Drawn Together Page 31

“Fuck off.”

“Whatever. I know you. No one else but a guy like him would work out. Because he won’t let you put him off with that attitude of yours.” Erin allowed herself a touch of Raven’s hand then. “He values you. Like you should let someone value you. It’s about time you let someone in who isn’t me or a kid.” She went into the stall.

“This is all bullshit. He’s a dude I’m f**king. That’s it. We’re not getting married or anything. It’s just a few weeks.”

Erin sighed, annoyed. Once she finished up she came out and sneered at Raven before she started washing up. “You be quiet. I’m not one of those people who can’t see past your crap. This is already different. You’re not eighteen. This isn’t the first man, or woman, who made you come. Some stuff just is. You can walk around it and say it’s new, and it clearly is. But that doesn’t change what it is. Sometimes you just know from the start.” She turned to Raven as she started to leave. “And you’re not a coward, so stop running away from it.”


Jonah hit the button to have the car answer his ringing phone. He was on his way over to Raven’s to pick her up. He’d tried to coax her into sleeping over and she’d refused.

He didn’t get to where he was by taking no for an answer, but he knew strategy well enough to understand Raven had deeper reasons for not wanting to sleep over than how much she liked her own bed. And he was beginning to know her enough to detect the edge of something he’d have to be careful about getting her to reveal to him.

It was Levi, his voice coming through the car speakers. “You have the day off? It’s a Monday. Are you sick?”

“Nope. Taking a vacation day. Is there a problem?”

“I was going to see if you were free for lunch. I have to be at the courthouse downtown in a few hours.”

“Raven and I are heading up to look at leaves and have lunch.”

Levi got quiet and Jonah wished his brother could see how hard he’d just rolled his eyes.

“Okay, well, I guess I’ll see you this weekend at dinner. You going to bring her?”

“Are you suggesting she’s not good enough?” Considering how much Levi had gone through with Daisy he’d be surprised if his brother could have the balls to take any other tack with Raven than acceptance.

“No. I’m suggesting she’s not . . . bring-home-to-Mom material.”

“I don’t plan to bring her around until we’ve got some more time under our belt. Not because she’s not bring-home-to-Mom material, as you say. But because she’s going to need some preparation before I expose her to the Warner household.”

“So this is serious?”

Jonah sighed again. “Yes. I didn’t think it would be when I first met her. I thought she was beautiful. I wanted to bed her and get a new tattoo. But it’s more. I can’t explain it all. I’m still processing it really.”

“Why so suddenly now? Why her?”

Agitation rode him. “I can’t do this while I’m driving and I’m coming up to her block anyway. But she’s different. There’s so much more to her than you see at first glance.”

“I’m not attacking you. I’m on your side so don’t take that tone with me. I’m trying to understand.”

“So am I.” He didn’t bother trying to find a parking spot. It was nearly impossible in that part of town and he had no intention of calling her and meeting her at the curb as she’d suggested.

“Let’s have drinks on Wednesday. After the board meeting.”

“Sounds good.”

He found a pay lot and then headed across the street and down the block to her building.

Fifth floor, corner. The place wasn’t bad at all. The building was safe enough, though he’d have preferred a doorman.

He tapped on her door and moments later she opened it up with one brow hiked.

“Ready?” He breezed past her into her place and she closed the door behind him. At least she wasn’t going to push him out and slam it in his face. He knew he was being pushy. Knew it was out of her comfort range too.

“I don’t know that I would have pegged you as this tidy.”

Tidy was an understatement. The place was organized. Everything in its place. Her shelves . . . “Are these organized by color?”

“I told you I’d meet you outside.” She took a book from his hand and put it back and he grinned before hauling her close for a kiss.

“I wanted to come in to get you. I am not the man who will honk at the curb.”


“Not just color, but alphabetically and by color. I’m impressed by this level of obsessive detail.”

“I like things in order.” She grabbed her jacket and a bag. “I have snacks. Shall we go?”

“Wait. Give me a tour.”

She gave him a very fine side-eye as she sighed. “It’s a studio. This is pretty much it.”

He moved around, peering at her shelves. “What are these?”

“Sketchbooks. Books. Photo albums. The usual.”

He pulled one out and she shifted, clearly uncomfortable. “May I look?”

She licked her lips, chewing on her bottom one a moment. “Sure. They’re just sketches, nothing special.”

But they were special. Page after page of drawings. Sometimes they were of people or landscapes. Sometimes they were clearly ideas for tattoos. But they were all amazing.

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