Crave Page 64

He’d carried her upstairs to his bed then, and this time had made love to her with exquisite thoroughness, prolonging the ecstasy for what had felt like hours. And then he’d woken her again towards dawn, already imbedded deep inside of her, and wrung another shattering orgasm from her exhausted body.

She was grateful she’d taken the day off from work, because she’d been far too drowsy and pleasantly sated to do more than give him a sleepy kiss as he’d left for the office just before eight a.m. She’d slept until ten, a rare luxury for her, and had had to scramble a bit to shower, dress, and eat breakfast before he arrived home.

But Ian still didn’t look convinced at her assurance. “That first time, in the library - I was like a rutting bull, Tessa. No finesse, no control. I was -”

“Wild.” She swiftly straddled his lap, twining her arms around his neck. “Like a beast. Or a barbarian.” She nipped his earlobe lightly with her teeth before whispering, “And I loved it. I like it when you lose control.”

He growled, shoving his hand up beneath her sweater and roughly groping her breast, making her gasp as his fingers slid inside her bra cup to pinch the nipple. “You make me lose control just by being in the same room,” he rasped. “It’s never been that way for me before, not even close.”

“Good.” She caressed his cheek, which was just beginning to show some dark stubble as the day began to draw to a close. “I like that I’m the only one who can make you do that. And,” she added playfully, “let’s make sure to keep it that way, hmm?”

He gave a short laugh. “Darling, I’ve told you on multiple occasions that you’re far more than I can handle as it is. Why on earth would I notice other women when I have all my heart desires right here?”

The sweet, wildly romantic things he seemed to have a knack for saying made her feel all gooey inside. Still, she couldn’t resist teasing him a bit more. “So you’re telling me you didn’t notice the way that very pretty front desk clerk was checking you out?”

Ian frowned. “Unless you had just mentioned it, I wouldn’t have been able to remember if the clerk had been a man or a woman. That’s how little attention I paid. But since we’re on the subject, I should mention the very interested stares you were receiving from the valet. And the bellhop. Not to mention the doorman. Ah, and I’m forgetting the dozen or so - at least - admiring males who were staring at your very sexy body as we walked through the lobby.”

“I didn’t notice any of them,” she murmured. “Nowadays, the only man I ever notice is you.”

He smoothed her sweater back down over her belly. “Well, let’s make sure to keep it that way, darling,” he said, teasing her with her own words from just moments before.

A knock sounded on the door to the suite, and he deftly lifted her off his lap. As he stood, he gave her a little wink. “That will be the next in the string of surprises,” he told her as he walked towards the door. “And this one is for both of us.”

The next surprise he’d arranged was a couple’s massage. Ian had whispered to her as the two massage therapists were setting up their tables and equipment that he’d specifically requested a female to work on Tessa and a male on himself, adding that he wasn’t about to let another man put his hands on her, whether it was in a clinical manner or not. The folding massage tables were set up over by the grand picture windows so that they could look outside at the falling snow while the sun gradually began to set. One of the therapists turned on the suite’s state of the art sound system, and some relaxing classical music filled the room softly. A candle was lit, and the subtle fragrance of bergamot scented the air, lending to the atmosphere of complete relaxation.

Tessa had never enjoyed the pure luxury of a massage before, and couldn’t suppress a little moan or two as the masseuse found a tight spot here and there. She turned her head in the direction of Ian’s table, and gave him a sleepy smile as their eyes met. She thought blissfully that she could easily get used to this sort of pampering, and wondered if he indulged in massages on a regular basis.

When the massage ended an hour later, far too soon for her liking, she felt boneless and limp, and so relaxed that Ian had to help her tie the belt of her robe.

“Hmm, I hope the next surprise is a nice long nap,” she mumbled sleepily.

He chuckled, wrapping her in his arms and dropping a kiss on her forehead. “I didn’t realize I’d worn you out quite so badly last night. I can loan you some of my vitamins,” he teased. “And you might want to consider ordering an extra-large portion of protein with your dinner this evening. Speaking of which, our reservations are in just over an hour and I’d like to have a cocktail with you first. Trust me, you’ll like where we’re going.”

Tessa yawned, stretching her arms wide. “Umm, okay. But it’s not my fault if I suddenly start nodding off. That massage was incredible. I’ve never felt that pampered before.”

“That was the general idea, darling. To have you feeling relaxed and pampered all weekend long. Though I didn’t intend for you to be quite this relaxed,” he retorted. “Perhaps I should order you a triple espresso - or two.” He leaned forward to murmur huskily, “After all, I plan to keep you awake for hours tonight. Another part of the surprise.”

She couldn’t help trembling just a little at his heated words. “I can’t wait,” she told him a little dazedly. “Maybe we should just get room service and, ah, stay in.”

He grinned at her, shaking his head. “And ruin all of my plans? Hardly, love. Besides, the anticipation will enhance the pleasure ten times over. Trust me on this. Now, time for the next surprises. Come with me.”

Ian led her into the master bedroom, where several boxes of varying sizes had been placed on the huge four poster bed. She looked at him expectantly, not sure what she was supposed to do next.

“And where did all of these boxes just materialize from?” she inquired. “They weren’t here earlier when I unpacked my things.”

But he only gave her a mysterious smile before telling her, “I’d like you to wear all of the items you’ll find in the boxes to dinner this evening. I’ll leave you in here while I change in the other bedroom.”

Tessa regarded him curiously. “There’s plenty of room in here for both of us, you know.”

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