Falling Under Page 65

Duke could have made a witty retort.

But for long moments he said and did nothing. Carmella moved farther up the sidewalk to the edge of the lot so she could see Duke’s face. PJ joined her and they linked arms and watched like weirdo perverts.

Duke had been across the bar, unable not to watch as Carmella and PJ swayed over to the jukebox. Even as they’d ordered pitchers and gotten the balls at a free table racked up, he’d watched her.

The dudes in the far corner had his attention when they’d first arrived, but he didn’t figure any of them for a threat they couldn’t handle.

But when Carmella had been walking near them, he’d definitely been paying attention, and by the time she spun on the guy, he was making his way over.

And then the fucker had actually touched Carmella. And then he’d used that taunt about her mother and was so nonchalant about the way he’d violated her home and stolen from her.

Truly this man needed a fist in his face in the worst way.

Mick watched their backs as he and Asa faced Clifton and his no forehead–looking ape of a friend.

Duke simply took the ratfaced goatfucker, as Carmella so poetically called him, in. Tallied up his strengths and weaknesses, and once he was sure he could hold off dropping the dude until he’d gotten to punch him three times, he began to move.

“I get it. She is really good in the sack,” Clifton taunted.

Before he could even fully accomplish his sneer, Duke had given over to that feral part of him, that part who would protect what was his, what was fragile and special, and landed a kidney punch on each side and then a jab, quick and hard, to the nose.

A snap, a howl, and Clifton dropped like the sack of shit he was.

His friend grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged a half-walking ratface away.

“I catch you anywhere near Carmella, you utter her name, use, or abuse her in any way, and I will break your nose again. And your arms too. You get me?” Duke asked their retreating forms.

Any defiance either man had shown was gone by that point as they shouted their agreement and kept retreating.

He looked at Asa, who looked his fists over. “Thanks.”

“You do always know how to have a good time.” Asa tipped his chin at Mick, who laughed at both of them as he headed over.

“I think maybe we can call it a night. Take your women home and let them kiss your bruised fists,” Mick said.

Carmella and PJ approached. Now that the rage had settled back, he worried how she felt watching him that way.

But her eyes held that light it had the night at the gym when he’d been boxing. It really did work out when a man’s kinks lined up so well with his partner.

“You’re going to want to ice these.” Carmella took his hands gently in hers.

“Yeah. Come on. I’ll let you drive me home.”

She paused. “Should we take you to the emergency room?”

“He didn’t even land a single punch. His face made my fists sore, though.”

Her eyes widened. “Will this affect your work?”

He slung an arm around her, pulling her close as they headed back to where they’d parked the cars earlier that day.

“Sometimes when I fight, it might mess me up the next day or two. But I don’t work until Tuesday so I’ll be fine.”

“So why are you letting me drive your car?”

He was a little protective of his machines, that was true. It amused him that she was so easygoing about it.

“Because I’m drunk on adrenaline, which will crash in a bit. And I’ve been drinking and you haven’t in a few hours.”

“Can I do doughnuts in it at the high school parking lot?”

He snorted. “I take it you’re not upset over the fight?”

“Well, it’s pretty embarrassing to have your ex-husband be such a douchenozzle in front of your friends. And the crack about my mom and her pills wasn’t my favorite.” Carmella’s voice didn’t waver. That was good. “But it was really fucking hot when you punched him out.”

He’d had a rock-hard dick ever since she took his hands after the fight so her words just then made him groan.

They said their good-byes at the cars, with everyone agreeing to meet up for breakfast before starting day two.

She had to pull his seat up pretty close, but he wisely held his tongue.

“Stop staring at me. I’m not going to wreck your car. I’m a good driver.”

“Everyone thinks they’re a good driver. It’s stunning how many people do. You are, though, so get that frown off your face. Such a stubborn frown. Makes me want to kiss it away.”

“Mellow Duke is back, I see.”

“Mellow Duke?”

“The guy who lopes along with a sexy grin. The guy who makes everyone smile.”

“You said I was sexy.”

“And drunk.” She laughed.

She really was a good driver, Duke decided.

“Not entirely sober, but I do know what I’m hearing.”

“You’re totally sexy. And when you’re all grrr, arrrrr, punchy punchy, grrr, it’s also sexy. Though I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be uncomfortable with that or not,” Carmella said.

“I get hard when you wipe a counter down. Who am I to judge what gets you hot? As long as it’s me, I have no beef.” He gave over to laughter at her.

The rest of the drive was pretty quick, which was good because he wanted to fuck her. Wanted to strip her down and remind himself she was fine and his.

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