Crave Page 5

And while the ivory sweater certainly wasn’t snug, it nonetheless didn’t fail to call attention to the lush roundness of her breasts. His hands clenched into fists as he imagined running his palms over the firm, ripe globes, just before sliding up beneath the hem of the sweater until they encountered the lace of her bra. He felt tiny beads of sweat form along his upper lip, at the same time that his cock began to harden and press insistently against the zipper of his trousers.

“Yes, Tessa?” he asked, smiling at her warmly.

Her cheeks pinkened yet again, probably the tenth or twelfth time today he’d seen her blushing. “Um, I just wanted to see if there was anything else you needed, sir,” she mumbled, looking down at her shoes uncertainly. “That is, I’m more than happy to stay longer if -”

He glanced at his computer monitor, visibly started to realize how late it was. “Good Lord, is it really that time?” he asked in amazement. “You should have left half an hour ago at least. And no, there’s nothing else I need. You’ve done an astounding amount of work today, Tessa, and done all of it exceptionally well.”

Tessa raised those enormous blue eyes to his, the smile that lit her beautiful face revealing how much his praise had pleased her. “It was my pleasure, Mr. Gregson,” she replied softly. “I - I hope everything was up to your standards, sir.”

“Very much so,” he assured her in a gentle voice. Relieved to notice that his erection had subsided enough for decency’s sake, Ian rose to his feet and walked around the side of his desk until he was standing right in front of her. He couldn’t resist touching her, just for a moment or two, and gave her shoulder a quick squeeze. The brief touch, however, was more than enough to arouse him anew, and also to cause Tessa’s eyes to widen in surprise.

“Now, you should head home and enjoy the rest of your evening,” he told her, removing his hand reluctantly. “It’s going to be an extremely busy week, I’m afraid, and I don’t want to wear you out after the first day.”

She shook her head, making him all too aware of how long and soft her blonde curls were, and how he wanted nothing more than to bury his face in all of that glorious hair and inhale her sweet, seductive scent. “You won’t. I promise,” she assured him. “I’m not afraid of hard work, Mr. Gregson. I’ll be ready for whatever you ask of me.”

Ian’s mouth quirked up at the corners, wondering if she had any idea, any idea at all, of exactly what he wanted to ask of her. “Nonetheless,” he admonished, “it’s been a very long day and well past time for both of us to head home. Do you have any plans for this evening?”

He asked the question with forced casualness, not at all certain what his reaction would be if - God forbid - she admitted to going out on a date, or to a club with some friends.

But to his great relief, Tessa merely gave a small shrug and replied, “Nothing except hitting the employee gym downstairs for an hour or so, and then heading home.”

Ian was pleased that her plans didn’t involve spending time with another man, but at the same time he couldn’t help but be concerned for her safety, especially since he was well aware of the rather dicey neighborhood she lived in. “Are you sure that’s a wise idea, Tessa?” he inquired, not particularly caring if he sounded worried. “It’s already past six p.m., and you wouldn’t be leaving the building until seven-thirty or so. Do you have a ride home?”

She shook her head. “But the bus doesn’t leave me off very far from my apartment, sir. It’s just a short walk.”

He scowled as the image of her walking through the dark, rather menacing streets of her community filled his head. “I’d be worried sick about you all night if you took a bus home at that hour,” he told her. “And since it’s my fault that you’re here at the office so late, I’m going to arrange for a car service to drive you home. You go along and enjoy your workout, and the car will be waiting for you downstairs when you’re finished.”

Tessa’s soft pink mouth fell open in surprise at his announcement. “Mr. Gregson - really, sir, that isn’t at all necessary. I’m used to taking the bus home even at this hour. And I’m always careful. I promise.”

Ian shook his head authoritatively. “I insist, Tessa. Tonight and for the remainder of the week you’ll be driven home each evening, especially if you’re going to be working this late. As my PA, temporary or not, you’re my responsibility, and I take such things very seriously. So, no more arguments, hmm?”

“I’ll just skip my workout, Mr. Gregson,” she offered. “It’s not that important. That way I’ll get home much earlier and there won’t be any need for you to worry.”

“No.” He was aware that he was starting to sound like something of a dictator, evidenced by the way Tessa’s eyes widened in response, but her stubbornness in accepting a favor was a challenge he hadn’t anticipated.

“You deserve to spend some time on yourself today,” he added in a softer tone. “I’m guessing you arrived in the office at - what time? Seven-thirty? Seven?”

The guilty look on her face was almost comical, and thoroughly adorable. “Um, six-thirty, actually,” she mumbled. “I, ah, wanted to make sure I had everything ready.”

Ian gave her a look of mock severity. “All the more reason, then, why you shouldn’t skip that workout. You owe it to yourself after such a long day. I’m very disciplined about my own fitness regime, and rarely skip a day.”

Tessa nodded, her gaze flickering over his body. “I - I assumed you worked out a lot. I mean, not that - um, well, I mean -”

He gave her another of those deliberately flirty winks, and followed the gesture up with a knowing smile. “I know what you mean,” he assured her teasingly. “And I’ll assume the same about your own workouts. You appear to be very, very - ah, fit.”

This time Ian was half-afraid that Tessa would faint dead away, given the thoroughly shocked expression on her face as he gave her tall, shapely figure a very assessing look. He took pity on her after a few more seconds, though, well aware that he was flirting with her rather outrageously and that she had no idea at all of how to respond.

“Off with you now, Tessa,” he bade her firmly. “Enjoy your workout and don’t worry about getting home. I’ll rest much easier knowing you’ll get there safely.”

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