Crave Page 105

“No. My way,” he rasped. “After all, I’m in charge tonight.”

She nodded. “Yes, your way. Whatever you like, Ian.’

He took her hand. “Then come with me, and I’ll show you exactly what I like.”

What he liked was to take her in the shower - her breasts crushed up against the smooth, gray granite wall, his chest pressed flush against her back as he fucked her with deep, rapid thrusts. She could feel the urgency of his possession, could tell by the harshness of his breath that this wouldn’t take very long, and she exalted in the knowledge that she could make him lose control this way. Still, he had just enough control left to make sure she found her pleasure again, his thumb rasping over her clit and catapulting her into another delicious climax. Ian braced his palms against the shower wall as he followed her moments later, his hips bucking frantically as he emitted a long, low bellow that she could still hear very clearly above the noise of the shower.

Afterwards, he turned playful, washing her body and even her hair in a teasingly seductive manner and urging her to return the favor. Not surprisingly, his cock was back at full attention by the time they were finished with their shower, but he gave a brief shake of his head as she started to reach for him.

“Regretfully, love, we don’t have time for another round right now,” he told her with a soft kiss. “I’d love nothing better than to cancel this damned dinner with Vincent and his wife, but it’s likely too late for that now. Besides,” he added in a low, purring voice, “you know how much better it is when you have to wait for it a bit, how excited you get. Just think of how good it will be after a few hours of denial.”

Tessa had to stifle a groan, knowing he was right, but at the same time longing to spend the rest of this night in his arms rather than have to make polite dinner conversation with the hotel manager and his wife. But she also knew how firmly Ian could stick to his guns at times, even if it meant denying himself that which he craved beyond anything else.

She emitted a little huff as she began to towel off. “Fine. But when you see what I’ve picked out to wear tonight - especially my lacy bits as you love to call them - I think you’re going to be the one squirming in his seat.”

He laughed heartily, hugging her back against him as he placed a loud, smacking kiss on her cheek. “Darling, I’m always in some state of anticipation when you’re nearby. Or even when I’m just thinking of you. So this evening will be business as usual as far as I’m concerned.”

But she couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction she felt when he saw her clothed - just barely - in the nearly nonexistent scraps of lingerie. The thong of hot pink lace was about as substantial as a square of tissue, while the specially designed halter bra bared more than it concealed.

Ian cleared his throat but his voice was still hoarse. “Ah, what exactly is that?”

Tessa blew him a saucy, flirty kiss. “Everything will make sense when you see the dress. I bought it last week when Julia and I went shopping.”

Julia had insisted the dress could have been made for her, and that there was no way she was letting Tessa walk out the door of Barney’s without it in her clutches. Tessa had somewhat reluctantly brought it along on this trip, not sure she’d actually have the nerve to wear it, especially given Ian’s preference that she dress rather modestly when they were at one of his hotels on business. But then Mrs. C. had surprised her this afternoon by suggesting that she wear something with a bit of “oomph” to dinner.

Tessa had stared at her old boss. “I’m not sure I heard you correctly. Are you really suggesting I wear something a little more, ah, revealing?”

Mrs. C. had given her a rare smile. “Yes, I realize it might be difficult for you to believe, but that is exactly what I’m suggesting, young miss.”

Tessa had worried her bottom lip uncertainly. “Um, well, Ian usually doesn’t like me to wear anything too flashy. Or tight. Or low cut.”

“Pah.” Mrs. C. had waved a hand in dismissal. “I told you not to let him control you, Tessa, and I meant it. I can see how bedazzled you are by him, and how you’d happily do anything he told you. Fortunately, Ian is the most decent man I’ve ever known and he would never take advantage of your fascination with him. But you need to be more independent at times, young lady, and not allow him to dictate to you round the clock. No matter how good his intentions might be.”

“But there’s an image to uphold. I wouldn’t dream of embarrassing Ian.”

Mrs. C. had given her a scathing look. “As if that could ever be possible. And believe me, under normal circumstances, I certainly wouldn’t condone you showing off too much, ah, décolletage, either. But your dining companion this evening - Vincent’s wife Dinora - well, let’s just say she’ll be showing as much bare skin as she can get away with in public. Oh, and flirting madly with every attractive man in the vicinity. And since your Ian is definitely the best looking man around these parts, you can bet your life the little hussy is going to be batting her false eyelashes at him all night long. Therefore, my dear, it’s your mission to make sure she doesn’t have the nerve to try.”

Mrs. C., whose dislike of this Dinora was very obvious, had gone on to tell Tessa how Vincent chose to turn a blind eye to his admittedly beautiful, sexy wife’s persistent flirting. Dinora Saldivar was a TV talk show host on one of the local Spanish language stations, and something of a minor celebrity around town. And, according to Mrs. C., Vincent was a complete and utter ass for being so besotted by his sultry wife that he put up with her behavior for fear of losing her otherwise.

Tessa had shaken her head. “That’s sad. And, well, rather pathetic, too. I couldn’t ever imagine flirting with another man, and especially if Ian was standing right there.”

Mrs. C. had smirked. “Young Ian wouldn’t stand for such a thing, my girl, and you know it. And you wouldn’t dare try. Not that you’d want to, of course, as crazy as you are about him. But trust me - that little hoyden Dinora will be salivating when she sees your Ian for the first time. So pull out all the stops, young lady, and keep that she-cat away from your man.”

Tessa hadn’t shared that conversation with Ian just yet, feeling a little shy about admitting how jealous she was at the very thought of another woman trying to flirt with him. She’d already had to do her damnedest to dissuade those woman out by the pool this afternoon, the ones who’d been eyeing her man up and down as though they wanted to devour him.

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