Crave Page 125

Tessa gave a satisfied little groan as he continued to rub her foot, the sound she made more than enough to interest his already semi-hard cock. “Oh, and that feels so good. You’re way better than a professional masseuse, you know. Magic hands.”

He cocked his head at her. “Even better than Sasha?”

Tessa’s yoga teacher slash massage therapist had been to the house on several occasions by now, and had worked her magic on both of them. Ian had been a bit skeptical when Tessa had raved about how good she was. He’d mostly been used to receiving massages from men, largely because he didn’t consider a female quite strong enough to be able to dig deep into the thick layers of muscle that covered his body. His skepticism had only grown stronger when he’d met Sasha for the first time - a slender, graceful young woman of no more than medium height. But it had become apparent within five minutes that she was an exceptionally skilled masseuse, with the knack of finding spots he hadn’t even known were sore. She also had a calm, serene nature about her that soothed the mind and the spirit as well as the body.

Tessa gave him an impish grin. “Well, she might have more experience, but you’re way hotter. I’d much rather have your hands on my body than anyone else’s.”

He gave a low growl and tightened his hand around her ankle. “Well, I would most definitely second that opinion, darling. And no other man had better even think of putting his hands on this body of yours.”

She blew him a kiss. “Same here. Except for Sasha, of course. At least I know when she touches you, it’s to make you scream with pain and not pleasure.”

He laughed as he reached for the room service menu. “Feel like eating breakfast now?”

“In a minute.” She sat up straight, and he could tell by the way she was worrying her bottom lip that something was on her mind. “I, um, wanted to talk to you about something first.”

Ian lounged back against the sofa cushions, his arm draped along the back. “Go ahead, love. You know you can always talk to me about anything, don’t you?”

Tessa nodded. “I know. And, well, we’ve discussed this subject before, but I just thought of a different approach to it. It’s, well, about school.”

He frowned. “We have had this discussion, several times. And I already know what you’re going to say, Tessa. You don’t want to start college in the fall because it will keep us apart when I have to travel. Darling, nothing has changed since the last time we had this talk. As awful as it will be not to see each other as often, it’s also important for you to get your degree. We’ll work it out, don’t worry.”

She lifted her gaze to his, giving a slight shake of her head. “You don’t understand. Listen to me, Ian, please?” At his assent, she continued. “I was looking at the university’s website the other day, mostly doing some more research on courses, when I realized they have an entire online program. All of the classes I’d need to get my degree are offered via distance learning. I’d still have to go to the campus in person for mid-terms and finals and for a couple of meetings, but that’s it. So I could still travel with you while getting my degree. What - what do you think?”

A slow smile crossed his features. “I think you’re a very sweet and generous woman to be willing to do something like that for me - correction, for us. But, darling, part of the whole college experience involves being on campus, sitting in lecture halls, making friends. You’d miss out on all that if you chose this other option.”

“I don’t care about that stuff,” she declared firmly. “I mean, let’s face it. It’s not like I’m eighteen years old and fresh out of high school any longer. Most of the students will be anywhere from five to seven years younger than I am. Plus, it’s still hard for me to talk to people and make friends most of the time.”

Ian cupped her cheek in his palm. “I don’t want you choosing this other option because of me. I want what’s best for you, Tessa.”

She turned her face into his palm and pressed a kiss there. Her blue eyes were filled with tenderness. “This is best for me. For us. We can still be together this way, Ian, it’s the perfect solution.” She rose up on her knees, slipping her arms around his neck as she gazed down at him. “You told me on the night of our very first date that there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for me. Well, I’m telling you now it’s the same for me. There is nothing - absolutely nothing - I wouldn’t do for you. And if that means taking my classes online rather than in person so that we don’t have to be separated - my darling Ian, that’s the easiest decision I’ll ever have to make in my life.”

He was speechless at her impassioned words, and at the way she was looking at him. He stared at her for long seconds, scarcely daring to breathe because his heart was brimming over with so much love, so much desire, and so much need. He was powerfully, immensely aroused, to know that this gorgeous, giving, loving woman was his, and that she had just sworn steadfast devotion to him.

His hands were trembling as they moved to the sash of her cotton robe, the gaping neckline giving him a generous glimpse of her cleavage. He needed her naked right now, needed to bury himself inside of her as deeply as he could get, to mark her as his in the most primitive way possible.

“Take this off.”

At his hoarsely muttered words, her eyes grew big and round, her mouth parting in a lush “O”. But she was quick to do his bidding, untying the robe and pushing it off her shoulders to bare her ripe, glowing body to his devouring gaze.

His hands slid up her arms and into her hair, tilting her head back as his gaze bored into hers. “I need to take you, Tessa. Just - let me, all right? I won’t hurt you, but I can’t be gentle right now either.”

She gave a quick nod, and he groaned, even as he stripped off his T-shirt and pajama bottoms. She gasped at the sight of his immensely swollen erection and reached out to touch him, only to have his fingers clamp fiercely around her wrist.

“No. Like this. I need you like this.”

He flipped her onto her stomach, spreading her thighs apart. He stretched both of her arms above her head, placing her hands on the arm of the sofa.

“Hold on to that tight. Don’t let go,” he ordered.

“O-okay,” was all she seemed capable of saying in response.

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