Crave Page 119

Her head fell back against one of the walls as he deftly unhooked her bra, his hands cupping her bare breasts. “Ah, oh. What - what’s that?”

As Ian bent his head and began to lick her right nipple, he grabbed one of her silk scarves from the rack and dangled it in front of her. “I would be very happy to gag you.”

As he moved his attention to the other breast, she let out a long, low moan and panted, “Um, maybe that’s not such a bad idea.”


“You’re sure I look all right? I would be so upset if I embarrassed Ian tonight.”

Tessa looked at herself critically in the full length mirror for perhaps the fourth or fifth time, worrying that the gown was too over the top, or that her heels were too high, or her hair not quite right.

“You look absolutely perfect, dear. Stunning, in fact. You and Ian will definitely be the handsomest couple there tonight by far. Turn around once more.”

Tessa obeyed Joanna’s instructions, and made a slow, 3600 turn. The two women had commandeered the master bedroom and bath to get ready for the symphony ball, banishing Ian to use one of the spare bedroom suites. At Joanna’s prodding, they’d had lunch earlier today at Neiman Marcus, followed by a mani-pedi and a blowout at the in-store beauty salon. Tessa had initially resisted the idea, insisting she could easily do her own nails and hair for this evening.

Joanna had regarded her curiously. “Why on earth would you want to do that, dear? In case you weren’t already aware, my son can definitely afford to pay for a few spa services for you.”

Tessa had shrugged, always uncomfortable when the subject of Ian’s money came up. “I know he can. But I don’t like to take advantage, especially since I don’t have an official job, or bring in any income. And, well, you’ve seen how much he’s already done for me. I don’t like feeling like a useless, frivolous girlfriend.”

“Well, now you’re just being silly,” Joanna had declared. “Trust me, dear, Ian adores taking care of you. And after what you’ve told me about your childhood, all the sad things that happened to you, well, you can begin to understand why he’d want to spoil you so often.”

“I do, yes. But he doesn’t have to keep trying to make it up to me. Especially not with things. If I’m being truthful, I have to say there are times I wish he was, oh, I don’t know, let’s say a truck driver, and that we lived on a houseboat. That way he’d know for certain that it’s him I love and not these things.”

Joanna had given her a gentle hug and patted her on the shoulder. “My dear girl, don’t you think he already knows that? Besides, it would have to be an awfully big houseboat - he’s not a small man, is he?”

After they’d shared a little laugh, Joanna had told her earnestly, “Let the man indulge you, all right? It obviously makes him very, very happy to do so and I’ve never see my son like this before. And don’t forget, Tessa, that it goes both ways. I see all the little ways you take care of him, and it does my heart good to know how much you adore him. God bless you, dear, for loving my boy so well.”

Tessa had given in graciously after that, and allowed herself to enjoy the bit of pampering she so seldom indulged in. She knew it drove Ian a little crazy whenever he noticed her doing her own nails, or when she insisted she didn’t need another new dress for an event and could wear something already in her closet. Joanna had given her a bit of a lecture on that subject as well.

“Ian’s quite right,” she’d said bluntly. “He’s a very important man, Tessa, and like all of the family he gets a lot of coverage in the media. If you’re going to be seen out with him, you really must dress the part, top to bottom. You have some lovely pieces in your wardrobe, but that’s truly only about half the number of things you really need.”

With Ian’s fervent blessing, Joanna had done her damnedest over the past week to start filling in what she deemed the gaps in Tessa’s wardrobe. Tessa was worn out from so many days of shopping with her, but at the same time she’d been grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Ian’s mother and get to know her a little. She felt infinitely more comfortable around her now than she had at their first meeting.

Even though Marlene Brennan had selected an even dozen gowns for her to try on to wear to the ball, Tessa had known immediately which one she wanted. Another Marchesa - she admittedly loved the elegance of the designer’s brand - this one a sumptuous ball gown of sapphire blue tulle, the strapless bodice lavishly embroidered with gold beads, crystals, and sequins. It had fit like a glove, not requiring even the slightest alteration, and both Marlene and Joanna had oohed and ahhed when she had tried it on.

Metallic gold Jimmy Choo sandals, plus the sapphire pendant and earrings Ian had given her on their first date, completed the outfit. Her blonde hair had been swept into an elegant French twist, and she’d kept her makeup minimal, going for class rather than flash.

“You look like a young Grace Kelly,” Joanne told her with a satisfied smile. “Beautiful, elegant, and classy. Blue is definitely your color, my dear, and that dress is fabulous. I only wish I was thirty years younger and several inches taller so that I could borrow it sometime.”

Tessa smiled at the thought of trading clothes with Ian’s mother, admiring Joanna’s own gown of pale mocha silk, with its draped neckline and elbow length lace sleeves. “You always look lovely, and like it’s effortless to do so. Have you always liked beautiful clothes?”

Joanna made a rather undignified sound. “Good heavens, no. I grew up with three very rowdy brothers, my dear, and was determined to tag along everywhere with them. My poor mother would nearly tear her hair out when it came time for us to attend an event, for I would usually refuse to even consider wearing a dress. So, the answer is a most emphatic no - I was quite a tomboy until I went to university.”

Tess tried in vain to picture the elegant, refined woman standing in front of her looking anything but perfectly put together. “What changed?”

Joanna winked. “I met Edward and was instantly attracted. And I could tell right away he came from money, a great deal of it, so I knew I’d need to change my image very quickly if I wanted to keep his attention. My mother actually wept with joy when I begged her to take me shopping and have my hair done.”

Tessa was still laughing at the story when she and Joanna descended the staircase to the foyer, where Ian and Edward were waiting for them. Both men were wearing tuxedos - Ian in his custom made Brioni - and her pulse rate picked up considerably when she saw how magnificent he looked. And then she saw the way he was staring at her, his eyes raking over her body, not missing one single detail, and she felt a different sort of thrill.

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