Crave Page 71

Ian smiled in satisfaction at the way her blue eyes grew heavy lidded with passion as he continued to caress her bare buttocks. “I’m glad you approve, love. And in addition to telling me if you don’t enjoy something, the opposite is also the case. If there’s a particular need or want you have, I insist that you tell me.” His hand moved to stroke her hip, then her shapely thigh. “I want you to take the initiative as well. I’ve told you more than once that our relationship is going to be an equal partnership, both in and out of bed. That means you should feel completely comfortable taking control of our lovemaking when the mood strikes you.”

Tessa’s cheeks flushed, and she glanced downwards uncertainly. “I’m - I’m not sure I could do that, Ian. I don’t…”

He tipped her chin up to meet his gaze. “Perhaps not yet. But when the time comes, I want you to feel free to do whatever you like. All right?”

She nodded, a mischievous little smile playing about her lips. “All right. Can I do whatever I want right now?”

He grinned. “Of course you can. What exactly did you have in mind, my little wanton?”

Tessa slithered back down his body, her hand returning to stroke his very interested cock. “Some unfinished business,” she breathed, just before closing her lips over the tip, licking off the thick beads of pre-cum as she did so.

Ian’s head fell back against the pillows, his hips beginning to thrust up in sync with the slow, tantalizing pulls of her mouth. “I, ah, like the way you think,” he groaned. “You can - Christ - have these sort of - ah, God, yes - ideas as often - as you like.”

And then he couldn’t summon up even one more coherent thought as she continued to pleasure him with her greedy, eager mouth. All he could do was surrender to the sensations that rippled through his body as she serviced him with complete and total enthusiasm.


The international terminal at San Francisco Airport was teeming with people, even at this early hour. Ian had already checked his luggage for the flight to London, and was delaying the moment he had to enter the security line for as long as possible, knowing that Tessa would not be able to proceed past that point. Taking a commercial flight was not something he typically did, as he utilized the corporate jet for the majority of his business travel. But since he would be away for just over two weeks and remaining in London the entire time, he’d decided the company plane could be put to better use by his executives and high level managers who also needed to travel frequently on business.

Wanting to spend every possible minute together until his departure, Tessa had stayed overnight at his house and risen at a very early hour this morning to accompany him on the drive to the airport. Simon was at present circling around the terminal until she re-emerged, and then he would drive her to the office.

“You’re certain you won’t stay at the house while I’m away?”

Tessa nodded as she smoothed down the lapels of his black wool overcoat. “I’m sure, yes. If I’m going to give notice to my landlord soon, then I’d better use this time to start packing things up and cleaning. I’ll have to decide what to keep and what to donate. I want to ask my landlord if any of the other tenants might need some things.”

He gave the belt of her raincoat a little tug as he tightened his arms around her waist. “Well, if I get a vote you know what item will be on the top of my donation pile.”

She grinned up at him. “I thought you had other plans for this, plans that included a fireplace and a book of matches.”

Ian eyed the much-maligned raincoat dubiously. “You’re right. I’m not certain there would be any takers if you tried to give it away. Even thrift stores have certain standards.”

Tessa gave him a playful swat on the arm. “Hey, it’s not that bad. Besides, it’s not for much longer, you know.”

“I know.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’ll also get to work on that letter of resignation while I’m away?”

“Yes, I promise. Will you tell Andrew the real reason I’m leaving?”

Ian considered her question for a moment or two. “Most likely, yes. If anyone can keep a secret, he can. Not to mention he’s paid a pretty penny to be discreet. And, of course, he probably already guesses that there’s something going on between us. It’s rather terrifying at times how nothing escapes that boy’s attention.”

She nodded. “He’s terrifying, all right. Wouldn’t it be something to have him and Mrs. Carrington in the same room together sometime?”

The look of mock horror on his face made her giggle. “God, that would truly be a battle of wills for the ages, wouldn’t it?” he asked. “I wouldn’t even know which one of them to bet on.”

For long seconds after that they just held each other, two lovers who were postponing the moment they would have to part for as long as possible. It was Tessa who finally, reluctantly, lifted her head from his chest and gazed up at him sorrowfully.

“I guess you’d better go,” she said slowly. “And I shouldn’t keep Simon waiting any longer.”

“Simon doesn’t mind,” he assured her gently. “He knows I’m mad about you. But unfortunately, you’re right, it is time. Now, give me a kiss good-by, darling, and I’ll call you as soon as I land.”

Tessa kissed him with an almost desperate hunger, her arms clinging to his neck as he groaned beneath her lips. Tears shimmered in her eyes as he lifted his head.

He cupped her cheek in his hand, his thumb brushing away her tears. “I’ve got to go. Dream of me, will you, love?”

“Every night,” she whispered. “You, too.”

Ian smiled, the look of love on his handsome face causing her heart to ache. “Darling, don’t you know? I’ve dreamed of you every night since we met. I’m not going to stop now.”

With one last, quick kiss, he picked up his laptop bag and walked away towards the security line. She watched him for another minute or two before turning away hastily, not wanting to burst into tears in the middle of a crowded airport.

Simon tactfully didn’t comment on her teary-eyed state when he assisted her inside the town car, and was mostly silent during the drive back into San Francisco. But as they drew closer to the office, his deep, gentle voice startled her a bit.

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