Falling Under Page 51

She was glad he hadn’t or she’d have been mortified.

A burrito couldn’t hurt. And she was hungry. The lunch she’d brought could be dinner and she’d get to spend time with Duke.

“All right then. Let’s have some lunch.”

The room had already begun to fill up, but it wasn’t hard to find a place at the end of a long table and settle in.

“You do realize this burrito could feed four people, right?”

“If you actually can’t finish it, it’s even better cold at two in the morning.” He looked up at her. “Then again, ice cream sandwiches at two in the morning are pretty spectacular too.”

Blushing, she looked back to her burrito and tried not to think about naked Duke Bradshaw in her kitchen, bathed in moonlight as he ate that ice cream sandwich.

“We’re hanging out tonight, right?” he asked her.

“PJ and I are walking Green Lake after work with Ginger but you’ll be here until seven anyway.”

“Does that bug you?”

She looked up at him. “What?”

“That I work a lot.”

“Well, how could you have your own business and keep it successful if you didn’t work a lot?”

He grinned like a dork until she started to laugh. “What? Do I have cilantro in my teeth?”

“Nope. You just roll with things.” He shrugged. “I like it.”

“It’s a gift. Inside I’m a seething volcano of rage.”

He burst out laughing until everyone turned to look.

“Don’t look at me. I found him this way,” Carmella said as she watched him laugh.

He waved them all off as he got himself back under control.

“And don’t you have a thing with your dudes tonight? Like boy club of some sort? I’ll be here tomorrow, you know.”

“I know. But I like being with you. You smell good. Way better than Asa or Mick.”

“Well, that’s super good to hear. Though Mick has this new cologne that I do like, I’m glad you don’t want to make out with him over it.”

“We’re meeting for sushi at eight. I’ll pick you up at your house at seven thirty. Okay?”

“Sushi? I’m in.” She finished eating and wrapped up the remaining half of her burrito. “I need to get back to work. Thanks for lunch.”

He walked back with her. And while they were alone, she stopped him. “I like being with you too. But I don’t need to be in every moment of your life. I’m totally cool with you being with your friends and stuff. You’re a busy guy.”

“I’ll see you tonight at seven thirty.” To underline that, he kissed her quickly before leaving.

“This place might be cursed, you know,” PJ said to Carmella as she and Asa settled in across from Duke and Carmella. Mick and several other of their friends from the shop were at tables nearby or at the bar.

“Cursed?” Carmella asked her.

“The first time I came here with Asa, like on a real date, a fight broke out and I met his ex-wife. Though I didn’t know she was his ex-wife for months after that.” PJ looked at Asa, who appeared chagrined. “But the sushi is good and they let us come back again, so I guess it’s not cursed after all.”

Carmella laughed and Duke groaned. “Stop it. You’re going to freak her out.”

“Sure. I’ve never seen a bar fight break out before. I might faint if I did,” Carmella said, voice very dry.

“Ooh, grab that eel, please.” Duke pointed at the belt and she grabbed the little blue plate and passed it his way.

“Duke and I bought a motorcycle and a Camaro tonight. We were driving back from the gym and saw them sitting in an empty lot next to a mechanic’s shop. They’re not in great shape, but the bones are good. I think we can turn a profit pretty easily as long as no one loses their mind and spends too much,” Asa told them all.

“Mick is way better than you are at keeping everyone’s eye on the bottom line. And Carmella scares people into behaving.” Duke winked.

“They’re more afraid of her than they are of Asa. I love that part.” PJ waggled her brows.

The joking was lighthearted as they ate and at some point Craig had spilled in with a group of his friends and the entire place had been pretty much everyone he knew.

Duke loved his life. And since Carmella had come into it, things had only gotten better.

Her phone buzzed and she looked down at the screen and frowned.

“Everything okay?”

She sighed. “It’s my mother. Excuse me a bit.” She left the table, exiting the restaurant but standing just outside. He could see her perfectly.

Craig noticed too and gave Duke a look so Duke headed over, leaning next to Carmella’s cousin and keeping his attention on her as she stood outside on her call.

“She said it was her mother,” Duke said quietly.

“I thought she looked upset. I should have figured that. Have you met Virgie yet?” Craig asked.

“No. I know she’s been upset about her father too. Is she safe? I know she holds back under some mistaken attempt to keep me protected.”

“You don’t need to worry about him. It’s Virgie who always hurts Carmella. She’s the problem. And because of that, all you can do is hope it’s not too bad and that she’ll come to you for help. You can’t stop Hurricane Virgie. And Carmella will always be there to clean up after Virgie so the woman doesn’t give a fuck about her kid or trying to be a good mother. Steven is your run-of-the-mill loser. A dime a dozen. Virgie is messed up and selfish.”

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