Chased Page 33

“I hope so. Maggie is special to me. She’s been my best friend since kindergarten. Not many people have relationships that last that long. She’s always been there when I needed her.”

He reached out and ran his fingertips through her hair. “From what I’ve seen, you’ve done the same for her. And Cassie too.”

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t bake for the elderly and teach kids to love history. I’m an administrative assistant.”

Marc’s chest tightened for a moment. He knew what it was like to love people who were all overachievers. His father the town lawyer, his brother the sheriff, the other brothers men the community looked to and admired. He was the baby. The always smiling man about town with an eye for the ladies.

“You’re so much more than your job. And from what I see, you’re the mayor’s right hand. You seem to be better briefed than he is on things at town hall and city council meetings. And don’t think I haven’t seen you volunteering at the soup kitchen and food pantry. You’re a good person and a wonderful friend and I’m more fascinated by you every day.”

Leaning in, he brushed his lips over hers.

She blushed and he grinned. “Thank you. Is this a new client? You’re doing really well these days. Can I make you breakfast? I’ll even scramble egg whites for you.”

Why that made him want to propose to her he wasn’t sure.

“I am doing well. I’m at the point where I have to stop taking one on one clients just now. I’m working six days a week and the studio is full all day and into the evenings. And sure, I’d love some eggs.”

She turned and began to assemble the eggs. He watched as she moved efficiently through the kitchen. He liked her house a lot. It was comfortable and lived in. He didn’t feel wary about sitting down or using a plate or cup. Her kitchen was bright and sunny from a large garden window over the sink. The scent of fresh herbs laced the air and he realized that it was a cook’s kitchen. He’d cooked very simple fare for her a few times and she’d done sandwiches and salads but neither of them had made a dinner for the other yet.

“Will you make me dinner tonight?”

She tipped the eggs into the skillet and turned to him, smiling. “Sure. I’d love that. I can’t believe we haven’t yet. But it can’t be tonight. Kyle and Maggie are having a barbecue at their place, remember?”

“Oh yeah. Okay. Well can’t be tomorrow or my mother would hunt us down.”

They agreed on Wednesday of the following week and he left after eating the eggs and some fresh fruit she’d sliced up for the both of them. Her kiss tasted like peaches and sunshine and he hated to have to go.

On the other hand, he was even more sure he loved her and that they belonged to each other. It strengthened his resolve to keep on with his plan.

* * *

Liv showed up at Cassie and Shane’s a few hours early to decorate for the shower. Smiling. Man oh man did waking up to Marc make her happy.

“Wow. That must have been some night last night.” Cassie came back into the living room after she’d shooed Shane out of the house. “Spill. Polly will be here in a few minutes.”

Liv laughed as she reached up and pinned the end of the twisted streamer.

“You think they’ll all figure out it’s a boy when they see all the blue?”

Cassie took up her end and pulled it taut before pinning it across the room.

“Maggie said that’s what she wanted and I have no problem throwing her ass in front of me if Polly flips out.”

“Man, you two have one of the best mothers-in-law ever. But you wouldn’t want to cross her.”

“She’s wonderful and we are lucky. She’s a good woman and she cracks me up. Nosy as hell and protective of her family. Can’t complain about that one though.”

They moved furniture and put out the cute little decorations they’d picked up the week before.

“Let’s put the food over here and hello, you did not tell me about why you’re smiling. You’re sneaky all the sudden. With Brody you would not shut up about the details but with Marc it’s like pulling teeth. I figure that means he’s the real deal.”

“Boy you’re on that tune again. Okay here’s the deal, Marc is special. I feel way out of my element and in over my head. I think…”

“Hey there girls! I’ve got the cake.”

Cassie threw her hands up in the air. “Hold that thought. Don’t think I won’t be back to it,” she called back over her shoulder as she moved to the front of the house where Polly had just entered.

The cake was gorgeous and the day was hot. They’d set up inside but had chairs and umbrellas on the deck as well if people felt up to it. Polly helped them put the finishing touches around the place just before the guests began to arrive. Many faces, friends and family, filled the room, laughing and preparing to share the day with Maggie, who was set to arrive at any moment.

Liv directed people to the present table and to the food while Polly took in the blue decorations with a serene smile.

Kyle yelled from the front door when he dropped Maggie off. He’d been told to go away by Polly, who escorted Maggie into the room.

Dee had arrived earlier and was firmly in charge of the shower games. Liv just did what she was told and handed out clothes pins and carried the baby food jars on a tray for the smelling game. She sucked at both but it was fun anyway.

“Hey, Maggie, you want to go outside?” Liv asked a few hours in. “We’ve set up some shady seating areas.”

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