Chased Page 50

His mouth left hers and cruised down the column of her throat, across the sensitive skin of her collarbone and down to her ni**les. First one and then the other.

With a frustrated sound, one handed he pressed her br**sts together and bent to them, using mouth, teeth and tongue to pay them so much attention she felt orgasm began to build.

Reaching around his body, she grabbed his c**k in a sure grip and pumped a fist around him. He thrust hard and the wetness from his pre-come slicked her grip.

Impatient to feel him inside her, she angled him, hiking her thigh around his hip.

“Shit!” He looked into her eyes as he thrust into her waiting heat, naked. His chest heaved. “Oh, sugar, that’s so good. No. No don’t move. If you move I’m going to come and I’m not wearing a condom.”

Taking a deep breath and leaping into the void, hoping like hell he caught her, she writhed provocatively against him and watched as beads of sweat popped out on his forehead. “We’re tested, I’m on the pill. If this is forever, make it forever.”

“Are you sure?” She saw the toll of his self-control while he made sure she was really okay with it.

Nodding, she tightened her inner muscles around him.

“Damn! That felt good with a condom on, without it you’re going to make me come in three seconds. This is a gift, Liv. Thank you.” Drawing out of her body nearly completely, he slowly pushed back in, setting a slow, deep rhythm.

“Back, let’s get you against that wall behind you.”

He helped her hop backwards to the wall where she leaned back for purchase while he resumed his pace.

“Your pu**y feels so hot and tight. I’m going to have you so many times it’ll burn anyone else out of your brain out your body.”

One of his hands cradled her ass while the other did naughty things to her nipple.

“Marc,” she let a sob come, “there hasn’t been anyone else since you kissed me the first time.” Tears rolled down her face and he kissed them away.

“You wreck me. I adore you, everything about you, the good, the bad and the complicated. You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever clapped eyes on.”

This only made her cry harder as he continued to make love to her. It wasn’t gentle or soft, it was unrestrained need unleashed and she felt like a goddess for edging away his control.

One of his hands moved to cup her throat gently, his thumb tracing back and forth over the skin beneath her jaw.

The length of his c**k stroked over her clit each time he thrust into her pu**y, sending ribbons of hot sensation through her, drawing her closer and closer to orgasm.

“Open your eyes, Liv. I want to see that moment when they blur and I lose you just a bit when you come. You’re close, I can feel your pu**y flutter around me. It’s so good.”

She dragged her eyes open and met his gaze, snared, helpless to do anything but feel as he stroked her closer and closer, the pleasure growing sharper and sharper with each moment.

Her breath grew shallow and suddenly it swallowed her whole, the wave of climax that had been building. Mouth open on a hoarse gasp of his name, her gaze was still locked with his even as her vision blurred a bit and she fell away, letting the rush of endorphins sweep her up and ride her. Moments later, she blinked and found him smiling at her. “Beautiful. Now me.”

His fingers dug into the muscle and flesh of her ass as he pressed hard and deep and came, his gaze still with hers.

The depth of connection, of intimacy at staring into his eyes as he came clutched deep, pulled at her, tied her to him in ways she hadn’t imagined. Seeing him in a moment of emotional and physical vulnerability and having him give it to her freely, swelled her heart as she loved him more than she thought possible.

Breaking their gaze, he dropped his head to her shoulder as he caught his breath for a few moments.

“Right. This is pretty swanky hotel. Is the bathtub big enough for two?”

She laughed. “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it. Let’s go see.”

* * *

Marc went back out into the living room to grab the wine. He’d never experienced a sexual interlude so intimate before, not even with Liv. She gave him everything without holding back.

And being naked inside her had been earth-shattering. He’d never been inside a woman without a condom before and her trust in him, in giving him such a gift, was unsettling. But in a good way.

He realized she was serious about letting the walls down and he had to give it back to her in equal parts. He knew how to seduce her body but he had to remember part of this was in showing her he loved every part of her, not just the sex part.

Grinning, he picked up the phone and called the concierge desk. She looked up at him from her perch in the rather large tub, naked and glistening. He honestly thought his brother Matt was the biggest idiot ever breathing to let this woman go.

He handed her a glass of wine and put his next to the tub as he climbed in behind her and pulled her back to his chest. “How you could have not seen this bathtub as a sex spectacular is beyond me.”

“I wasn’t thinking of sex when I came here.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that my not telling you about the Nancy thing led to all this complication.”

“I’m sorry you felt like you had to walk on eggshells, Marc.”

“That wasn’t entirely fair of me to use that. Yes, I did feel hesitant about sharing it for the reasons I told you but I can’t argue that you didn’t have reasons not to be wary. I’d just worked so hard to prove I was genuinely in love with you, I didn’t want to give you any reason to doubt that.”

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