Broken Open Page 13

“Now that the edge has been taken off, I have a few more things to show you.”

Her smile was lazy and pleased. “Can’t wait.”

He bent, licking across a nipple when a ruckus loud enough to hear easily from Tuesday’s room sounded downstairs.

Alarmed, Ezra moved to stand quickly and quietly. “You stay here. Call 911 if necessary.”

“No!” Before he’d even realized it, she was next to him in a robe.

Downstairs someone yelled Tuesday’s name. At least he could thank his lucky stars he didn’t have to argue with Tuesday about staying out of the way of a freaking prowler.

“Shit, that’s Nat.”

Before he could tell her to hold up, Tuesday rushed out. With a curse, he found his pants and got them on. He snatched up a shirt on his way out and got it on right as he entered the kitchen.

Natalie looked to Tuesday with a smirk but it was a fast thing, soon replaced by worry. Tuesday had ignored it, so Ezra would let her deal with Natalie on this topic. It wasn’t that he expected it not to get out if he and Tuesday finally hooked up. His family was nosy and interfering. But he didn’t even know what it was between him and Tuesday yet, so it wasn’t something he could explain.

Natalie’s expression made his gut tighten and luckily before he could demand to know what was wrong she started to fill him in. “I tried calling your phone and Paddy tried Ezra. I’m sorry to bug you.”

Paddy came in from the living room. “Is he here?” He stopped short when he saw Ezra. “Thank God.”

Seeing his brother so worried beat at him. Ezra stepped in and took control. He touched Paddy’s shoulder. “Patrick, you’re freaking me out. Tell me what’s going on.”

“It’s Maddie.”

Maddie was Vaughan’s oldest daughter, one of their two nieces.

Ezra’s heart pounded. “What about her?”

“Appendix. Vaughan stopped by Kelly’s place on his way home from the arena, but they had just decided to take her to the emergency room because of her fever. He called Mom from there. Apparently if they’d waited even half an hour more it would have been really bad and burst. They’re operating on her right now.”

“Jesus.” Ezra simply went into protective big brother mode as he took over from Paddy. “Let me get with Mom to see what the status is.”

Ezra got on the phone with his parents and within minutes he’d managed to settle everyone down. His parents had recently arrived at the hospital where they met Vaughan and Kelly, Vaughan’s ex-wife and the mother of his children.

Ezra explained everything to Paddy, Natalie and Tuesday once he’d hung up. “Dad says the hospital won’t let anyone else in where they’re waiting along with Vaughan and Kelly. Kensey is sleeping over at a friend’s house already so at least that one thing is taken care of, by the way.” Kensey was Maddie’s little sister. “Someone will call when Maddie’s out of surgery and they hear from the doctor. He said not to come down there right now.”

“I feel helpless.” Paddy paced as Natalie put the kettle on for some tea.

Tuesday spoke quietly from where she’d been pulling mugs down from a cabinet. “One thing you might do is make your parents and Vaughan a reservation at a hotel near the hospital. After you’ve been at the hospital all day you need a place to retreat. To shower and nap and just let go when no one else is watching.”

Ezra wasn’t sure how to feel about the raw pain in her tone. She clearly didn’t want to go into it, and at the same time, she didn’t hide it.

“That’s a great idea.” And it was. His parents would rest if it was convenient to the hospital and the room was paid for and would go to waste otherwise. And if they did, they’d spot Vaughan back and forth.

“Let me do it. Give me something to do before I go crazy.” Paddy headed into the living room as he scrolled through his phone.

“I’ll be right back,” Ezra told Tuesday.

She nodded, reaching out to squeeze his hand as he passed by.

He needed to check in with Damien, too. It was past three at that point so he and Mary would be sleeping. But Ezra knew they’d be upset if he didn’t tell them. And it would be easier to get Damien to stay with his wife until morning if Ezra handled him just right.

Then everyone would be dealt with for at least the next twelve hours or so.


TUESDAY WATCHED EZRA follow his brother and turned away with a sigh. Natalie was right there and she would be insufferable until Tuesday shared. Which was a best friend’s right after all and she’d do the same in Nat’s place.

“Not yet. You came in right as condoms were procured.” Tuesday leaned in close to Natalie. “He could be a gold medalist, world champion in oral sex, however.”

Natalie groaned. “I’m so sorry. We tried to call you and then him and we just didn’t want to let it wait.”

“Of course you came over and that’s what you were supposed to do. If you hadn’t, he’d never have forgiven himself.”

Tuesday got the feeling no one was harder on Ezra than Ezra himself.

Tuesday had noted the way Ezra had eased into control and Paddy calmed down. The Hurleys were very close-knit and those girls were adored by one and all. They’d needed him, he’d responded and had helped and everyone felt better.

It made her happy to see Ezra step in to protect his family the way he did.

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