Crave Page 102

Francine harrumphed. “Well, you deserve to be, my girl. You, too, young Ian. Don’t think I didn’t know exactly what I was doing when I sent Tessa your way.”

Tessa frowned. “How could you have known we’d end up together? I was married, after all.”

The older woman shot her a look of disbelief. “To a boy you treated like he was your brother, or your best friend. I saw the two of you together on enough occasions to realize there was nothing in the least romantic between you, not even a tiny spark. Nothing at all,” she added smugly, “like what you and young Ian here have.”

Ian smiled, sliding his hand to Tessa’s nape and pressing his chest against her back. “And what exactly might that be, Mrs. Eagle Eye?”

Francine’s mouth tightened in disapproval at Ian’s overt display of affection. “Obviously you’re madly in love with the girl. A half-blind simpleton could see that from a mile away. And I’ll remind you, Mr. Gregson, that I don’t condone any hanky-panky in my office. I don’t care if you’re the Regional Director or the King of England, there’ll be none of that funny business here.”

He laughed heartily, stepping a short distance away from Tessa. “I’m surprised you haven’t hired a chaperone for us. Though I hate to be the one to break the news - I’ve already taken advantage of her. Numerous times.”

“Well, of course you have. I’m quite certain that the moment you learned she was getting a divorce - which, by the way, ought to have happened long before it did, in my opinion - you were making plans to stake your claim. Am I right?”

Ian was astounded to feel his cheeks flush with embarrassment at the very forthright question posed by the petite woman who was even now staring him down. “Uh, well, perhaps just a bit.”

“Oh, bollocks.” Francine gave an irritated little huff. “Ian, my boy, you were always a handsome young man, much more so than either of your brothers, though young Colin always thought a bit too highly of himself. I watched many, many women over the years try to catch your eye - secretaries, executives, socialites. You never seemed to notice any of them, at least not for very long. But somehow I just knew that the moment you laid eyes on my Tessa here that you’d fall hard. And, as always, I was exactly right.”

Ian and Tessa exchanged one of those deep, searing looks that so frequently passed between them before he regarded Francine with a half-smile. “And just how did you know this? Is clairvoyance one of the few hidden talents you’ve never bothered to brag about?”

She frowned at him. “Sarcasm isn’t a trait that suits you, my boy. And I knew you’d be completely taken with young Tessa here because the two of you are kindred spirits. Both impossibly beautiful on the outside, of course, but in each of your cases your true beauty is deep inside. I just knew you would see that in each other, as clearly as the light of day.”

Ian took Francine’s small, wiry hand and brought it to his lips. “Then I owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude,” he told her in a reverent tone. “Tessa is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will cherish her for the rest of my days. Now, I’ll leave you two ladies alone for a bit while I meet with Vincent. I trust you’ve whipped him into shape by now?” he asked Francine teasingly of the newish hotel manager.

Francine waved a hand in the air. “The boy is afraid to take a piss without clearing it with me first, so I suppose he’ll do. Go, I’ll send Tessa to you in just a bit. If you can bear to be separated for that long.”

“Just barely.” Quite deliberately he gave Tessa a lingering kiss on the lips, knowing full well that Francine would be glaring at them in disapproval. “See you in a bit, darling,” he whispered to Tessa.

Tessa watched him walk the short distance down the hall until he entered the hotel manager’s office, already feeling bereft without him beside her.

“Good Lord, girl, he’s just down the hall, not halfway around the world. No need to get teary eyed about it,” scoffed Francine.

Tessa couldn’t help but smile as she turned to face her former mentor. But for all of Francine’s tough talk, there was no denying the softer, more indulgent expression on her face.

“I know. And I’ll be seeing him soon at the staff meeting. I just - well…” Tessa demurred.

“You’re just head over heels in love with the man,” finished Francine. “As he is with you, dear. So tell me - when is Ian going to make an honest woman out of you?”

Tessa was startled by the question, but in all honesty not the least surprised that Francine would come right out and ask something so personal. “I, um, well, we haven’t really discussed that yet. I mean, we haven’t really been together all that long, and I’m not sure -”

“Oh, rubbish.” Francine gave her a stern glare. “I’ll tell you now, young miss, that your man there isn’t going to stand for anything less than making you his wife one of these days. As controlling as that boy is, he won’t be satisfied you’re truly his until it’s all legal and binding. The real question is - what do you want?”

Tessa stared at the older woman in disbelief. “Well, obviously I’d love to marry him. If that’s what he wants, of course. I mean, living together is one thing, but marriage is something else entirely. He might decide I’m not suitable to be his wife. Ian might as well be royalty while I’m just so - well, ordinary.”

“Nothing ordinary about you, my girl,” declared Francine. “And your man knows that as well. That’s why he won’t let you go anytime soon - if ever. Trust me, before this year is out you’ll be calling me with news of your engagement. And it goes without saying I’ll expect an invitation to the wedding.”

Tessa was so flustered she didn’t even know how to respond. “Um, well, of course. I mean, assuming it actually happens, which I can’t say for certain -”

“I can. I’m never wrong,” stated Francine. “I was right about you and Ian falling for each other, wasn’t I? Too bad my mother instilled in me from such a young age about what a terrible vice gambling was. I could have made myself a tidy fortune by now.”

Tessa laughed. “Whether or not he marries me one day, it doesn’t matter. I’d follow him to the ends of the earth, Mrs. C.”

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