Chased Page 5

“I wouldn’t miss this announcement for the world. Should I act surprised when Maggie tells us all she’s knocked up?” Marc grinned.

“How’d you know?”

“Kyle.” Matt rolled his eyes. “What other sort of big announcement is there?

And she’s been pretty green on and off over the last two months. She hasn’t had a beer that I’ve seen since before Christmas and she’s got a tiny little bump in her belly.”

“And her boobs are bigger,” Marc added.

“Thank you for that, Marc. So much tact.” Shane chuckled. “Congratulations, Kyle. We figured you’d tell us when you were ready. After the miscarriage, we knew you’d want to wait to tell people this time. Although I’m absolutely sure Cassie knows but hasn’t said.”

Kyle laughed. “Count on it. I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone but I know darned well Maggie told Cassie and Liv. Those three are thick as thieves. I was sorry to see Dee and Arthur move to Atlanta, I know Maggie misses her sorely.”

“Yeah. Things are changing. You’re gonna be a daddy. Shane is married and not grumpy all the time. Matt, well Matt is still Matt but you know what I mean.”

“I know I saw you looking at Liv last night like she was a steak and you were a starving man,” Matt said to Marc, eyeing him closely.

“That so? And if I did?” Marc wasn’t sure if he felt defensive or not. He didn’t feel embarrassed though.

Matt sighed. “What’s your game? I may have messed things up with her, but she’s one of my best friends and I don’t want her hurt. After this mess with Brody, she doesn’t need some guy who only wants a one night stand.”

“Look, Matt, you’re my brother so I’m gonna let that insult slide. I like Olivia. She’s gorgeous on the outside but I like her insides too. I want to be her friend. I am her friend. I’m not an ass**le.”

“I’m not insulting you. But she’s not a notch on your bedpost.”

“And that’s not an insult?” Marc’s voice rose and Kyle stepped in between them both.

“Whoa. That’s enough. Matt, you’re being insulting. Marc isn’t some slutty user. Have you ever seen one single woman in this town hate him? I’ve never seen him less than respectful to a woman. And Marc, Matt is just trying to say that if you’re not looking for something long term to not start anything with Liv.” Kyle put a hand on each of their shoulders. “You two are brothers. Stop it now.”

Shane grinned. “You’re good at that, Kyle. If you ever get tired of landscaping, you should be a counselor. And, Marc, for the record, I think a woman like Liv is exactly what you need. I’m not trying to convert you to the ways of a married man but I do think it’s time you started thinking about being with a woman for longer than a few weeks at a time.”

“I’m sorry if I offended you, Marc.” Matt patted Marc’s shoulder.

“Me too. Let’s go to Momma and Daddy’s and listen to the squeals of delight before we go play some pool.”

* * *

Marc played pool and thought about the whole night. From the elation of finally carving out something for himself to the joy of Kyle and Maggie’s announcement.

He’d been the baby of the family, living in the shadow of the other men in his life. His father, an upstanding pillar of the community. His oldest brother who’d always been the kind of guy you could trust to get your back. Upstanding, intense, loyal to his family. Kyle, good hearted, hard working small business owner, a wonder with the ladies until Maggie came along and now a devoted husband and soon-to-be parent. Matt, who liked to pretend he was just an affable, lazy guy but who excelled at everything he’d ever done. Perfect grades in school, highest scores when he went to the academy and well liked and respected at the firehouse.

It was hard to find your identity when your brothers were all such fine men. And he’d been content enough working at Murphy’s, but over the last two years, he’d realized just how much he liked being a personal trainer. He wanted something of his own and closer to home. He wanted to help people live healthier lives in his community.

Maybe it was time for some more changes in his life.

He watched Liv and thought some more. Wondered if the longevity of her appeal to him was a matter of her unavailability or whether she was someone he could actually have a relationship with.

There was really only one way to find out.

* * *

“So uh, when did you and Marc start looking at each other like you were imagining each other naked?” Cassie asked as she drank her beer. Liv started. “What?”

Maggie just raised an eyebrow and Liv sighed. “Okay. Okay. I don’t know. I’ve always thought he was handsome. It’s just flirting. Don’t go picking out china patterns for me. He’s way too young and as I said before, he’s not looking for anything serious or long term and I’m done with men who aren’t. I may look and he may look but that’s all it is. Looking.”

“And I said he’s not too young. He’s what? Six years younger? That’s not a thing. Men go out with women ten, fifteen years younger all the time. And I share a bedroom with the former wiliest bachelor in all the county. Apparently when these Chase boys decide to settle down, they do it for real.” Cassie shrugged.

“You’ve seen Marc right? He’s really hot. He works in a gym, his body is off the chain. He’s got the most beautiful green eyes and I love that his hair is the darkest of all the boys. Nice, sort of just rolled out of bed features too. Of course I’m gonna look. Sheesh. A woman would have to be dead not to look. But that’s all there is to it. Now, moving along to another topic. How did the announcement go?”

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