Falling Under Page 21

Carmella made herself a cup of coffee from her own stash. “He doesn’t know that. He screwed up and acted like a clown. Maybe you need the part for a project, maybe not now. But you might need a part from them in the future and this could be an anomaly. They need to make it right, however you decide to do that. And then the relationship can be reset however you want it to be and they realize they’d better pay attention if you give them another chance.”

Duke said, “You’re pretty perceptive.” She had a way with understanding people.

“It’s not that hard to understand, really.” She blushed as she shrugged like it was nothing.

She looked fresh and lovely, a green blouse and black pants, her hair held back with two enamel barrettes.

He’d seen her naked.

Knowing they were alone, he risked a whisper. “How are those bruises today?”

He’d left fingerprint bruises in the flesh of her hips and ass. Duke was a man who liked to hold on when he dug in to fuck and her body was perfect. He’d been a little worried about her reaction, but she’d given him a smirk and said she liked knowing he’d been there and had a good time.

“They’re nearly gone. I bruise easy but heal fast. I need to take my lunch early.” She bent to grab her things. “I’ll be gone for more than an hour, but the phones are going to route to the showroom and I handled everything pressing.”

“What are you doing later?” He hadn’t meant to ask so quickly. He’d wanted to be smooth, bring it up naturally.

“Tonight later?”

Duke nodded.

“After work, PJ and I are meeting up and going for a walk around Green Lake with Ginger.”

“After that? Come over for a beer on my back deck. Bring Ginger. I got her a new chew thing.”

She smiled. “Okay. I’ve got to run now. I’ll see you later.”

Carmella dashed out and he pretended not to watch her longer than he’d have looked at anyone else he worked with.

Which didn’t work, because Mick and Asa knew him better than anyone else, and before he could get his door closed, both were standing there with coffee.

“Break time. You can share with the class just exactly what it is you’ve done to and with our lovely Ms. Rossi,” Mick said as they came in and made themselves comfortable.

Duke could ignore them. Which wouldn’t last. They’d bug him until he gave in. He joined them, kicking his feet up on his desk as he looked them both over. “I have done lots of things with Carmella. Just now she was letting me know she’d be taking a long lunch but came in early to make up for it.”

Mick looked to Asa, who shrugged.

“Fine, fuck you.” Mick flipped Asa off and turned back to Duke as they both laughed. “So, what’s the deal?”

“I’ve had a thing for her for a while. It’s fine. Nothing crazy. She’s not going to set anything on fire or slash my tires.”

“So, the whole don’t date where you work rule is out the window?” Mick’s grin was more open than Duke had seen it in a very long time. He was healthy. By all outward appearance he was happy. The ghosts of his time in the military still lived in him, Duke knew, just like he had plenty of his own in residence.

“I can’t seem to abide by any rules, apparently. It’s counter to my constitution.” Duke smirked. “It’s stupid. She said so herself. I’m her boss. It’s harder for her than for me. I just have to take extra care to make sure our personal stuff stays away from work.” Because he wasn’t letting go.

“If you say so,” Asa said and lifted one shoulder. “PJ is very protective of Carmella so don’t fuck up and make me deal with it. I like my woman happy.”

“Considering how she gets when she’s mad, I don’t blame you,” Duke said and they all laughed because PJ was so sweet until she got mad. The woman had a temper that was impressive and a little scary to behold.

Duke liked that PJ was protective of Carmella. It meant she thought Carmella was worthy of her energy and affection.

“We on for drinks tonight?” Mick asked.

“I have a prior engagement.” With his deck, some beer, and Carmella.

“Everyone is going to know you two have hooked up. You may as well bring her to the Ditch with everyone else. Craig drinks there, so it’s not like she’ll be a total stranger.”

Duke knew Mick was right. But it was early days yet. She didn’t hang on too tight after they’d had sex. She didn’t get in his face, or seem to have any real expectations of him.

She had no way of knowing whatever it was in her pheromones set off all his bells and whistles. A little taste of Carmella wasn’t going to be enough. Not by a long shot.


Carmella liked PJ Colman immensely. The other woman was so much fun. So smart and vibrant. She needed more of that sort of energy and influence in her life.

“I’m glad you mentioned this,” PJ said as they started out. “I need the break sometimes. Work is crazy. My man is bossy. My family is … well, anyway. How are you? You’ve been at Twisted Steel a month now. What do you think? How are you liking it?”

“A month yesterday. I have to admit I was a little nervous at first. I worked for my uncle for my entire life, you know? How would it be with people I’m not related to? But as fancy as Twisted Steel is, it’s a shop. It turned out to be just fine because I know shops. Everyone’s been nice. They bring me treats and let my dog hang out.”

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