Crave Page 56

She took another bite of the bar, chewing it slowly as their gazes met and held. As mesmerized by him as she was, she didn’t even notice when the duvet began to slide slowly down her torso, almost to the waist, baring her breasts. It was only the indrawn hiss of Ian’s breath, coupled with the automatic lowering of his gaze, that alerted her.

“Jesus,” he rasped, his eyes fixated on her bare breasts. “Do you have any idea how irresistible you look this way? Tell me to keep my hands to myself, Tessa, or that I’m a rutting pig to even think about…”

“You’re not,” she interrupted. “I’d never think that. Or tell you such a thing.” She set her half-empty mug down carefully on the nightstand.

Ian’s hand cupped a full, firm globe, his thumb brushing lightly over the already erect nipple. “You’re so beautiful,” he marveled. “I don’t think I’ll ever truly believe that you’re mine. I keep expecting all of this to just be the same dream I had for so many months.”

Tessa’s hand covered his, pressing it more firmly against her breast “I’m not a dream,” she told him huskily. “And I’ll be yours for as long as you want me. You know that.”

His big hands grasped her by the upper arms and yanked her against his chest. “Well, that would be forever, then, darling,” he whispered, just before capturing her mouth in a long, seeking kiss.

She rose to her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him back eagerly. He groaned as she pressed her breasts against his chest, and his hands slid down her bare back to cup her buttocks.

“Tessa. Darling, we can’t.” He tried to pry her arms away from where they were tightly clasped about his neck. “Your class. I’ll make you late if we…”

“I don’t care.” Her hands were already tunneling beneath his T-shirt.

“Christ.” His curse was low and rough as he helped her pull the shirt off, and then he hissed as she began to stroke his rock hard cock. He slid one hand down over her stomach into the soft nest of her pubic hair before dipping lower, to where she was wet and hot and more than ready for him.

He tore the rest of his clothing off in record time, then tumbled her back onto the pillows an instant before surging inside of her.

“Ohh,” she sighed, her back bowing off the bed. “Oh, God, that’s so good.”

Ian slid his hands beneath her buttocks, lifting her up higher so that he could slide even deeper inside her body. His lips were hot against the side of her neck, his breathing uneven. “The absolute best feeling in the universe, love,” he rasped. “Hold on tight now, all right? This is going to be quick and hard.”

Tessa wrapped her arms about his neck, entwining her long legs around his waist as he fucked her with deep, rapid thrusts, stroking his long, thick cock into her masterfully. She loved him this way - her lusty, hungry lover - loved when he took her as though he was starved for the taste of her. But it never seemed to matter how he made love to her, for the result was always the same - a mind-numbing, soul-stealing orgasm that pulsed through every nerve ending in her body, the pleasure seeping into her very bones. She longed to whisper to him of her love, of how much he meant to her, but it wasn’t yet time for that sort of revelation. Not when he hadn’t said the words to her first, and when she wasn’t completely certain if what he felt for her was really love or simply lust.

He followed her over moments later, the hot rush of his orgasm flooding her still-clenching core and trickling down the inside of her thighs. She loved feeling the rapid thud of his heart against her chest, her own pulse still racing madly. And at that moment all she wanted to do was curl up in his arms and go back to sleep, waking only to make love again and again.

But Ian had other ideas, withdrawing from her slowly as she would have clung to him. He gave her a gentle kiss as he slid out of the bed. “If you’ve any hope of making that class, love, you’re going to have to get this gorgeous behind in motion immediately. Come now, let’s get you ready.”

Tessa made a little sound of protest as he pulled her from the bed, and then squealed as he smacked her playfully on her bare ass. She could hear him chuckling as she dashed inside the walk-in closet, where she grabbed the first set of yoga clothes she saw. She washed up and dressed in record time, shoving her feet into a pair of flip-flops and picking up her yoga mat as Ian hustled her down to the garage.

He drove like he did everything else - with a smooth, suave expertise - though this morning he was maneuvering the classic Jaguar through the largely empty streets of the city at a slightly faster speed than was his norm. During the drive Tessa arranged her tangled hair into a somewhat messy braid, hoping she didn’t look too disheveled. She peered at herself anxiously in the rearview mirror, fretting when she noticed the wisps of blonde hair already escaping the braid.

Ian smiled and laid a reassuring hand on her thigh. “Relax. You look fine. Besides, you’re just going to get sweaty again during your class.”

She took a deep breath, her pulse still erratic. “I know. It’s just, well, I don’t want to go inside looking, um…”

He grinned wickedly. “Like you just left my bed? There may be no hope for that, love. With those rosy cheeks and that particular look you get in your eyes afterwards - well, it’s a bit obvious what you’ve been doing.”

She groaned, hiding her face in her hands. “I should have just skipped class.”

His hand slid to the nape of her neck, rubbing it gently. “Nonsense. You’re worrying far too much, love. You enjoy your class while I hit the gym for a bit. I’ll take you out for breakfast afterwards and then…”

His voice trailed off suggestively, making her squirm impatiently. “I’ll look forward to it,” she replied shyly. “Both the breakfast and the, ah, afterwards.”

Ian chuckled as he pulled up just outside of the yoga studio, double parking while he kept the engine running. “You have exactly three minutes until your class starts, love, so best hustle. I’ll meet you around the corner as we discussed, all right? Just in case Julia is back from New York.”

Tessa nodded in agreement to what they had decided upon during the brief drive over. “Yes. I’ll meet you there. Thanks for the ride.”

His hazel eyes twinkled merrily as he leaned over for a quick kiss. “And thank you for letting me make you run late this morning. Enjoy your class, darling.”

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