Crave Page 59

He’d convinced her to stay over at his home on Sunday night rather than bringing her back to that god-awful apartment of hers. Still intent on keeping their relationship a carefully guarded secret, he’d sent her off to work on Monday in a taxi while Simon had driven him to the office as usual. And even though he and Tessa had only been together for just over a month’s time, he was already at the end of his rope with this very unsatisfactory arrangement they currently had. He wanted her with him constantly, sleeping in his bed every single night, and was extremely displeased with this elaborate pretense they had to keep up.

Thank God tomorrow was the start of the long weekend he’d promised her, their highly anticipated getaway to the Gregson resort in Lake Tahoe - three and a half days of skiing, relaxation, and a whole lot of sex. The phone calls and texts they’d exchanged since Monday morning weren’t nearly enough to make up for not having her in his arms, and he badly needed to see her alone, even for a few minutes. Ian realized this was uncharted territory for him - this almost stalker-like behavior he was engaging in - but he couldn’t help the obsession he felt for her. He was taking a risk, of course, with so many people in the office this morning, but he was more than ready to throw caution to the wind for just five minutes with her.

‘Jesus, mate, you’re acting like a thirteen year old schoolgirl,’ he chastised himself. ‘What the hell are you going to do when you’re away from her for two bloody weeks?’

Less than a week from now he had to fly to London for a mind-numbing series of board meetings and other matters that required his presence at corporate headquarters. Under normal circumstances, he’d actually be looking forward to spending some time with his parents and brothers and the rest of his family. But the very thought of being away from Tessa for so long was eating away at him, and he honestly had no idea how he was going to bear the separation. If she hadn’t been so stubborn, she would have quit her job by now and be spending the full two weeks in England with him.

But even as that thought crossed his mind, Ian knew in all fairness that Tessa simply wasn’t ready for that. She was still so shy and uncertain around him, still getting to know him really, and it wouldn’t be especially considerate to overwhelm her so completely by having to meet all of his family at once. He knew she was terrified of embarrassing him, and that she didn’t feel worthy to be seen out in public with him - two ridiculous notions he was determined to resolve sooner than later. If he brought her to meet his family now, when she was very much like a skittish, frightened fawn, she could very well decide to end their relationship, fearful that she could never be what he needed.

Ian wasn’t going to do a damned thing to risk losing her at this point, not after he’d longed for her for so many months. What he was going to do - in a very persuasive manner - was convince his surprisingly stubborn little love that if he had her with him permanently she would be all he would ever need. His plans for this coming weekend revolved around convincing her of just that.

As he approached the conference room, he frowned in irritation to realize she wasn’t alone. He recognized the rather whiny, nasally tone as Kevin’s and stopped in his tracks, quite intentionally eavesdropping on the conversation the younger man was having with Tessa.

“Got any hot plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow?” asked Kevin cheerily. “Or the long weekend?”

There was a pause before he heard Tessa reply, her answer thankfully vague. “Oh, nothing specific. Just relaxing, maybe a yoga class, the usual.”

“Well, that just won’t do,” declared Kevin. “It’s not right that a hot babe like you doesn’t have a date for Valentine’s Day. And don’t feed me that BS about not being ready to move on. It’s been months, Tessa, way past time for you to get out there and find a new man. Maybe several of them.”

Ian was furious, outraged, to hear that little shit trying to convince Tessa - his Tessa, God damn it - that she ought to be dating other men - lots of other men. He had to clench his fists to keep from slamming one into the wall, and counted to ten instead to calm himself down.

“Thanks for thinking of me, but I’ll know when the time is right,” Tessa replied casually.

“Well, maybe I can change your mind. One of the attorneys who works with Terence is recently divorced and on the prowl. And let me tell you, sweetie, he is H-O-T. Looks just like Ryan Gosling. Or is that Ryan Reynolds? I always get those two mixed up. Anyway, he saw the photo that Terence took of you and me at the Christmas party and he is very interested in meeting you. His name is -”

Ian had had quite enough, and chose that moment to enter the conference room, his strides long and purposeful. Kevin and Tessa looked up as he all but burst inside, and the expression on his face must have been murderous judging from the looks on their faces.

“M - Mr. Gregson. Can I, ah, help you with something?” stammered Tessa.

Ian glared pointedly at Kevin. “Yes, I need to review some data on one of the spreadsheets before our meeting. Kevin, would you excuse us please?”

Kevin looked as though he was about to faint - or piss his pants - but merely gulped and nodded. “Uh, sure. I need to get back to work anyway. See you after the meeting, Tess.”

Ian drummed his fingers on the table impatiently until Kevin slinked out of the room. Mere seconds later he was quietly shutting and locking the door, and then he very nearly flew across the room until he was jerking Tessa into his arms.

“Just so we’re perfectly clear,” he bit out, each word enunciated slowly, “you are not going on a date with any lawyers, doctors, or anyone else that little fucker offers to set you up with. You are not “getting out there” to find a new man. Because you already have a new man in your life, and he’s damned sure not willing to share you.”

“Ian.” Whatever she was about to say was quickly swallowed up by the fierce, desperate way he kissed her. She whimpered beneath the force of his lips and tongue, especially when his hand slid down her back to cup her ass. Tessa clutched the lapels of his suit jacket as he ground himself aggressively against the cleft of her thighs.

They were both gasping for air when he finally lifted his head, half-afraid he’d come in his pants if he continued to dry hump her a second longer. He slid his hands into her thick, glossy hair instead, gazing into her huge blue eyes, and frowned when he saw the way her lips were trembling.

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