Count on Me Page 54

“Okay. Let me do the talking. My grandmother might get super shrill. Mindy might weep.”

They went back in, and Caroline looked them all over, smiling at Shep. Royal had her hand, holding tight and keeping her grounded.

“I’ve had enough for today so we’re going to go. Grandma, I’ll call you this week. Shep, I’ll see you Thursday. Mindy, call me when you’re free so we can hang out.”

Her grandmother shot to her feet. “This is silly. You’re throwing a fit.”

“I’m so sorry you see it that way.” They began to walk out. Shep joined them and they kept moving. Her grandfather called her name, and she paused, turning.

“May I speak with you? Alone?”

Royal looked at her, letting her make that choice. “Royal, can you get everything loaded into the car and wait for me? I’ll be out shortly.”

“No.” Royal shook his head. “It’s two light jackets and your purse. I’ll carry it all out to the car when you’re ready to go. I’m not leaving you alone here.”

The relief and gratitude on her face nearly felled him. Royal wanted to punch every person there but Caro and Shep.

She kissed him quickly. “Thank you.”

He took her face in his hands. Tipping her up to look him in the eyes. “Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for what you know. You hear me?”

She nodded. She did know it. But she needed to hear it again. And from him it mattered so much.

She met her grandfather, and he guided her to his office with a hand at her elbow.

“I apologize for how this has gotten out of hand,” he said once he sat next to her on the small couch in the room.

“I appreciate that. But this happens regularly. I feel ambushed and ganged up on. I just wanted to have lunch with my family and my boyfriend. Lunch is over but I’m not staying for a heaping helping of guilt with my pie.”

“Now, Caroline, there’s no call for rudeness.”

“Grandpa, there is. I didn’t bring this up. You all did. When she came to me angry about it the first time, I didn’t bring it up either. I answered truthfully. And it didn’t stop there. Unless I leave it’ll keep going and someone will say something they can’t take back. I’m trying hard not to be that person.”

“You’re a mix of your parents. On the outside I mean. Dark hair and eyes, like his. The shape of the eyes and mouth, well that’s my baby. Your personality? That’s all Bianca. Sometimes when I watch you, I know what you’re thinking and feeling because you even emote the same way. Funny how that works. She was headstrong too. Your mother and grandmother used to lock horns. It was impressive. Bianca is one of only a few people who ever took your grandmother on. You can’t know what it feels like to lose your child. And in such a way. It changes you. Your grandmother and I made choices. Some of them were mistakes. But we love you and we love your brother and sister.”

His hands shook for a moment, a man brought to his knees by this horrible tragedy that connected them all.

She wished it was her place to comfort him, but she’d been frozen out so long it wasn’t something she felt at ease doing. It felt unwelcome, so she kept it to herself.

“No. I don’t know what that pain is like. I imagine it’s terrible. Probably like losing your mom. I respect your grief. I share your grief, for goodness sake. But I’m not going to allow you to extort me with it. She didn’t raise me to give up.”

“He’s dead, Caroline. What good could it possibly do at this point to keep stirring this up? All you’re doing is upsetting people.”

“No. All I’m doing is the same thing I’d do for you, or Grandma, or Shep or Mindy. If I thought you were wronged, I’d work until I made it right or couldn’t fight anymore. And also? The real killer is out there. He could be here in Petal still. Someone you bump into all the time. That’s not safe. It’s unjust and it’s dangerous.”

“So you’d just continue this folly? Knowing your grandmother and sister were so upset they cry over it?”

“Well, at least they’re there for one another when they’re upset.” Caroline winced. “That wasn’t nice. I apologize. I’m sorry you think making sure the person who butchered my mother being caught and put on trial is folly. But yes, I will continue this. She was my mother. Do you understand that?”

“I’m afraid I think you’re the one who doesn’t understand that. You bulldoze through here and tear everything up for him. But you don’t do it for her.”

It hurt far more than she wished it did. But she would not give him anything else. She walled it out and managed to sound cold and calm. “You don’t know me well enough to say that with any measure of certainty.” She stood. “And this is why I’m leaving. I have nothing else to say.”

“I wish that was true.”

She let out a long sigh. “Bye, Grandpa.”

Caroline didn’t bother with an I love you before leaving.

Garrett, apparently not recognizing the danger in it, approached Royal. “You need to get your woman handled.”

“Get away from me, Moseby.” Royal kept his gaze on the door at the end of the hall where she’d disappeared with her grandfather.

Shep came over. “Leave him alone.”

“She’s only going to bring you trouble, Royal. Then again, considering who you’ve been with before, maybe you like your women with a helping of trouble.”

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