Crave Page 73

And she couldn’t help feeling just a little bit smug when Alicia shared the latest rumors about Ian and his love life with the rest of them. The speculation that he had a new girlfriend was apparently really running wild now, given the facts he’d been a no-show at several important events lately, and that his other two former escorts - the news anchor and the ballerina - had been seen out with other men.

“Most everyone seems to think this mystery woman is someone back home in England,” Alicia informed them with a little sniff of displeasure. “They think he met her when he went home for the holidays, because it was very soon after his return that he stopped being seen in public with other women.”

“Hmm, so he was probably looking forward to this trip big time,” chimed in Kevin. “Two months is a long time for someone like His Hotness to go without a woman.”

Tessa had to bite back a retort that Ian had actually gone two years without a woman - if she could truly believe what he’d told her about being celibate. And while she still had her doubts that someone as virile and sexual as he was could really go without sex for so long, she also knew he was too honest and moral to lie to her about something like that. Besides, there was always such a desperate, urgent hunger in the way he made love to her that it was easy to believe he’d abstained for such a long time.

Rather than put herself through a grueling workout in her weakened physical state, Tessa elected to take a restorative yoga class at SF Flow instead. The unlimited monthly membership that Ian had surprised her with was one of her most cherished gifts, and she loved the luxury of being able to take classes whenever she wished.

She knew Julia took a 6:00am class at a different studio during the week, so she didn’t worry about running into her apparently very nosy friend. She did see Sasha as she arrived, since the curly-haired teacher also taught classes in the evening. Tessa had heard from other students that Sasha was not only the most popular teacher at this studio, but also one of the most sought-after in the entire city. She wasn’t the least surprised to see the throng of students crowding into the larger of the two practice rooms where Sasha’s class was held.

“Hey, I’m not used to seeing you here on a Wednesday,” Sasha told her. “But why aren’t you going to my class? Restorative is way too easy for you, Tessa.”

Tessa grimaced and placed a hand on her belly. “It’s that time of the month, I’m afraid, and it’s pretty awful. I figured it would be a good idea to take it a little easy.”

“Ah, absolutely,” agreed Sasha. “No inversions on your cycle, okay? Backbends, handstands, not a good idea. If you have bad cramps, try drinking some chamomile tea. I wish I wasn’t already so booked up tonight with classes or I could try to squeeze you in for a massage. That would do wonders for you right now.”

“I actually just had a massage over the long weekend,” recalled Tessa wistfully. “My first ever. It was really amazing, something I could get used to.”

Sasha nodded. “It’s a good addiction to have. Maybe we can set up an appointment for you sometime. Take it easy in class, okay? I’ll see you soon.”

It didn’t surprise Tessa that her teacher was also a massage therapist. During class, Sasha made a point of going around to as many students as possible and making adjustments to their bodies while in poses. Tessa could tell by the knowledgeable way in which Sasha touched her that she was extremely familiar with human anatomy, and her touch was both skillful and soothing. Tessa wondered anew if Ian already had a massage therapist he saw on a regular basis, and made a mental note to suggest that they could possibly use Sasha’s services if he didn’t.

She felt relaxed and less uncomfortable at the end of the class, a sensation that remained with her during the bus ride home. It was only as she opened her mail box that the all too familiar feeling that something bad was about to happen returned.

The thick manila envelope bore the return address of a local law firm, and Tessa almost dropped the packet in revulsion. She postponed opening the envelope for as long as possible, and didn’t even mention its arrival to Ian when they spoke on the phone late that night. With the eight hour time difference between San Francisco and London, it was already very early in the morning for him and well past normal bedtime for her. Still, she gladly gave up the extra sleep in order to hear his voice, to listen to him recount what had happened the day before, and to have him tell her how much he loved and missed her. Determined to remain positive, Tessa didn’t mention her painful period or how many times during the last day and a half she’d had to fight off a bout of depression.

But once their conversation ended, she stared for long minutes at the offending envelope, knowing she’d never be able to sleep until she opened it.

She’d known without even looking at the return address that the envelope contained the divorce papers. She didn’t get a lot of mail in general, and certainly nothing as thick and official looking as this packet. Sighing, Tessa slid the papers out of their envelope and took a quick glance at the top page.

Well, it was over. Officially so, even though her marriage to Peter had in all honesty never really begun. They had been best friends, roommates, confidantes, but never lovers or partners, not in the true sense of the word. Now that she knew what it truly felt like to be in love, to experience sexual fulfillment, and, yes, to finally feel like a woman, Tessa could accept her seven years with Peter for what they had actually been - a means to an end; a safe haven for her; and a dysfunctional mess that should never have been permitted to go on for as long as it had.

Still, she cried for awhile, because it was never really easy to let go of something that had been part of your life for so many years. And then, she opened her email account on the rather ancient old laptop Peter had scrounged up for her way back in high school, and began to compose the letter she ought to have sent him weeks ago.

Dear Peter,

It’s been a few weeks since we were in touch and a lot has happened during that time. First, though, the divorce papers arrived today so I guess it’s really official - we’re no longer married. I just finished having a good cry over it but I can honestly say – finally - that you did the right thing by making this happen - for both of us.

There’s - well, I’ve met someone, Peter. I know you always wanted that for me, but I still can’t help feeling a little bit guilty about it. He’s a wonderful man, treats me like a princess, and I’m going to be moving in with him soon. As you know, the lease on this place is up in April, so I guess the timing is working out well.

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