Crave Page 15

“They are, yes. Don’t worry, Tessa, they’re insured. And the necklace has a very secure clasp so you can’t possibly lose it.”

“It’s not that.” Tessa’s big blue eyes grew shiny with tears. “This is all just a little overwhelming. I feel like Cinderella.”

Marlene laughed. “And you look like her, too. You’re a beautiful girl, Tessa, and Mr. Gregson is going to be speechless when he sees you. He’ll be very pleased.”

That seemed to do the trick as Tessa looked to Marlene for assurance. “You really think so?”

Marlene nodded. “I know so, dear. He was very anxious earlier today for you to like the things he chose. I’ve rarely see a man take the sort of care he did. Now, come. It’s time to dazzle him.”



Chapter Four

Ian discreetly pulled back the sleeve of his shirt to check the time on his Cartier watch. It was still a few minutes before six-thirty, but he’d arrived at Neiman Marcus a bit early in the hopes that Tessa would already be finished with the salon treatments he had arranged for her. He’d been waiting for this moment with ill-concealed impatience ever since she’d left his office earlier today.

After his doubts of last evening, he had breathed a huge sigh of relief after finally seeing Tessa today. In fact, her response to him had been well beyond his wildest expectations. She was still shy and uncertain, and he couldn’t be too aggressive with her, but he was overjoyed to discover that the attraction between them was very mutual. He had never envisioned making this much progress so quickly, and was looking forward to speeding up the very enjoyable process of seducing his golden girl. How many times had he fantasized about this - taking her out to dinner and then quite possibly to his bed.

But, no, he couldn’t push her. Despite her eager response to his advances and her shy admittance of being attracted to him, Ian could still sense her uncertainty and inexperience, behavior that seemed odd for a soon-to-be divorced woman. He wondered if Peter had been her only boyfriend, her only sexual partner, which could explain her shyness around other men.

And while he would love nothing better than to bring Tessa home with him tonight and finally make her his, he wasn’t going to rush things. The last thing he intended to do at this point was to scare her off and ruin his chances with her. He’d waited this long, surely his patience could last a while longer.

But his good intentions were all dashed to hell when he saw her emerge from the dressing room, Marlene Brennan trailing in her wake. Ian froze as he got a good look at Tessa, and his heart caught in his throat at just how beautiful she looked.

The blue dress, almost exactly the same shade as the one she’d worn to the office Christmas party, clung in all the right places and made her look svelte and sexy while still shrieking class. Her breasts looked higher and rounder, and he wondered how she looked in the seductive blue lace bra he’d selected for her, as well as the tiny matching panties. His erection began to throb painfully and he groaned in silence, realizing it was going to be a damned long night ahead if he kept up this train of thought.

Tessa was glowing - there was really no other word for it. Her lovely face didn’t actually need cosmetics, but the makeup artist had done an excellent job with the subtle application she’d given her. His gaze lingered on the soft pink gloss on her lips, and how her eyes seemed even bigger and bluer than usual. Her hair was shiny and smooth, falling in a straight, glossy fall down her shoulders and back. The sapphires he’d chosen to go with the dress were just right, not too large or showy.

She was smiling as she reached him, standing a couple of inches taller than usual with the added height from her new shoes.

“Hi,” she said breathlessly.

Ian grinned at her, absurdly proud of how striking she looked and how happy she seemed. “Hi, yourself, darling. You look gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. I assume you like the dress?”

She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, and his skin burned from the contact. “It’s beautiful. All of it. Thank you so much, I love everything. But it’s way too much, you know, especially the sapphires. You didn’t -”

He placed a finger over her lips, careful not to muss the pink gloss. “I know I didn’t. But it gives me just as much pleasure to buy you things as it does for you to receive them. So indulge me, hmm? I’ve waited a very long time to be able to do these things.”

Tessa nodded. “Okay. Just - thank you.”

He couldn’t resist wrapping an arm around her waist and hugging her close. He buried his face in her hair, which smelled like vanilla and spice. “It was my pleasure, love. Especially when I see how happy my little gift has made you. Are you ready to leave now?”

“I just need to get my coat and bag,” she assured him, and turned to face Marlene.

Ian took the cashmere coat from the personal shopper and held it open for Tessa. He smiled as she buttoned up the coat and then snuggled the collar more closely around her neck.

“I really love this,” she said guilelessly. “I’ve never, ever had anything so nice before. Or so warm.”

He leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “Careful, or I might find myself getting jealous of a coat. Though I admit it’s a big improvement over that bloody raincoat.”

Tessa laughed, and took the Coach handbag from Marlene. The older woman was also carrying a large paper shopping bag which she handed to Tessa.

“This has all the things you were wearing when you arrived,” she explained.

“I’ll take that,” offered Ian, thinking of how much he longed to burn the damned raincoat that he could see folded on top of the bag. “And I must thank you for taking such excellent care of Tessa. I didn’t think perfection could be improved upon, but I believe I’ve been proven wrong. She looks - breathtaking.”

Marlene smiled. “She certainly does. And the two of you make quite an attractive pair if I may say so. You’ll certainly have every eye in the place on you, wherever you might be headed this evening.”

Ian shook her hand. “My thanks again, Mrs. Brennan. You’ve outdone yourself. I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of Tessa before too long.”

“It would be my pleasure, Mr. Gregson,” replied Marlene smoothly. “She’s been a joy to work with, and I would adore the opportunity to help her in the future.”

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