Giving Chase Page 5

Putting a drape around Maggie’s shoulders, Liv loosed Maggie’s hair and wet it down. Quickly and efficiently, she trimmed about four inches, layered it to free the curls and cut the front to frame Maggie’s face. The weight gone, the pretty strawberry-blonde hair was a riot of curls.

After the application of some goop to hold the curl and wall out the frizz inducing humidity, Liv opened up the train case.

With artful application of subtle colors, Liv emphasized Maggie’s giant amber eyes and put a shine on her full lower lip. Maggie didn’t need a lot of makeup and would have been uncomfortable in it anyway. Finished, Liv stood back and surveyed her work. Impressive. The mousy schoolteacher was gone. In her place, a pretty, fey looking woman with long legs and a nice bosom. Not bad for a few hours work.

Cocking her head, Liv met Maggie’s eyes in the mirror. “Look at yourself, Maggie.” Moving away, Liv changed her clothes and finished getting ready while Maggie just stared at herself in the mirror.

For so very long she’d only looked at herself in the mirror long enough to put her hair back. That wasn’t her place in her family. The shock that she could be something else, someone other than the smart one in the Wright family hit her. Tears burned her eyes for a moment until she blinked them back. “Wow, Liv.”

If Liv saw the tears she ignored them. Just one of the million reasons Maggie loved her. “Instead of saying, I told you so, I’ll just say that you look fabulous. In fact, we need to go clothes shopping! Or you could just keep the outfits I brought over and we could go shopping. You can show me where you get all those fancy panties.” Liv winked.

Maggie fingered the colorful clothing in the bags. “Well, maybe. I mean, looking at myself right now…I think that I much prefer this me.”

“Hon, you’re the same you. Clothes and a haircut don’t make you into a different person. But these clothes do allow the world to see more of how gorgeous you are on the outside. Everyone already knows how beautiful you are on the inside.” Liv paused a moment. “I don’t want you to feel I didn’t already think you were beautiful. Inside and out, even with those ugly assed schoolmarm clothes. You’re the most beautiful woman I know.”

Maggie stayed silent for long moments as she swallowed past the tears in her throat. Her emotions seemed to have chosen that moment to run riot. “It’s just that you’ve always been the gorgeous, glamorous one. Dee’s the sweet, pretty one and I was the smart one. It feels weird to see that I can be the pretty one, too. Heck, sexy even.”

Arms encircled her from behind as Liv hugged her. “Aw, shug, your mom sure did a number on you. Yes, your sister is a beauty but she’s not the only stunner in the family and on the inside, she’s a troll.”

“Janie’s tall, blonde and married with two perfectly gorgeous children. She never looks unkempt. Her house is a freaking showplace and her husband adores her. She’s perfect.”

“Bleah! You want to be blonde like Janie? We’ll get you some of the same blonde she has, it’s out of a bottle. And beyond her looks what does she have? You’re good and kind and smart and funny. You give back to this town and those kids. Honestly, sometimes I want to smack your momma for making you think that just because your sister was in pageants that you’re not as good. Well, I’d like to smack her for a whole host of reasons but that’s neither here nor there now. Now, we have a picnic to get to, let’s go.”

Chapter Two

Petal’s Homecoming Week festivities were a major happening. Everyone from three months to a hundred and three came out to at least two of them—the picnic which set off the week and the football game against Crawford High.

The picnic was held down at the park, on the shore of the lake and the evening ended with fireworks. The entire town came out to eat themselves silly on barbecue, homemade ice cream and peach pie. As traditions went, it was one of Maggie’s favorite.

Maggie had to admit, the attention Alex Parsons paid her was wildly flattering. When they’d approached he’d given an almost cartoonish double take as he’d realized who she was. He seemed nice enough and he certainly had no problems being on a date with her. It was really nice to have a man so clearly attracted to her. His arm casually circled her shoulders as he guided her through the park.

Stopping at the top of a rolling hill that led down to the water, Alex turned to her. “How about right here to spread the blanket?” The spot would provide a perfectly unobstructed view of the fireworks and was close but not in the path of the tables heaped with food.

“Perfect.” Maggie helped spread out the large blanket. Straightening, she suggested that the guys stay to guard their spot while she and Liv went to grab the food.

“You sure you don’t want us to do the food run?” Alex asked.

“No, that’s okay. Maggie and I can get in and out quicker. Anyway, all of the old ladies love Maggie and will give her the royal treatment.”

Blushing, Maggie couldn’t deny it. After all the years she’d been volunteering and taking meals to the folks at the retirement home and senior center, they did love her. And she loved them too. They’d become her family in many ways.

As she walked away, Alex watched her with a dreamy smile on his face. A woman like Maggie would make a wonderful wife and mother. There’d been so many others, women he’d thought were the right one. Could Maggie be it? He didn’t quite dare allow himself to believe he may have finally found her.

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