Count on Me Page 17

And funny.

“I think I should tell you I have a big crush on you right now,” he said, leaning in and kissing her forehead.

Pleasure seemed to light her. She didn’t try to hide it or play some sort of game. She liked what she liked, and she didn’t apologize for it. There was such a ferocious verve in her.

She touched her forehead to his briefly. “That’s very nice to hear.”

“That so?” He shifted back to drink some of his soda and look all he wanted at her.

She nodded. “You made my stomach get a little fluttery.”

It was his turn to be pleased.

“Aside from the permit—it’s never fun to deal with that stuff—how’s your day been?”

He found himself telling her all about the hose breaking and nearly freezing to death—though he skipped the hangover part. He also told her about his night with his friends. He’d made a conscious decision not to make any big deal of seeing Anne. She was his friend, one of his closest, and she was part of his life. He came with his crazy aunt and uncle and his friends. He wanted Caroline to be one of his friends too.

She didn’t seem upset when he’d talked about an event that included Anne either, which he’d been relieved about.

After about an hour she began to pack her stuff up. “I’ve got a hearing. I need to head over there.”

“Can I walk you over? I have to get back home to finish all the stuff I had to put off earlier. Plus I need a good night’s sleep since I’m taking you out tomorrow.”

“I’ll be sure to eat a hearty breakfast. I have a new outfit.”

“Score. I can’t wait.” He took her trash and threw it out with his and opened the door. It was cold as they headed up the block to her office. The cold was a good excuse to put an arm around her shoulders and pull her closer. She moved into that spot against his side like she was meant to be there.

As they neared the corner where they’d veer left, he gave her a quick kiss. “I know you need to look badass and all businesslike when we turn this corner and you put your job back on. So I wanted to steal a kiss from you now.”

“Thanks for that.”

They turned the corner and while he kept an arm around her, he didn’t kiss her when they parted ways. He took her hands, squeezing them briefly. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

“Yeah. You will. Have a good rest of your day, Royal.”

“You’ve pretty much made that part happen already.” He waved as he stepped away, and she put a hand on the door to go inside.

“I’m in so much trouble with you, aren’t I?”

He laughed. “Oh, yes.”

Chapter Seven

Royal knocked on her door and whistled when she opened up. She wore a pale blue button-down shirt—with the right amount of buttons undone at the throat. Her belt was wide and it emphasized that va-va-va-voom shape of hers. Damn her curves made his mouth water, and suddenly he questioned his choice to take her out instead of keeping her all to himself.

He made a circling motion with his finger, and she rolled her eyes, spinning slowly so he could appreciate the way her jeans cupped that butt of hers just right.

He paused at the footwear. “Wow. Those are some boots.”

“I bought them last weekend. I have to admit I’ve been wearing them all the time except when I was at work.”

They had little skulls embroidered all over them, but the way they were constructed, at a distance, it looked like lace. “Darlin’, they say Caro. Like in big bold letters. I like ’em.”

“Yeah? They even look awesome when I’m in my pajamas.” She blushed a little and he got close enough to take a sniff. “I do like your perfume.” He kissed her throat, just below her ear.

She had him all revved up just from her smell.

“Now all I’m going to be able to think about is you in those little sleep shorts and a tank top with those boots. Don’t know if you sleep in those or not, it’s just what my fantasy brain cooked up.”

Surprised laughter bubbled from her. “Thank you.” She slid her arms around his waist, and he shifted closer, bending his knees to kiss that mouth.

She was delicious. Soft and sweet against him. She hummed, snuggling into him, and a deep sort of tenderness and protectiveness bloomed through his gut, so unexpected it made him pause a moment.

“Well come on then. I have a big dinner cooking right now, and then I plan to show you off on the dance floor.”

“I hope you’re not expecting me to know any fancy dances. I’m a fail in that department.”

“Sugar, you just follow my lead and everything will be just fine.”

She locked up and strolled with him down to the street where his truck was parked. He opened her door and helped her up.

“Maybe I need one of those extra steps that extends down from the running board.”

“Hush up.”

He kissed her again and jogged around to the driver’s side.

“How’d your day go with your friend? I forgot to ask you yesterday at lunch.”

“It was a really good day. Melissa Gallardo, you might remember her?”

“Ah, yes. She’s taking over for the Proffits right? She was younger, your age I’m guessing.”

“Yes. She and I went to school together but never really became friends until just a few years ago when we reconnected online. Anyway, I spent too much money on clothes, ate a lot of great food and caught an action flick.”

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