Count on Me Page 21

Things mellowed as Beth opened up with her, telling her about the salon she owned with her sisters—Anne included—and Joe’s mechanic shop. They all laughed at the stories Trey and Jacob told about Royal and the others, and by the time they headed out, Caroline realized she really liked Royal’s circle of friends.

On their way out though…

Royal had been walking out with Caroline and the rest of their friends when Benji Ahern stepped in front of her, bringing her up short enough that Royal stumbled, his arm circling her waist to keep her from falling.

He hadn’t had much interaction with the youngest Ahern boy. Enough to know he had a trouble keeping his act together when he drank, and from the looks of it, he’d been in the bottle for a while already.

Benji gave Caroline a look that brought Royal’s hackles up. He straightened and prepared for whatever was about to happen.

Benji wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and sneered at Caroline. “I heard you was back in town. I hoped like true trash, you’d float your ass away though.”

Caroline’s expression shuttered. “I’m sure you’re quite the expert on trash.”

Trey laughed and moved up to flank them. Royal appreciated the support. Royal attempted to get in front of Caroline but she pushed a little to hold in him place. As if he’d leave her standing between a drunk aiming to start a fight and Royal, instead of getting himself in a place to protect her better. In the end, he stepped firmly into Benji’s line of sight and Caroline.

With an annoyed snort, Caroline took Royal’s hand, craning her neck to see his face.

Her features were earnest and he saw the embarrassment in her gaze. “Don’t get into it. Not over this. He’s not worth it.” She kept her voice low and calm, but he still wanted to punch Benji.

“I think you’d best be moving along, Benji. You’re drunk as well as an ass**le. I’d say something like how I’d hate to have to punch you, but I’d really like that. I’m not twenty and I don’t want to brawl like an animal. Unless you push, then I’m happy to. It’s up to you.”

Shane rumbled behind Royal, enough to get Benji’s attention and give him the opportunity to back off and shut up before trouble got started.

“What are you doing, Royal? What could this…this—”

“Don’t. I’m not joking now. I’m not going to allow you to disrespect Caroline. You’ve said more than enough about something that is none of your damned business.”

“Course it’s my business. This is my town. We don’t need any more criminals in it.”

Caroline stepped from behind him, but Royal slipped an arm around her shoulders to keep her next to him and out of Benji’s reach.

Royal should have known she wasn’t going to let herself get pushed around though. “Criminals?” Caroline looked to either side of where she stood. “Who are you talking about? Last I checked, having an opinion didn’t make you a criminal. Though in your case it makes you stupid. Now run along. I’ll give your opinion the weight it deserves.” She turned her back to look up at Royal. He pulled her closer, splitting his attention between her and Benji. “You ready to go?”

“I can’t punch him even just a little?”

The real smile he got in response was his reward.

“Nah. He’s not worth it.”

“Petal PD agrees with that statement.” Shane stepped even with Royal, keeping Cassie behind him. “Get going, Benji. You’re embarrassing yourself by threatening a woman half your size.”

Benji sneered, but moved along with one backwards glance.

Caroline breathed a sigh of relief.

“Come on then.” Royal kept her close and dared anyone to step up to them at that point. No one else did. But when they finally got outside, she stopped as they got to the dirt parking lot.

“I’m really sorry to have ruined everyone’s night with that.”

It was Beth who replied to Caroline. “Fuck that guy. No, really. No one gets to judge you for what someone else did or didn’t do. Fuck him for using his size to try to embarrass you and to threaten you that way.”

Surprise flitted over Caroline’s features briefly, and Royal wanted to give Beth a kiss smack-dab on the lips.

“Thank you.”

“He’s a dung bag. Shane, you should have let Royal punch him.” Cassie grinned.

Caroline shook her head. “You get into a fight with a guy like that, and you’re giving him what he wants. He’s a little man who needs to use other people to be relevant. You’re better than he is, Royal.”

He didn’t want her to feel exposed and it was clear she was. She wore her confidence easily, but right then it was more like a shield. He clenched and unclenched his fists, still angry at Benji’s bullshit.

But he needed to focus for her sake. Because she was uncomfortable and upset, and if he couldn’t plant his fist in Benji’s face, he’d make her feel better another way.

He brushed a lock of her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

“See y’all later.” He nodded to his friends.

Cassie hugged Caroline and so did Beth. He gave Trey and Jacob the stink eye which automatically meant Trey kissed Caroline on the cheek and winked at Royal over her shoulder.

“Okay, you, let’s get out of here.”

Chapter Eight

She barely met his gaze once they were inside at her place. “I’m really sorry about tonight.”

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