Crave Page 83

She groaned beneath his exquisite ministrations, her fingers sifting through his dark hair as he pleasured her. Here, too, everything was different, so gentle. Usually when Ian performed oral sex on her he was nearly ravenous - his lips, tongue, and fingers working in almost frantic unison to drive her wild, to wring multiple and almost violent orgasms from her hungry body. But tonight he was careful, almost tentative, and she resisted the urge to pull his head in closer, to buck her pelvis up against his mouth and demand more. And then she discovered that his methods really didn’t matter in the least, because they all had the same result - a stunning, delicious climax that rocketed through her body.

“All right there, love?” he whispered against her lips, as his big hand caressed her quivering belly soothingly.

“God, yes,” she panted. “That was - amazing. As always.”

He smiled, brushing a dampened lock of hair off her brow. “Happy to oblige, darling. As always.”

Tessa trailed a hand down his sculpted chest until it closed over the hard, pulsing length of his cock. As she stroked him with slow, deliberate movements, she noted how hard he was clenching his jaw, how beads of sweat popped out on his forehead.

“Tessa.” His voice was hoarse. “God, darling, as good as that feels you’d - ah, Christ - you’d better stop.”

“Why are you holding back?” she pleaded. “I need you just as much. Don’t ever hold back for me, Ian.”

He groaned, a long, low sound that grew in volume as she continued to stroke him. “That’s what you need tonight, though.” He shut his eyes, visibly struggling for control. “I promised myself I’d be gentle, that I’d take care of you. Let me, Tessa. Please.”

Moved by the raw emotion in his voice, she reluctantly nodded and released her grip on his penis. “All right,” she murmured. “Your way.”

Ian leaned down and kissed her, another of those gentle, tender meeting of the lips. “Thank you, love. Easy now, hmm?”

And yet, as exquisitely careful as he was, she couldn’t help the gasp of pleasure that escaped her throat as he slid inside of her with slow, measured control. When he was buried to the root, he simply stayed that way for long seconds. Tessa clutched him to her, needing him even deeper, and wrapped her long legs around his hips.

When he finally moved with her, it was with the same sort of gentleness and care he’d been showing her all day and night - taking her as though she were an untried virgin, with slow, careful thrusts, intentionally prolonging her pleasure but also denying himself at the same time. She could tell by the way his arms quivered, how hard he was breathing, and the almost desperate way he buried his face against the side of her neck that he was struggling mightily to hold back. Tessa longed to urge him to let go, that she could easily take whatever he had to give. But she knew he would refuse, that he was honor bound to fulfill his pledge to her, and so instead she simply luxuriated in the sensations he called forth from her body.

They came within mere seconds of each other, and by then she was weeping again, the tears traveling unchecked down her cheeks. Ian kissed each tear away, his tongue licking them up, as he whispered to her in concern. “It was too much, wasn’t it? I knew we shouldn’t -”

“No.” She pressed her fingers against his mouth, shaking her head. “It was perfect. You were right – you always are. This was exactly what I needed. I’m crying because it was just so beautiful. And because I’ve never, ever felt so loved.”

“Tessa. My love.” He kissed her gently. “You will always be loved, always be cherished. And always, always protected. Let’s get some sleep now. And know that you will wake up safe and loved in my arms.”



Chapter Sixteen

“You’re certain you’ll be all right if I go into the office? I’m going to make it an early day. God knows I’ve still got the worst case of jet lag I can remember having in recent years.”

It was Thursday morning, and Ian was getting dressed for work, buttoning up his shirt as she watched him from the bed.

“Yes, I’ll be fine. And I’m going to work tomorrow, not Monday,” she insisted. “The doctor told us yesterday that I’m physically fine, so there’s no reason for me to just sit around here an extra day. I’d much rather keep busy, it - well, helps me to forget a little.”

“All right,” he agreed gently. “So long as you don’t overdo. Physically you may be fine, but you’ve suffered a tremendous emotional trauma, Tessa. You don’t get over that in a couple of days.”

“Okay, let’s put it this way. The sooner I get back to work the sooner I can resign.”

Ian grinned as he finished buttoning his shirt before leaning down to give her a lingering kiss. “Good thinking, darling. Though I’m still a bit miffed you allowed Andrew to talk you into four weeks’ notice. Two should have been sufficient.”

She shook her head. “I feel guilty as it is. A month is barely enough time for him to find a replacement and have them trained. And he’s been good to me in his way, as well as taken very good care of you.”

He sighed. “Fine. But it’s not going to be one damned day longer, understood? Especially since that wily bastard will still be able to delegate work to you. Now, what time is Julia coming over?”

It had surprised her yesterday when Ian had suggested she call Julia and tell her about the fire. And she had been almost speechless when he’d also urged her to share the news about their relationship.

“Are you sure?” she’d asked worriedly. “I mean, it won’t be much longer until we can go public with it. Should we be taking a risk like that?”

“It’s fine,” he’d assured her. “I trust Julia and Nathan completely. Both of them will understand the need for discretion, and since they don’t work directly for us the chance of them accidentally telling anyone is extremely unlikely. And,” he’d added tenderly, “you need your friends around you right now, darling. Julia is cheerful, nosy little wench that she is, and she might be able to help you through this. I’ll try to overlook the fact that she’ll be gloating about being right about my feelings for you.”

Julia had been initially shocked, and then deeply concerned, when Tessa had told her about the fire, wanting to know if she needed a place to stay, clothes, money, anything. And then she’d chuckled with glee when Tessa had broken the news about her relationship with Ian, not sounding in the least surprised.

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