to walk me to the door,” she said as she got out the moment he stopped the car. “The porch light is on, I’ll be fine.”

He got out quickly and went to her side. “Don’t be silly. It’s late and dark. And I like being with you, Maggie.”

At her door she unlocked it but stood directly in front of it, blocking his way. “Well, good night, Alex.”

Moving in for a kiss, he felt her stiffen and tried to show her how much he liked her but she pulled back and put a hand between them to push him back.

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