Falling Under Page 29

He gave her an expression that told her he thought she was making excuses. It sent her back to every time in her life she’d been looked at with that face. It seemed to pinball between all the worst moments until she throbbed with it.

“I like to party too so it’s not like I’m judging. I just worry about you,” Duke said as he stepped closer.

Carmella moved back, spine ramrod straight. She’d come into Twisted Steel and had given it her all. They had fistfights in the backyard and raced and got drunk and he had the stones to stand there and say all this to her? She showed up early, never shorted them even a minute of her time.

She went to her door and opened it. “Get out of my house.”

“Don’t be mad, Carm.” He held his hands up in entreaty. “How can you kick me out because I’m worried about you?” He pointed to her bathroom. “I care about you and that right in there is a pill problem that’s going to land you in the hospital. Or worse.”

“They’re my mother’s. I told you that.” Though the words came from Carmella’s mouth, her voice seemed to have come from a stranger. When he didn’t reply, she asked, “Are you firing me?”

He shook his head, clearly confused, and all she wanted to do was cry. Or punch his face. “Why are you so mad? What kind of guy do you think I am, anyway? Of course I’m not firing you.”

She tried to tell herself it was for the best that he had no idea why she’d be upset. It was good he was being so awful. It made the break easier.

“Fine. Now get the hell out. I’ll continue in my job unless you have a problem. This”—she waved a hand between them—“is over.”

Duke sighed explosively. “Of course it’s not over. You’re being defensive.”

“Gee, and why would that be? Because you just accused me of being an addict when you’re the day drinker? Fuck off.”

“I told you I don’t care about the pills.” Duke said this to her like it was entirely reasonable to snoop around in someone’s medicine cabinet, see pill bottles, and assume their presence meant the person was an addict. Oh, and then to accuse them of it on the way out the door to a romantic day on the boat.

“They’re not mine! Oh my god. Why am I even explaining this to you?” Carmella had to throw her hands up in utter frustrated disgust.

This was why having a man around for more than his cock and ability to fix things was a stupid idea.

Ginger knew there was trouble. She sat, leaning her body into Carmella’s calf. Reassuring. Giving support.

“How the hell can I believe they’re not yours?” Duke cocked his head, so earnest she probably could have forgiven him if he just shut up already. But it was too late. Her stomach hurt as he kept saying things she wasn’t sure he could ever take back.

“Because they’re not. Because I said so. Because my mother’s name is on them.” Because she’d never given him any reason to believe otherwise.

“Some of those meds are heavy-duty shit. You can’t be drinking at all with all those pills in your system. You’re going to overdose.”

It was as if she hadn’t said any of it. What a fool she’d been.

“Get out, get out, get out!” She was so outraged she didn’t even have the energy to be horrified she was screaming loud enough the neighbors could probably hear.

He loped from her house to her porch, deliberately taking his time, and she only narrowly avoided planting her foot in his ass. But she did slam the door, locking it. On shaky legs, she stepped quickly to close her front curtains.

“You know where I am when you come to your senses,” he called out as he headed next door.

Within five minutes, her phone received a text, and when she heard his tone, she blocked his number.

She was trustworthy, damn it! She took care of people and kept them out of trouble. She was a good person and he’d just made her feel like dirt. In her own home.

Having it be Duke who judged her, who saw her through that perception, was the worst part. Hadn’t she done enough penance for everyone else’s bullshit?

He was supposed to be different, and when you scratched the surface, he was just the same as all those other well-meaning strangers who took one look and decided who and what she was.

She grabbed her tote and leashed Ginger. “Come on, you. Let’s go for a ride.”

Ginger licked Carmella’s nose and gave her a little nuzzle of encouragement.

After peeking to be sure he wasn’t outside, she headed out with the dog to her truck. She’d had plans for romance, which had gotten shot all to hell. But she had a lunch packed and decided to head over to the Arboretum to eat her picnic anyway.

Duke got back to his house and texted Mick to let him know he and Carmella weren’t going to make it to their afternoon boat trip. He wasn’t overly specific, not wanting to drag all their friends into this situation.

He just needed to let Carmella cool off awhile. Of course, he realized that after he saw her truck was gone from her driveway. But it was for the best. He texted her a few times but then stopped when he realized she wasn’t going to reply.

She was embarrassed most likely, but she was smart. She’d figure out he only wanted her to be safe and would come around. Couples fought. Heaven knew PJ and Asa did. And despite being a giant tool, Asa still found his way back to PJ time and again.

When Duke showed up to work Monday, Carmella was already there, as she was wont to be, studiously avoiding him. So he let that go too.

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