Crave Page 127

Ian arched a brow. “A little rowdy? Darling, a rugby match is a little rowdy. Nathan’s chums over there take rowdy to whole new levels. Think Animal House on steroids.”

Tessa suppressed a giggle, especially when the string quartet started to play a rousing version of the Beatles’ All You Need is Love as the recessional. She’d heard all about the drunken bachelor party, where Ian had drolly told her he’d been not only the oldest but the most sober of the attendees. It had taken place the same night as Julia’s only slightly less wild bachelorette party, to which Tessa had been invited.

Fortunately, Nathan’s friends quieted down long enough for him to walk down the aisle with his beaming bride on his arm, the two of them waving and smiling to as many guests as they could. When Julia saw Tessa and Ian she blew them a kiss before continuing down the white carpet to the back of the outdoor chapel.

“She looks so beautiful,” sighed Tessa. “And so happy.”

Ian slid his arm around her waist, guiding her out of their row of chairs as other guests began to leave the chapel. “They deserve it, darling. Like with us, it took a little time for the stars to align properly so they could be together. Now, come, the festivities are beginning.”

He steered her over to the expansive patio area where champagne and hors d’oeuvres were being passed around. All of the wait staff seemed to know exactly who Ian was, treating him with extreme deference and care. At various times during the cocktail reception, the hotel manager, catering manager, and head bartender all came over to shake his hand and inquire if all was well, as though he were the groom or the father of the bride instead of merely a guest. As always, Ian was graciousness personified, greeting them by name and asking about their families. It never ceased to amaze Tessa at how much respect he commanded, and how eagerly all his employees rushed to please him. He was, she though fondly, like a well-loved king among his subjects.

And the two of them seemed to be drawing almost as much attention as the bride and groom. Tessa thought with a little smile that they did make rather a striking couple, both tall and impeccably dressed. With Joanna’s help, she’d chosen a gorgeous pink silk pleated dress with an off-the-shoulder neckline. With it she wore killer pale pink satin Jimmy Choo sandals that had a satin bow attached to the ankle strap, plus the triple strand pearl necklace and dainty pearl stud earrings that Ian had given her months ago. He had chosen a complementing Armani suit in a pale silver gray, paired with a pearl gray shirt and a silk tie patterned in varying shades of gray and mauve. Tessa hadn’t missed all the admiring female glances directed his way, and she made sure she stuck to his side like glue.

Julia and Nathan were doing their best to circulate among all their guests, stopping to greet as many people as possible. When they eventually reached Tessa and Ian, Julia pulled her down into a fierce little hug.

“Oh, you look so pretty, Tessa! God, just look at the pair of you together. Like two movie stars or European royalty,” sighed Julia.

Ian grinned and bent to kiss her cheek. “Ah, but the bride is supposed to be the center of attention on her wedding day. And as lovely as my Tessa looks, I think she’d agree that you are the most beautiful woman here today. Congratulations, Mrs. Atwood.”

Nathan was beaming as he shook Ian’s hand and then kissed Tessa’s cheek. “I told you on your birthday, Ian. We’re the two luckiest bastards I know. And with the two most beautiful woman in the world by our sides.”

“Hey, I heard that, Nathan. And since Jules and I are identical twins, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Nathan rolled his eyes as his very outspoken sister-in-law Lauren sidled up alongside Julia, slipping an arm about her twin’s waist. Tessa had only met the very formidable Lauren McKinnon once - at the bachelorette party that Lauren herself had organized - and she confessed to being more than a little intimidated by her. Julia’s sister was utterly fearless, extremely outspoken, and could put away an astonishing number of tequila shots. She seemed sassier than ever today, though she looked far softer and more feminine in her mint green floral print bridesmaid dress than she had in the boots and jeans she’d been wearing the night of the bachelorette party.

Nathan gave his sister-in-law a good natured jab in the ribs. “Okay, the three most beautiful women in the world. You’ve met Tessa, haven’t you?”

“I have. Tried like hell to get her drunk at Jules’s party, but I think her man here gave her strict orders to behave. Good to see you again, sweetie.” Lauren then turned and winked at Ian. “Hey, handsome. I’d ask how you were doing but I can see that for myself. You two look like Ken and Barbie.”

Ian grinned and gave Lauren a peck on the cheek. “Lovely to see you as always, Lauren. Break any hearts lately? Or noses, for that matter?”

Lauren glared at him darkly. “I should have never told you that story. And I didn’t break the little crybaby’s nose, just made it bleed a little. On accident.” She gave Tessa a sheepish look. “Blind date gone bad. Really bad. Ask Ian to tell you the story sometime, he thought it was hilarious.”

As the call came to sit down for dinner, Tessa gave Ian an inquiring look. “I didn’t realize you’d met Lauren before.”

He nodded as he ushered her to their assigned table. “Once, last fall. It was at a dinner party Julia and Nathan were giving. I was lonely, and rather miserable since I was still pining away for a woman I couldn’t have - namely you. I thought meeting Julia’s sister might prove something of a distraction.” He shook his head. “I’m not certain there’s a man alive capable of taming that girl. She was definitely too much for me to even consider handling. And as beautiful as she is, she still wasn’t you.”

Tessa clutched his arm a little tighter. “Sometimes I wish I’d known sooner how you felt about me. I don’t know how that might have changed things but -”

He shook his head. “It wouldn’t have. I know you too well, Tessa, and the fact that I was attracted to you would not have compelled you to leave your husband. The way we finally got together - it had to happen that way, love. You had to end things with Peter first, and for the right reasons. As much as I wanted you, I would never have broken up your marriage.”

“I know. And you’re right, of course. Still…”

“Shh. We’re together now and that’s all that matters. Ah, here’s our table.”

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