Crave Page 9

She was rapidly threatening to overload on sensation as her entire body was being stimulated at once - by his hot, hungry mouth eating at hers like a starving man; his hand at her breast, twisting her engorged nipple between thumb and forefinger, the pleasure traveling directly to her womb; and the feel of his hard, thick penis rubbing against her cleft, where she was wet and needy and far more aroused than she had ever come close to being before. With each movement of his groin against hers, she could feel the friction against her ultra-sensitive clit, even between the layers of their clothing. He was surrounding her with pleasure, using his mouth, his hands, his cock, and without any warning, it suddenly became too much for her as a very unexpected orgasm rippled through her body. She clutched his muscular forearms to hold herself upright, a shallow whimper escaping from her throat as her head continued to spin dizzily.

Ian stilled as he lifted his mouth from hers, murmuring in awe, “My God, Tessa. Christ - you’re so beautiful, darling. I can’t believe you just -”

Whatever else he was going to say was abruptly halted by the ringing of his cell phone. Tessa’s eyes were tightly shut, too wrecked from what had just happened to even think of opening them yet. She dimly heard Ian curse impatiently as he answered the phone with barely restrained annoyance. As he eased his body away from hers to take the call, she felt suddenly bereft without the hard warmth of him pressed against her.

And then, as the glowing haze of her orgasm began to slowly fade, her mortification returned tenfold. She glanced down and had to stifle a moan when she saw her exposed breast, the nipple still red from his touch. Hastily, she jerked the cup and strap back into place, then grabbed the discarded blouse and pulled it on, her fingers fumbling clumsily with the buttons.

Ian’s call ended and he gazed at her somberly from the other side of his office. She knew she must look a sight, with her flushed cheeks, mussed hair, and stained, wrinkled blouse that she wasn’t sure had even been buttoned up correctly. The only thing that helped her retain a bit of her composure was the realization that Ian seemed as shook up as she was by what had just happened. His tie was askew, his hair rumpled, and he appeared to be at a complete loss for words.

He glanced at her, then at the ship’s clock on his credenza before grabbing a large envelope from his desk.

“I need to go,” he muttered brusquely, and then strode out of the office without a moment’s hesitation.

Tessa stared after him, too shocked at what had just occurred to even move. Just a few short minutes ago her body had been burning up, every part of her on fire for Ian’s touch, the heat of his big body almost smothering her. And now, devoid of all that, she began to shiver almost uncontrollably, shaking in reaction, and she had to wrap her arms about her torso to steady herself.

“Oh, my, God,” she uttered in disbelief. “What in the world have I done?”


Ian was echoing almost the same exact words as he very nearly ran out of his office, grateful when an elevator arrived almost immediately and even more so when it proved to be empty. On the ride down to the lobby, he forced himself to take several deep breaths, trying to still the frantic beat of his heart. At the same time he swiftly restored order to his rumpled hair and clothing, and offered up a silent thanks that his raging erection had subsided, for there was no way he could have walked across the lobby to meet his associates in that sort of condition.

His meeting had ended earlier than expected, and he’d agreed to have a quick drink with two of his associates before they headed off to dinner. But then he’d realized he had left a report he needed to give someone in his office, and they had been obliged to make a quick stop to retrieve it.

He hadn’t expected anyone to still be at the office when he arrived, and indeed the floor had been empty when he’d walked through. But Tessa’s purse and coat had still been on top of Andrew’s desk, and then he’d heard her voice as he walked inside his office.

What had happened next was still completely surreal to him, like a dream he had yet to wake from. She’d been standing in the doorway of his private bathroom, the upper half of her body unclothed except for that rather insubstantial lace bra, and she had been so tempting, so sexy, and so completely desirable that he’d had trouble remembering his own name. Her smooth ivory skin had glowed, her long golden hair tumbling about her bare shoulders, and - oh, Christ - those beautiful, ripe tits spilling out of the low-cut bra. They had been bigger, rounder, and firmer than his very dirty imagination could have ever pictured or hoped for, and he’d been instantly, violently aroused.

Ian hadn’t been able to stop what happened next, anymore than he could have stopped breathing. He’d waited too long, denied himself for far too many months, and couldn’t wait even one more day to have her. He’d barely recognized the dominant, forceful commands that had come out of his mouth, but Tessa had responded instinctively to them, obeying him without hesitation.

He’d fallen on her like a starving man, kissing and touching her with absolutely no finesse, grinding himself against her like a horny teenager. He’d never been so hard in his life, had never felt his blood pump so hot, or had the need to fuck like an animal. The sounds she’d made - her groans, the breathy little pants, her husky words of encouragement - had only served to make him harder.

And then, with astonishing, jaw dropping swiftness, she’d come - her body quivering in reaction against his. He’d never been with a woman who could orgasm that quickly, and certainly not without far more stimulation. His head was still spinning with the recollection of how she’d looked and sounded when she had climaxed, and suddenly he was hard again.

“Damn it!” he cursed, for the elevator was nearly at the lobby level. He had to forcibly remove all thoughts of Tessa from his mind as he exited the elevator in order to get himself under control.

If one of the men waiting for him in the lobby hadn’t called his cell, wondering what was keeping him, God knows what might have happened next. Christ, he’d been so far gone, so consumed with pleasure and need, that he had little doubt he would have taken Tessa then and there - on his sofa, his desk, or the floor - maybe all three places. It had shaken him badly, for he was always, always in control of his emotions. Except, it seemed, when it concerned his startlingly responsive, sexy as sin, golden girl.

He felt like an ass for having just walked out on her like that - without an apology or explanation or even an acknowledgment - but he’d been in panic mode by then. The very last thing he’d wanted to happen was for his associates to come upstairs looking for him, and so he’d made a hasty departure before that could occur.

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