Crave Page 116

Simon was as efficient and accommodating as he’d been during their previous visits, loading up their luggage and driving them smoothly out of the airport with a minimum of polite conversation. But Joanna was uncharacteristically chatty with Ian’s chauffeur, anxious to get his opinion on this Tessa, and to pry whatever information she could from the very proper Welshman.

“So, Simon. What can you tell us about Mr. Ian’s new, ah companion?”

Edward frowned at her. “Joanna, let’s not put Simon in an awkward spot. I’m sure he doesn’t indulge in idle gossip.”

“It’s not a problem, sir,” assured Simon from the front seat. “And to answer your question, madam, I can assure you that you’ll be quite taken with Miss Tessa. She’s a lovely girl, just lovely, and Mr. Ian is completely besotted with her. You’ll be rather, ah, amazed at the changes in him.”

Joanna was visibly taken aback at this news. “Mr. Gregson and I were worried that this girl might be taking advantage of our son. Given her youth, that is.”

Edward gave her a jab in the ribs. “Speak for yourself, my dear. I’m not worried in the least. Ian is far from a boy, after all, and not one to let his emotions take over his common sense.”

“You don’t have to worry about Miss Tessa,” declared Simon. “She’s a good girl, quiet, well-mannered, and she takes very good care of Mr. Ian. With all due respect, madam, she’s the furthest thing from a fortune hunter you can imagine. You’ll see for yourself very soon.”

Joanna was only mildly mollified by Simon’s assurances, but she did console herself with the fact that the very straight-laced chauffeur was not a man who suffered fools gladly. Of course, it was entirely possible that the little flirt had somehow wormed her way into Simon’s affections as well, twisting him around her finger the way she appeared to have done to Ian.

Joanna knew very few people who would readily admit to being wrong, and she didn’t count herself in that minority. But she was well bred and gracious enough to realize when she’d made a serious error in judgment, and she knew the minute she shook Tessa Lockwood’s hand that she’d been completely wrong about the girl.

Ian’s new companion was exquisite, and it was easy to see why he was so taken with her. Instead of the overblown sexpot that Joanna had been expecting to meet, the girl was almost painfully shy, very sweet, and clearly extremely intimidated to meet Ian’s parents. The hand she placed in Joanna’s was actually trembling, and her voice breathy and high-pitched as she greeted them.

Edward smiled broadly as he took Tessa’s hand in his and gave her a peck on the cheek. “It’s delightful to meet you, my dear. You’re practically all Ian talks about these days. And you are even more beautiful than he claimed.”

Joanna was astonished to see the girl blush, unable to remember the last time she’d seen a young woman react in such a way.

Ian chuckled, placing an arm around Tessa’s shoulders. “You’re embarrassing her, Father. And she’s already nervous about meeting the two of you.”

“Well, that’s ridiculous,” chided Edward. “You don’t need to be nervous around us, my girl. We trust Ian’s judgment implicitly, and since he’s admittedly head over heels in love with you - well, that’s good enough for us. Isn’t that right, Joanna?”

Joanna glanced at Tessa, and felt a little tug on her heart when she noticed how anxious the girl appeared. She smiled warmly, taking Tessa’s hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze. “Yes, it most certainly is. And my husband is right, dear. It’s a great pleasure to meet you.”

At that, Tessa smiled - really smiled - and suddenly whatever tension might have still existed seemed to evaporate into thin air.

Tessa served them a perfectly prepared and beautifully arranged full tea service, and Joanna was almost speechless with surprise when Ian told them proudly that Tessa had made everything herself.

“She’s been taking some cooking courses, and is becoming quite the accomplished chef,” bragged Ian. “In fact, we’re having dinner here at home tonight. Tessa insisted on cooking for you.”

Tessa offered up a shy smile. “I thought you’d be tired from such a long flight, and might not want to go out. I hope that’s all right.”

Joanna was astonished. Neither of her daughters-in-law actually cooked. With four young, energetic sons Victoria relied heavily on domestic help just to keep her sane. And Selina, who’d gone back to her job as a high-powered corporate attorney a few months after giving birth, freely admitted she could barely boil water.

Joanna herself seldom cooked, and very few of the women in their social circles, whether young or old, did either. So she was doubly surprised that Ian’s very young girlfriend was not only taking cooking lessons but actually putting them to some use.

As they enjoyed their tea, Joanna took the opportunity to more closely observe the girl, and more importantly, her interactions with Ian. Tessa was fresh-faced and glowing, her flawless skin practically makeup free. She was wearing a charming floral print dress - dainty pink flowers on a cream background - a pink cardigan sweater, and low-heeled, cream sling-back pumps. Her nails were kept on the short side and covered with a pale pink polish, and the only jewelry she wore was a pair of pearl stud earrings.

She looked classy and polished, someone that Ian would be bursting with pride to have on his arm. Joanna knew the pearls were real, recognized the shoes as Prada, and was fairly certain the dress was from Dolce & Gabbana’s spring collection. She wasn’t naïve enough not to realize that Ian had paid for the entire outfit, and most likely a great deal more. But none of that mattered to Joanna at this point, not when she saw how happy her son was, how often he smiled and laughed, how he looked younger, leaner, and very much in love.

And the girl clearly adored him. It was more than obvious with every look she gave him, every smile, the way she hung on his every word. And though they were both entirely discreet and restrained, they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other for very long. Even now, as they all sat in the living room finishing their tea, Ian was clasping Tessa’s hand lightly in his, and they sat close enough on the sofa for their shoulders to touch.

Joanna was almost spellbound to watch her normally austere, standoffish middle son acting like a young boy in love for the very first time in his life. And she very nearly choked on one of the admittedly delicious homemade scones Tessa had baked when Ian wrapped his arm around the girl’s shoulders and pressed a kiss to her rosy cheek. Tessa blushed an even deeper shade of pink, and looked down at her lap shyly while Ian merely chuckled in amusement.

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