Crave Page 44

Her cheeks flushed, she whispered to him urgently, “Aren’t you afraid Simon will notice?”

Ian grinned, shaking his head. “Not in the least. Simon is very discreet, as I’ve mentioned before. And also extremely perceptive, so he’s well aware of my obsession with you. So you can keep this very delectable bottom of yours right where it is.”

Tessa sighed in bliss and lowered her head to his shoulder in surrender. “Okay.” She turned her head and pressed a kiss to his cheek before murmuring softly, “I really missed you, too.”

His arms tightened about her in reaction. “I trust you’re going to show me exactly how much as soon as we get inside the house,” he replied in a low, urgent voice.

She bit down on the inside of her cheek, stifling a gasp as his hand worked its way under the hem of her black skirt, squeezing the flesh of her inner thigh. “I’m not sure I can wait that long,” she told him, trying very, very hard not to moan as his long fingers traced the crotch of her panties.

“I can tell,” he breathed in a low voice. “You’re very aroused, aren’t you, love? Have you been like this all day?”

She nodded, closing her eyes in ecstasy as he slid one finger beneath her soaked underwear. “Ever - ever since you called me this morning,” she confessed breathlessly.

Ian’s tongue traced around her ear while his finger continued to tease her drenched slit. “And I’ve been hard and aching for you all damned day, imagining how you look in these skimpy black lace bits. Stockings, too, I see.” His hand slid back down to the top of her leg where her silky black thigh-highs ended.

Her body suddenly felt overly warm, her breasts swollen and achy, and she squirmed on his lap, her bottom brushing against his thick, fully erect cock. “Please,” she whispered shakily, not quite sure what she was asking him for.

But he knew, apparently very well, because this time he slid two fingers under the band of her panties, plunging them as deep inside of her as he could manage, given their somewhat limited space.

“Shhh,” he urged in a hushed tone, as a low moan began to escape her throat. “If I agree to take care of you here, love, than you have to promise to be very, very quiet. Knowing how shy you are, you’ll never be able to look Simon in the face again if he hears you come.”

Tessa gave a quick nod, and then fisted her knuckles against her mouth. Stifling the sounds of her pleasure proved an almost impossible task, however, especially when Ian’s talented fingers brought her to a swift, stunning climax. Still, she remained silent, the very thought of Simon hearing her beyond mortifying.

This time when she slid off his lap, Ian didn’t protest, merely taking her hand in his.

“Thank you.” She leaned over to whisper in his ear. “I’ll, um, return the favor later.”

He chuckled before whispering back, “We’re not keeping score here, love. But I’ll certainly take you up on your very inviting offer before the weekend is over. Quite possibly before this night is.”

For the remainder of the drive to his house, they were on their best behavior, their linked hands the only parts of their bodies touching. They talked about work, his trip, the weather forecast for the weekend, which was supposed to be pleasant and warmer than was the norm for this time of year.

Tessa’s interest was piqued. “Can we have breakfast out on the terrace? I don’t mind if it’s a little cool in the morning, do you?”

He smiled at her indulgently. “Not at all, darling. Especially since the terrace is nicely sheltered from the wind. Not to mention all the patio heaters I have outside.”

She beamed at him. “So, it’s a date, then? Will you let me cook for you again?”

Ian brushed his thumb over her lips. “If that gives you pleasure, then, yes, of course. But you’re going to spoil me very quickly if I allow you to keep doing things like that.”

“I like doing things for you,” she told him guilelessly. “And you deserve to be spoiled, especially after everything you’ve done for me. Has no one ever done that for you?”

“Spoiled me, you mean?” He shook his head. “Not that I’ve lived a deprived lifestyle by any means. But my parents were determined that my brothers and I not grow up to be pampered, snobbish brats so we weren’t overly indulged as children. As far as another woman spoiling me - I can honestly say that you’re the only one who’s ever offered to do so.”

Tessa smiled in delight. “Once again I’m very happy that I was the first for you in some small way.”

Ian’s expression was one of incredible tenderness, so much that it made her heart soar. “Tessa, you have no idea how many firsts you’ve already given me. When the time is right, I’ll tell you exactly what they are.”

They arrived at his house moments later, not giving her an opportunity to quiz him about his mysterious comment. And then, almost the very second the front door was shut behind them, she wasn’t given the chance to do anything but submit willingly to his very urgent desires.

“Hurry,” he urged, leading her up the stairs to his room. “It feels like four years since I’ve had you instead of only four days.”

Clothes were shed in between hungry, passionate kisses, a trail of coats, shoes, shirts, and other garments left in their wake as they fairly stumbled into his bedroom. Tessa was still wearing her lingerie and shoes as he all but flung her onto the bed, while he was splendidly nude save for his snug-fitting black briefs. Her blue eyes grew round and huge as he swiftly divested himself of his last remaining article of clothing, baring his truly magnificent body to her eager gaze, the sight of his massive erection causing her to pant in anticipation.

She hadn’t expected him to be gentle, given the near-desperation of his earlier kisses, but she still cried out in shocked surprise as he fisted one hand in her panties, yanking them down her legs, just before surging as deeply inside of her as possible with one masterful stroke.

“Ah, ah, oh, my God,” she wailed, feeling the head of his cock battering against the tip of her womb. “Ian - oh -”

Her voice trailed off as he began moving inside of her roughly, his voice low as he uttered a series of brusque instructions.

“Lift your legs up onto my shoulders. Yes, like that. God, that’s good.”

“That’s it, love, wrap those beautiful long legs around my neck.”

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