Crave Page 91

Tessa gave a little huff of frustration. “Isn’t the flight home almost six hours? Not to mention the drive from the airport? I’m not sure I can wait that long, Ian.”

He brushed his lips over her cheek. “I happen to agree with you wholeheartedly, love. And if you think I’m able or willing to wait six more hours to have you, you’re sadly mistaken.”

“Then what - ?”

Ian placed two finger over her lips. “Wait and see.”

She clasped his wrist, holding it still as she very deliberately sucked both of his fingers into her mouth. He stared at her in mingled shock and arousal, his already throbbing cock almost ready to explode. But then, when he thought he couldn’t possibly get any hornier, any more in need to possess Tessa, the words that she whispered next were more than enough to push him over the edge.

“When I was in the shower this morning,” she confessed, “I kept wishing that you were there, too. Kissing me, touching me, fucking me. While I was washing myself, I kept imagining it was your hands on my body.”

The sound that escaped his throat was raw and animalistic, and he had to grit his teeth in a frantic effort for control. “My God, Tessa,” he hissed. “You can’t - Jesus, don’t tell me things like that when I can’t do a damned thing about it.”

Firmly, he withdrew his fingers from her mouth and forced himself with every last bit of self-control he possessed not to touch her. He was trembling, he realized belatedly, shaking with the force of his arousal.

With his eyes firmly shut, he asked her the question that had immediately come to mind at her impassioned words a moment ago. “Did you - did you touch yourself?” he asked with a groan. “Did you make yourself come?”

Tessa touched his cheek softly. “No. I couldn’t. Because the only orgasms I want from now on are the ones you give me.”

Ian’s eyes flew open and he jerked her into his arms. The skin across his cheekbones felt so tightly stretched that he feared it might snap, and sweat had popped out on his forehead.

“Well, then, darling,” he told her unevenly, “I’ll just have to make sure I give you as many as you can handle. And since you were such a good girl this morning and denied yourself, I’ll definitely reward you the moment we’re alone. And it’s likely a good thing we’re arriving at the airport because otherwise I’d be giving you one of the many orgasms you’re going to enjoy tonight right here and now.”

Tessa shivered as he slid a hand up beneath her skirt and gave her thigh a brief squeeze. He tried desperately to focus on something else, anything else, in a last ditch effort to get his raging erection under control before they had to exit the limo. Needing an extra moment or two to compose himself, he even allowed Carlos to give Tessa a hand this time while he followed, buttoning up his suit jacket for extra coverage as he did so.

While their luggage was being brought aboard the plan, he let Tessa precede him up the staircase into the luxurious, custom-appointed aircraft. Once inside the spacious interior, they were greeted by Will, the flight attendant who’d worked for the Gregson Group for almost a decade now. Ian had first become acquainted with Will when he’d worked out of the London headquarters, and the flight attendant had been part of the crew for many of the European flights. Ian had been impressed by the younger man’s professionalism and attention to detail, and when he’d received the appointment as the Americas Regional Director, Will had asked to be transferred to his staff. Ian knew that the flight attendant, now in his mid-thirties, was gay, but he was also extremely discreet and low key about his lifestyle. One of the reasons Will had requested the transfer to San Francisco was because of the thriving LGBT community there, and he seemed extremely pleased with the decision he’d made to relocate. Ian was simply glad to have such an experienced and competent employee on his staff, especially when he knew Will to be one of the most discreet, trustworthy people he’d ever met.

Will had also taken an instant liking to Tessa, fussing over her and doing his utmost to ensure her comfort, and Ian’s already glowing opinion of him had zoomed even higher as a result. Now, as Tessa walked inside the main cabin, Will greeted her enthusiastically, stowing her hand luggage away securely, and escorting her to her seat.

Once his two passengers were settled in their seats, Will inquired, “Can I get you anything before takeoff, Tessa? Mr. Gregson?”

Tessa shook her head. “No thank you, Will. We just finished dinner about an hour ago, so I can’t imagine being hungry again for a long time.”

“Nothing for me at the moment, either,” said Ian. “In fact, we’ve had a very long day, so after takeoff Tessa and I are going to have a bit of a rest in the master suite.”

If this piece of news shocked Will in any way, he was far too well trained and disciplined to betray his surprise. Ian rarely used either of the bedrooms on board, since the majority of his trips on this aircraft were only a few hours in duration. Generally, he did some work or read or occasionally watched a movie. If he did doze off, it was typically in one of the plush, oversized reclining leather seats.

Will merely nodded in acknowledgment. “A wise idea, sir, given that it will be the middle of the night when we land in San Francisco. Will you be resting until our arrival, or will you want refreshments at some point?”

Ian very intentionally kept his tone neutral as he answered. “Some tea, perhaps, once we’re an hour or so from landing. If that changes, I’ll let you know.”

“Of course, Mr. Gregson. Ah, the captain has just signaled he’s ready to take off so I’d best take my seat.”

Ian had deliberately not looked at Tessa during his conversation with Will but did so now, and a smile spread slowly across his features as he observed the expression of wide-eyed surprise on her face. He picked up her hand, giving it a squeeze.

“Everything all right, love?” he asked in a light voice.

She glanced over at Will, who was fully absorbed in reading something on his tablet, then looked back at Ian. “Are we actually going to have a rest or, um -”

He chuckled at her obvious confusion. “I did tell you that there was no possible way I could wait another six hours to have you, and I meant every word. Therefore, the answer to your question is no. I for one am not the least bit sleepy. However, if you really need a nap we…”

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